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After playing and loving Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, I had to check out the game that gave Ustwo Games their flowers, both critically and commercially: Monument Valley.

Originally released on mobile platforms before later being ported over to PC, Monument Valley is a point & click puzzle game directly inspired by the works of MC Escher and minimalist sculptures where you navigate geometrically impossible structures while dodging loud irritating anthropomorphic crows along the way. It uses vantage points and perspective to play tricks with the player's perception of the gamespace, gradually getting you used to the rules of its world, especially with how gravity behaves and where you can and cannot go accordingly.

It's all so incredibly intuitive with countless eureka moments across all of its roughly 22 levels. The minimalism on display in its art style and level design also helps to greatly sell its accessibility and there's scarcely a moment where you feel overwhelmed by what the game is asking you to do - something I truly appreciated.

I mean there's really nothing else to say other than I completely see why many regard Monument Valley among the all-time great puzzle games, as I certainly now do as well. I wouldn't even be opposed if it was ten times its ~2-and-a-half-hour length, though thankfully there's the sequel for that.


A very beautiful game that tells a cute story but that’s about it. The overall game looks amazing, the art style feels very surreal with the minimalist textures which blend well with the reality-bending puzzles that are present throughout the game. The real disappointment with the game is just how easy the puzzles are. I rarely had to think while playing this game and it felt like most of the puzzles could be solved in a single glance. This makes the overall game feel boring, but it did allow me to focus on the art more. Make sure to buy the game on sale if you decide to play it.

C'était sympathique à jouer mais ça m'a pas transcendée, j'avoue que je pense pas faire le 2e bien que je l'aie

mobile games are cinema 😍😍😍 was debating whether to give this a 3.5 or 4 but i will be nice today. fully satisfying as a puzzle game with a nice audiovisual aesthetic but the most vague plot possible but hey at least where it counts this has a lot of p creative levels and i should give a special mention to the forgotten shores levels which are as good as the main game stuff 👍👍👍

Definitely made for a touch screen but this still is a super inventive and unique puzzle game that does the whole optical illusion gimmick I love so much. I wish there was a little more story to it but I don't have much else negative to say about it. It's a nice quick puzzle game that doesn't overstay it's welcome.

So chilling beautiful pazzle game with amazing sound and pleasant story. Not too hard, just for chill out.

Gorgeous puzzle game exploring perspective and optical illusions.
Fairly short, but I enjoyed it a lot!

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- Fun puzzle game
- Nice little twist killing / bringing back the cuboid guy, but all in all I was speed running the levels by the end

Relaxing and Satisfying!
I used to complete only one level a day as the starter of my gaming time

Monument Valley is an extremely short geometry-based puzzle game originally released for mobile devices before eventually being ported to PC. After playing it it’s easy to see its humble roots. You can finish this game in around the time it takes to watch a movie. Luckily for us it goes above and beyond the expectation of a typical mobile port. Sure some levels are a little too brief even for a mobile game. The first two levels take a combined two minutes to complete, but the rest of the levels make up for that, steadily increasing in complexity by adding a central mechanic that’s the focus of that level. The beloved totem being my favorite of the bunch.

The fixed camera points and vibrant colors make for a painting-like beauty in almost every shot. It reminds me a lot of Gris, with monochrome being the focal point instead of color bleed. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that each frame is fit for wallpaper status. Monument Valley’s style is a prime example of less can be more, both in visual style and challenge design. With a focus on moving walls, bridges, structures to take advantage of impossible angles and make it to the end, it helps that they simplified the process at key points. Some structures will move at a single pivot point fully whereas others will lock in place, limiting the amount of movement and thus possible combinations.

Not to say the game doesn’t challenge you to think outside the box, the designs themself distinctly ask you to throw away everything you learned from high school geometry class. You’re just never gonna throw your head back in frustration and look up a guide after getting stuck for 10 minutes. If anything the game left me wanting more. With so few levels I’m at least glad they expanded with the Forgotten Shores and Ida’s Red Dream DLCs, which comes along with the Panoramic edition of the game. And with a second game already existing and a third one apparently on the way I have few worries for the future of the franchise. Monument Valley is a short, soothing title that’s more a small, serene burst than a long marathon. It knows what it wants to be and doesn’t try to be anything else. For such a straightforward game it does exceedingly well in giving some hearty competition to its indie peers.

was one of my favorite games when i finished it on mobile. the visuals hold up years later, but the puzzles are pretty simple upon revisiting. still a very fun game :)

Preciosura geométrica y arquitectónica ahora en PC. Jugadlo.

