Reviews from

in the past

Honestly the most fun part was loading up custom cars and sending cop cars flying while going down the track at like 300 mph on the Hometown track

Hombre volcar auto. Hombre feliz.
Eso si cómo chucha se desbloquea el modo policía.

Hot Pursuit is a very welcome entry in the series. It is still a little barebones and there are a lot of annoyances, but there is plenty to like about it. Much like the previous entry the tracks are stellar, but the big improvement comes in the driving - cars actually behave in a predictable manner making the core experience of driving fun which makes all the difference. I am less keen on the AI, but let's say they are passable.

There is still very little progression and I feel like the game only hits it's full potential with a really fast car which eliminates a lot of the variety vehicle wise, but once you do pick a good one going around the tracks feels great.

The tracks feel incredibly fast, and yet retain a very dynamic feel of twists and turns. The themes are visually fun and even though the tracklist isn't huge they are suprisingly customizable. Changing the time of day, adding rain and mirroring / reversing the track can create a large amount of combinations that manage to feel rather distinct. This pairs nicely with the new Expert Knockout mode which is basically just a better version of my favourite gamemode from the last game. The key difference here is that the tracks and conditions are randomized so you have a lot of different scenarios thrown at you.

A key addition is also the Hot Pursuit mode which was the first time the series truly focused on police chases. Dodging the police was quite fun on the racer side, although the big tradeoff is that the game wasn't likely able to render a lot of cars at once so police chases are only possible in a 1v1 race making the race part of it a little redundant. The police side is...considerably less fun because I don't really think the engine is suited well for ramming cars off road and you don't have that many gadgets.

Overall I would say I still had an enjoyable time though and I would even say that this is the first good Need for Speed game because as much as there is to complain about I can't deny that I had fun driving.

Where the series finally starts to hit it's stride. Only took 3 games to get here.

I didn't play this when it was new, but if I did, I feel like I would've absolutely hated this. Because I kinda hate it now. It feels like complete shit, the bots rubberband so much, and even at its fastest, everything feels slow and sluggish. It's wild to me that this is early grounds for Need For Speed, considering its output after this game.

Even my kid self would be falling asleep to this nonsense after coming off an F-Zero X trip back then.

highly underrated as both a need for speed game and a ps1 racer generally, nfs3: hot pursuit is one of my favourite games on the whole system. theres nothing more exhilarating than finally mastering a corner and drifting through it at high speed, or driving down a long stretch of track whilst subtly darting left and right to avoid hazards. i love this game. it looks great for the time, and the tracks can get plenty challenging if that's what you're looking for.

the music kinda sucks though, but it's a little bit cool because i think it's, like, dynamic? like if you're going really fast or through a specific part of a track the music will increase in intensity, its cool, but the songs can get grating after a while. other than that, this game rulez

What a SIMPLE racing game. That's not to say I didn't have my fun with it, because I did. It may be dated now, but I cherish the memories I had with playing it with my cousins.

A minha infância mora nesse jogo e às vezes, no silêncio da noite, a música de Menu toca na minha cabeça.

It's alr, overrated as fuck tho. Maybe I'm just too used to more structured racing games idk. The Hot Pursuit stuff is p sick but I cannot take going through another boring ass tournament like the first game.

It is undoubtedly the best of the trilogy. This racing game introduced many new features that made it an outstanding title. One of the most exciting features is the new cars available. There are a wide range of vehicles here, each with their own unique characteristics, allowing players to choose the car that best suits their driving style.
In addition, the new race tracks offer a varied and engaging gaming experience. The tracks are carefully designed, with breathtaking curves, long straights and scenic vistas that capture players' attention.
The soundtrack deserves special praise. The tracks selected are energetic and well suited to the atmosphere of the game, pushing players to fully immerse themselves in the action of high-speed racing.
The Hot Pursuit mode is one of the highlights of this title and stands out from other racing games of the era. By allowing players to be fugitives, this mode offers a unique perspective on car racing. Players can enjoy the challenge of escaping or trying to avoid capture by the police. This innovation adds an element of tactics and strategy to racing, making the gameplay even more compelling.
It is a game I highly recommend to all car racing lovers and action game enthusiasts.

Probably the first NFS game I would actually consider playable.

They've finally fixed the handling. Handbrake won't send your car spinning anymore, but the collision model is still horrendous, so hitting your opponent will. There is this weird auto-correction thing going on, where every time you turn a little, your car returns to the forward direction, but that doesn't affect the gameplay much.

Visually I found the game kinda boring, there's only a couple of pretty-looking tracks. And the PC version strangely looks like an emulated PS1 version. Even on the max settings there is pop-in and that weird deformation of textures and models that you usually see in PS1 games. The music was pretty decent, but kinda forgettable.

