Reviews from

in the past

Маст-хэв для компании!
Отличный кооперативный (поддержка от 2 до 4 игроков) битэмап на один-два вечера с потрясающей рисовкой и отличными анимациями. Прошли за 2,5 часа, учитывая два перезапуска уровня с начала.

Игра сочетает в себе классические элементы своих предков из 90-ых с системой уровней и прокачки, которые, на мой взгляд, можно было и не добавлять. Но об этом потом.

Рекомендую Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds любителям коопа и битэмапов в частности. Выглядит шикарно, а играть — одно удовольствие. Теперь полезная информация и советы для тех, кто начнёт играть.

Итак, в игре изначально 4 играбельных персонажа, а после прохождения дадут ещё двух. Каждая героиня уникальна не только скином, но и озвучкой с приёмами, как и положено. Лучше собирать все выпадающие монетки и рубины, поскольку они дают баллы, которые качают ваш уровень, за который даются очки навыков (об этом тоже расскажу). Ручных сохранений нет, поэтому чтобы дождаться автосохранения, нужно просто пройти уровень (stage), которых в игре всего 8 (с 0 по 7).

После прохождения каждого уровня советую дождаться загрузки следующего, а затем сразу выйти в главное меню и выбрать раздел skill set, в котором можно прокачать ваших персонажей (сохраняется прогресс не только первого игрока. но и других, если вы играли в компании): просто выберите нужного персонажа и прокачайте интересующий вас параметр. Я качал урон (attack) и защиту (defense). Как итог, это очень помогло.

Разработчикам было бы логичнее давать геймеру возможность прокачать персонажа по итогам каждого уровня. Я вообще только после прочтения отзывов и обсуждений узнал, что в игре есть автосохранения и можно прокачаться спокойно. До этого 3 уровня прошли вообще без прокачки, из-за чего на 4-ом враги были нам не по силам.

В общем и целом, игра более чем достойна вашего внимания. Однозначно рекомендую!

Really fun beat 'em up that was fun to go through with all the characters. Plus you can play as Kurisu from Steins;Gate, what's not to like?

Chibi beat-em-up with a variety of characters designed around replayability and coop in mind. Phanton Breaker Battlegrounds avoids it's predecesor by only maintaining the name and focuses on the endless hordes of enemies to your mercy. The combat is very enjoyable and fluid (except on nightmare) and allows you to become a machine as you level up and evolve your character throughout the one hour campaign. This game is a treat to play on occasions due to it's engaging combat that encourages chaining combos from enemy to enemy and building your meter to focus on tougher enemies.

My main griped with this game are the PVP and Nightmare difficulty entirely. PVP is lame and unintuitive due to the poor balancing in neutral. It becomes a spam fest of ranged moves, prioritizing meter over neutral, and camping on other lanes. However, it such a small part of the game that it can mostly be ignored. Nightmare mode cannot; the hardest difficulty varies wildly from pissingly easy to unnecessarily hard due to super armor and the player's block being completely ignored. Nightmare mode can be enjoyed through enough effort of understanding the mechanics, but Hard is a much better balanced mode over all especially against the bosses whose meter charges significantly faster than the player's and they will not hesistate to use it at any opportunity.

The music and visuals are swell and varied. All the characters are animated very well with many expressions and details in their moves making it very sastifying to fight the enemies. Besides Demonsphere, every stage is distinct and enjoyable. As a single player experience I can reccomend this game up to Nightmare and that's ignoring the Co-op capabilities. Phantom Breaker: Battle Ground is good.

Actually a very decent beat 'em up game with nice graphics, 4 different base characters and many to unlock, and each of them can be upgraded to get new abilities.

Worth playing.

Solid little side scroller. Lots of little systems which could have been explained a little better but once you have them down you have plenty of options. I liked the facsimiles of real locations too.

My laptop keyboard got broken by playing this, since then I play any games that is not mainly shooter with controller

Maybe this is just brain poison or me not thoroughly exploring the genre yet but this probably is my favourite beat em up game despite the boss fights being janky.

For as much waxing I've seen about Scott Pilgrim the game, this one beats the pants off it. Gorgeous sprite animations and fun, weighty beat-em up combat. good replay value too

Better than the fighting games.
Still not good, tho.

só sei que tem a kurisu from steins;gate

Solid beat em-up that scratches the itch.

scott pilgrim vs the world for even bigger nerds

If you play with someone the story will make absolutely no sense since this dialogue is gone in multiplayer

Beatemup with stolen mechanics from anime fighters. Prolly gonna wanna find someone to play it with.

A damn good beat em up. Amuses me because it's a spin off to a fighting game not a single person gives a fuck about, yet this game had a decent enough following somehow.

Full review on my website:

''Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds had the great idea to combine Fighting game mechanics with the Beat ’em up genre and it worked very well. Combos feel satisfying to execute, and it looks flashy all around with a good amount of different characters to play as. However, it does suck that half of the in-depth combat is something you most likely won’t experience during a single playthrough due to two separate skill trees that desire a long investment (and also having levels above 50 locked behind DLC which is stupid). This would have been fine, but the game doesn’t have much content to offer beyond the campaign and harder difficulties. I definitely enjoyed going through these colourful stages with a wide variety of different enemies the first time, but I could not be bothered to do it more than once simply because nothing changes… ever. And since this is a review specifically of the Steam version, I’m also very disappointed that the developers have not bothered to update the game with features from the new releases.''