This game is pretty short. I finished it roughly two hours, without needing to pause in-between, except for two times.

Yet I wouldn't have it any other way. It's the perfect amount of time for a game like Monument Valley.

Despite its simple graphics, it's such a beautiful game to look at. The puzzles are intuitive yet elaborate, and quite creative; I love impossible geometry, and this is something that highly tickles my fancy.

I've played this before on mobile, and buying it again for PC was worth it. I highly recommend this if you like puzzles

hear and see and feel and love this game.

Cute and relaxing M.C. Escher based puzzle game. A couple of head scratchers here and there but overall a pretty chill experience.

amazing game! just try not to play level v of the forgotten shores dlc!

super relaxante para jogar quando quiser descansar a mente!

This review contains spoilers

[SEM SPOILER] Se o cineasta e animador japonês Hayao Miyazaki fizesse uma parceria com o artista gráfico holandês M. C. Escher, com certeza o resultado seria bem parecido com esse jogo. As ilusões de ótica nos labirintos, atreladas às cores e à trilha sonora, entregam uma experiência agradável e bem aconchegante. Os puzzles não são difíceis; no design, há sempre indicações bem claras para o caminho que você deve seguir. No entanto, se você esquecer de uma unidade de mecânica, pode ficar preso facilmente e demorar mais do que o necessário para resolver (hehe). Dá para relaxar e ainda manter um fluxo de pensamentos, impedindo que a mente fique vazia. Inclusive, o tempo de jogo é minha única crítica. É muito curto para uma experiência tão bonita e envolvente, e me trouxe a sensação de que não foi bem aproveitado.

[SPOILER] Pode ser exagero da minha parte, mas vejo nos labirintos os difíceis caminhos para se conseguir o perdão, o objetivo da princesa Ida. Se alguma situação exige que exista o ato do perdão, os caminhos se tornam traiçoeiros. Tortuosas passagens e locomoções duvidosas ilustram a dificuldade para se alcançar o perdão, pois uma vez que algo é destruído ao tentar ser consertado, pode facilmente piorar ou simplesmente não ser consertado, devido aos inúmeros bloqueios no caminho. Acredito que os labirintos demonstram bem como o perdão é difícil de ser alcançado.
[NO SPOILERS] If filmmaker and animator Hayao Miyazaki made a collab with the Dutch graphic artist M. C. Escher, surely the result would be something quite like this game. The maze's optical illusions, joined by colourful visuals and the soundtrack, deliver a enjoyable and cozy experience. The puzzles aren't that difficult to tackle; by design, there are always clear indications of what you're supposed to do next. However, if halfway through the level you forget its gimmick, you might get take longer than necessary to solve it (hehe).
You can still relax while keeping your thoughts flowing, as your mind is still engaged. By the way, the game's short runtime is my only complaint. It's too short for such a beautiful and captivating experience, and it left me wondering if that could've been better used with a longer playtime.

[SPOILERS] I may be reading too much into it, but I see represented in these mazes the tortuous path one must take to be forgiven, Princess Ida's one goal throughout the game. If something requires the act of forgiving, the mazes become perilous. Twisting paths illustrate the hardships of attaining forgiveness, since when attempting to fix things, it's easy to make it worse. I believe the game, through its mazes and puzzles, as well as through Princess Ida's journey, represents quite well how hard being forgiven really is.

Sights & Sounds
- If you like the visual aesthetic you see in the trailers and promo art, rest assured that the game looks that way throughout its length
- The music is similarly sparse and repetitive, which makes sense for a puzzle game that'll take different players different amounts of time to complete
- The minimalism and general lack of details meshes nicely with the game's overall mysterious tone

Story & Vibes
- I won't spoil any plot points (even though there's not much to spoil), but you're a princess who's trying to restore different structures by completing collections of puzzles
- As mentioned above, the game is mysterious and brooding, but it winds up being bright and hopeful by the end

Playability & Replayability
- Gameplay mostly consists of perspective-based logic puzzles with occasional block-pushing elements, so spatial thinkers will find that the solutions come naturally
- Some of these are pretty creative and require careful planning
- Although the game introduces new mechanics and tools from time-to-time, the core puzzle format stays fairly consistent throughout. A little more variety would have been interesting
- You'll get all the achievements naturally by completing all the levels, so there's not a ton of motivation for a replay

Overall Impressions & Performance
- I know that it's just a widescreen version of a popular mobile game, but it's still a solid puzzle game you can beat in a few hours using nothing but your brain and mouse
- This game would run well on basically anything that can run Steam
- It comes with all the DLC, which adds some padding to the back end of the playtime. Is a game that ultimately amounts to a pretty enjoyable 2-4 hours worth $8? Ultimately, that's up to you

Final Verdict
- 7/10. A great game to look at with some interesting puzzle design sprinkled throughout. Could have used a little more challenge or variety to take it to another level, though

Great PC port of an amazing mobile game, very nostalgic

"Those who stole our sacred geometry, have forgotten their true selves.
Cursed to walk those monuments are they. Foolish princess, have you forgotten too?"