I like how much customization you have in almost every aspect of the game. You can tweak your car's stats and handling, radically change the HUD, select the class of the cars in the race and even alter some of the track's settings. There is now an option for precipitation, and the night mode actually feels like night now, although there are still little to no streetlights, making the more urban areas look like ghost-towns. In fact I kinda hated the night-mode, it's like driving in near-complete darkness.

The one thing that prevented me from enjoying this game the most was the absolutely insane difficulty. I could not beat the first track in the tournament even on the beginner setting. The only way I was able to start winning was by playing the Single Race mode and selecting a Class A car for myself and Class C cars for opponents. But even then you gotta make little to no mistakes, as the game is unforgiving.

I would say its sequel, Hot Pursuit 2, is an improvement in pretty much every way, rendering the original obsolete. There is literally nothing here that HP2 doesn't do better.

This was my first NFS game and it remains one of the better entries 20+ years later.

Talvez o Need For Speed que eu mais joguei na minha vida

Simples e direto ao ponto ao melhor estilo corrida arcade de "apenas selecione o seu carro e vá correr". Quem sabe não seja o melhor jogo de corrida desse estilo... Você definitivamente não precisa se preocupar com nada além de correr, mas isso não quer dizer que o jogo seja raso ou sem conteúdo, muito pelo contrário.

Com 5 modos de jogo: Knockout (a cada volta um é eliminado), Practice (contra o relógio), Single Race (corrida normal), Hot Pursuit (o clássico contra a polícia) e Tournament (torneio de 8 corridas). Todos os modos são extremamente divertidos de jogar, inclusive por conta da ÓTIMA seleção de carros ( 8 no total) e da PERFEITA quantidade e qualidade de pistas, que na minha opinião, são as melhores dos NFS de PS1.

Existem dois modos de jogabilidade, a arcade e a simulation, mas sei lá, não senti taaanta diferença entre elas, sendo a simulation, deixando a dirigibilidade um pouco mais dura apenas. No geral, é bem fácil e gostoso de jogar, embora em algumas curvas o carro deslize de uma forma um pouco estranha e, para mim, esse é o único ponto negativo que eu teria a ressaltar.

A trilha sonora é uma marca registrada dos NFS de PS1, sem muito o que dizer aqui, pois TODAS combinam com as pistas e momentos do jogo e do torneio.

Esse game era um dos que eu mais repetia no meu PS1 e vai continuar sendo um dos que eu mais vou repetir no emulador. Foi muito legal relembrar essa experiência.

this diablo and dodge viper haunted me in my ps1 era

idk anything about cars but i picked the police car and my friend picked some f1 race car in the online mode and he just obliterated me ):

Fun if you have someone to race next to you on PlayStation.

Most Wanted for people with taste

Baita upgrade. Holy hell QUE jogo. Vale começar por aqui definitivamente.

Ah yes, when Need for Speed started turning from a racing game into a crime promoter.

This is a massive improvement over the previous title. Almost everything has been refined and reworked. In short, this and Need For Speed: High Stakes are the only worthwhile entries in the PS1 era of NFS games.

It is basically High Stakes, but without the good progression. The tracks here are in the next game too. But the driving physics in this one is better.

Need for Speed Retrospective #3

Despite police chases already being present in the very first NfS game, Hot Pursuit is the first in the series to really lean into the 'illegal' part of the racing fantasy. The police having new moves and proper AI makes the mode into a fun little distraction.

You could say that NfS III feels more like an addon to its predecessor than a standalone game, but with more cars, improved handling and a number of interesting tracks, there's still loads of fun to be had here.

Loved everything about this at the time, even though our video card had issues rendering the light effects. Great soundtrack, too, and I even liked looking at actual car interiors in the info areas.

edit: I have since played it again and it has not held up like I remember in the slightest. But that soundtrack still boppin'

I wish Aquatica was real. Rainbow Road could never.

Playable NFS game, this one has some inventive tracks.

Hell of an improvement over NFS2, I'll tell you that much. Game felt better, had better physics, had more modes to do, shorter races, its all here. Outrunning the cops is also fun to do and provides extra thrill to the races. Definitely the best NFS game I've played so far, and I'm curious to see how the sequels improve upon it, if they do at all.

The first racing game I ever played, and the only NFS game I’ve played if I remember correctly. I was like 3 or 4 at the time when I first played it on PS1, won’t ever forget this game because it’s what got me to love Midnight Club. This rating may be a but high for a game I barely remember, but fuck it.