Reviews from

in the past

Monument Valley is a fun little indie puzzle game with great music and excellent visual design. If that interests you then definitely check it out.

o jogo é mto bom p um jogo mobile

Monument Valley's puzzles are built around manipulating impossible geometry, leading to inventive ways of exploring beautifully animated worlds. The difficulty of visualizing solutions to each puzzle ends up requiring more experimentation and brute force than actual problem-solving.

I played monument valley for the first back when it released. I was completely blown away by the entire aesthetic of the game. A chill, fun and relaxing puzzle game in isometric 3D environments straight out of an M.C. Escher painting. Some stages had a decent level of difficulty and quite a head scratcher, although, shouldn't take too long to solve. Each and every frame is wallpaper worthy, which is nice since the game comes with a screenshot tool.

Cried a little when the totem followed Ida into the water.

incredibly creative and aesthetic, I've never seen another game like it. however each chapter/the game in general is very short though and not puzzling. highly recommend playing while listening to the cocteau twins. also I love the tower dude he's so cool

You can’t just show me this and expect me to not come out having Changed

gorgeous dreamy experience, looks especially stunning on a pc monitor (not sure why steam isn't available in the platforms list but that's what i played it on)

The truth is that it surprised me, it is a very good puzzle game that plays with perspective and impossible figures

Quite simple and to spend the afternoon.
It does not require you to know much about puzzles since it is very visual and with a couple of movements you can see the solution

When mobile games proved they could be art.

Beautiful aesthetics and scenery / color scheme, like a summer night in Morocco.

Interesting and inventive puzzles with a relaxing sound /soundtrack.

Good for playing a few stages at night and continue another day with another short session.

Even though it's more than 10 years old now, Monument Valley is still very enjoyable to play, and which global tone, artistic direction and music hasn't aged a bit. The game is quite short, but each level stands on its own and they're all very well crafted. That being said, if you quickly accept those forced perspective mechanics, the puzzles will go by pretty fast and the cerebral challenge stays light. It's without saying that the authors took inspiration from FEZ when making this title, but it's way easier and less deep than the game from Polytron.

In any case, Monument Valley stays and excellent puzzle game and it will poke at your cortex just the right amount, while still being pleasing to your eyes and ears.


Um dos primeiros jogos que eu paguei no mobile, nunca imaginei que fosse gostar tanto de puzzle, é uma história emocionante mesmo não tendo diálogos

Well, this is it - this might be the peak of smartphone gaming. Monument Valley is an absolutely beautiful mobile game that focuses on challenging the player through mazes and optical illusions to learn more of their own story and purpose. The use of storytelling as well as the phone’s touch screen and general formatting results in Monument Valley being one of the best in the smartphone gaming library. The player works with the puzzles they’re given through taps and contorting the map to their advantage, all to get from point A to point B. The story is simple but still emotional enough to create a reaction.

It’s hard to critique the game, as the flaws it has don’t really rely on the game itself, rather the limitations that being on mobile hinders a game, even though this is the format they chose when designing it. The issues Monument Valley runs into are its short playtime and lack of replayability, with me finishing the game in about 1-2 hours. Since it is a phone game, I imagine you’re supposed to only play it in short bursts, but in my case, I played it in its entirety while on a long plane ride - so that’s more on me than the game itself, honestly.

Monument Valley is an absolute must-play for those looking for the “best of the best” in phone games, and is a gorgeous trip from start to finish. It feels a little odd rating it so high for being so short and putting it at the same score as some pretty large epics in gaming, but when rating I like to compare games to their peers which in this case falls into mobile gaming. The real question now is will I find a phone game worthy of being 5/5… or more so am I ready to admit that the original Plants vs Zombies might be exactly that lol. Well, we’ll see - in the mean time, why not entertain yourself with one of the prettiest games to ever grace the App Store.


o jogo é muito bonitinho e tem uma história bem tocante, altamente recomendável por sua simplicidade de gameplay que não fica enjoativa passadas algumas fases, os últimos niveis podem ficar um tanto desafiadores mas não é nada q leve dias pra se resolver (e no mais, se não conseguir passar, vê no youtube a resolução do puzzle porque no fim esse jogo não é totalmente focado em ser desafiador).

Beautifully designed graphics and sound design, with easy controls mechanics and levels that are never too difficult to beat. I'm still a bit confused about the story, but regardless it was a very enjoyable game. Each new level's new mechanics was a pleasant surprise.

Solid puzzle game for sitting on the toilet

Visually beautiful, very fond memories of this game simplicity perfected.

Oh totem my boy what have we done to you

Really easy puzzles but fantastic presentation, it's additional content, however, is a brilliant brain tease. Some genuinely master class puzzles when the game decides to flex it's muscles.

Shout out a cuando vomite en el coche por estar jugando esto

Nice puzzles with creative mechanics.

a classic of the phone but there wasnt really any There there

Simple and clean puzzle game. Big fan of the Journey-esque vibes and music. Still gotta play through the sequel though.

one of the most beautiful games i've ever played

the biggest puzzle is how it took me 10 years to finally play and only couple of hours to master. top tier mobile gaming

Especially for its time, it was one of the most essential mobile games to play. Beautiful aesthetic, satisfying controls, and a fairly wistful story that's digestible and simple enough for a mobile title, but also pretty impactful. Its beauty and just a minor thing to interact with on workbreaks or waiting in line, it is an amazing mobile game.

Lembro de ter jogado quando era criança :0... fez uma pequena participação na minha infância, mas foi bem marcante 0: e finalmente pude rejogar e finalizar c: quando finalizava uma fase :0... nossa :0... +1 de QI kgkfkdks (o: brincadeira 0: mas as fases são bem divertidas, mesmo algumas sendo um tanto desafiadoras :0... não sei se foi por eu ter jogado com o meu cérebro um pouco desligado já que era madrugada kfkdk (o:

very good. lives up to everything ive been hearing about it for 10 years. got extremely nauseous during a bonus chapter <3

Acredito que até hoje foi o melhor joguinho no mobile em questão de história e arcade que mais me prendeu

one of the best mobile games out there. The music, the puzzle, the story, the graphics, everything