Monument Valley is a meditative and calming perspective-based puzzle game where you manipulate the monument levels to create different paths to explore with each angle. The levels are optical illusions at their core, being tricky, but immensely satisfying puzzles to solve.

You play as Ida, the "forgetful princess", as she explores the Monument Valley's geometry, progressing through the levels and solving the puzzles, with her path sometimes being blocked by the weird crow people, who basically don't do anything other than caw at you when you get too close and block your path with their daily stroll.

The game was originally a mobile game, that was brought to PC with the panoramic editions for both the first and the second game. Even though it's origin is on mobile, the controls for the game are not bad on PC. The import was done well and this game is definitely one of those puzzle games that are a must have.

The game is absolutely worth it to get and the panoramic collection for both the first and second game is a really good deal. Fun and relaxing to solve with beautiful graphics. Fully recommended!

Beautiful. eye-catching, and clever. It has short and sweet levels. I enjoyed my time playing with the simple puzzle-solving mechanics.

A beautiful little puzzler that fascinatingly bends itself more than it bends your brain.

Monument Valley isn't particularly difficult. Especially the main ten chapters. I'd call them flat out easy. But in the extra content they started to really make use of their universe and puzzle rules and things got a lot more satisfying. You still won't be getting stumped often, if at all. When you do there's only two or three options at any given step in a puzzle, so you're on your way again quickly. Despite this low difficulty, the level design is absolutely top notch. Combined with the art direction this makes for a very pleasant experience. And I very much look forward to seeing what they did in their second outing with the sequel.

I'm a huge fan of these short little minimalist puzzlers you can tackle in an afternoon. One of the biggest things that elevates one from another is a complete, coherent, and unique art direction. Take me away to your little land where your puzzles make sense in and I'm sold. Monument Valley achieves this part of the puzzle in spectacular fashion. The design is about as good as it gets in the category. While I wasn't pushed or challenged by the actual puzzling, I still think the puzzles are satisfying enough to make everything else very worthwhile.

Super approachable puzzles with top notch art and design. Easy recommendation to anybody looking to stretch the noodle for a few hours.

[copied from my Steam review]

Beautiful game with really interesting level design. The puzzles are intuitive and easy to solve but what makes it special for me is how smoothly sound design and use of perspective are blended to create such a magical atmosphere and narrative.

The game is pretty short, can be finished in a couple of hours, but I'm completely fine with that.

This is a gorgeous little puzzle game. It's extremely short, and very easy to beat in one sitting, but the level design is definitely worth experiencing nonetheless.

Monument Valley is a beautiful creation that shows atmosphere and mystique are capable of winning over hearts. Set in a world of broken geometry, the player is tasked with returning sacred relics to the ruined kingdom whilst traversing the various monuments throughout the world.

The puzzles in the game never require too much thought, for the most part, you'll mainly just be appreciating the wonderful sound design alongside the amazing atmosphere. There are quite a few moments that have powerful impacts to them, showing a clear level of success given the rather simplistic visual style. The 3d abstractions found throughout the game are also pretty stellar to look at, even replaying the game I still find myself wooed by their mystifying style.

At its time of original release, I found Monument Valley to be perhaps the best mobile game. Now that it has come to Steam with a Panoramic Mode, I think it still lives up to its reputation. I would recommend it to all who are comfortable with a simple relaxing experience that takes less than 3 hours to complete.

Not too much to break down in Monument Valley, it's just a really relaxing and hypnotic perspective shifting puzzle game with whispers of a long forgotten kingdom built upon elegant geometry; a bit short and not very difficult, but I'm more than fine with quick biters that I can finish in a day. This expanded edition comes packaged with all the DLC too, so you'll more than get your money's worth in this remastered for PC definitive edition of a tried and true classic. I'll admit that Moncage appeals to me more, but I won't deny the influence that Monument Valley has had upon indie game design and art style, as the brightly colored non-Euclidean buildings and contraptions mesh with ambient, dulcet tones; just walk through the desolate yet peaceful landscapes from point A to B upon linear but seemingly non-linear paths as you ponder of all that's come and all that is yet to come.