Reviews from

in the past

just remembered this existed omg i need to replay it…

only pokemon game i ever played as a kid, could’ve been worse lmao

not much going on in this game but it feels nostalgic

a classic but i would never play this at an age older than 8

Cheap cashgrab.
As a kid I enjoyed it to some degree tho.

messed up my ds screen 15 years ago smh

Regardless of the fact that this was the first DS game for the most popular IP on the planet, the fact that this game is bland and ENTIRELY controlled by frantic stylus swiping is an absolute tragedy.

I love Pokemon.

I never hate anything that has the Pokemon name on it.

Yes, I'm a fanboy.

Now, let's be honest, why do Pokemon Dash exist?

Why did you do THIS, The Pokemon Company!?

Ce jeu est vraiment pas bien, mais j'y ai tellement jouer petit.

Boring i played it once and i'll never play it again

Juego random de la nintendo pero que me trae muy buenos recuerdos

esse pikachu após comer uma buchada de boi do caralho CORRE MAIS RÁPIDO PRAGAAA

This game sucked but I loved it a lot. And given the reviews, I think I might have been the only one? The entire time I played though, I couldn't help but feel that they really needed to make it so you could play as Pokemon who weren't Pikachu.

I definitely poured a ridiculous amount of time into this and spent a lot of time optimizing my strategies. But once again. Know this, kind reader. This game was not good.

i think they just wanted to punish early ds adopters because this game was ass and everyone knew it was ass. i genuinely don't think people would've hated this one as much if it hadn't been the first pokemon game released for the ds but yikes

the first game i had on my first console, I don't know how I kept playing games

Enjoyed this game a lot back when I got it, but it killed my poor DS screen

Finished the regular grand prix and even that was hard to commit to because of how boring and long each of the cups are. Somehow tedious and also slow while being fast at the same time...I feel like this games works more as a minigame in other pokemon games than being a full fledged independent title.

There's a hard mode, time attack, special mode, and another mode you unlock after beating the regular grand prix but it's not worth checking out after just the regular prix

This was a pretty unique and fun experience in the early DS days. Not something I'd play endlessly, but enjoyable once in a while.

It was pretty cool that you could race around on giant versions of RSE sprites.

Tech demo with Pikachu on it. Fun fact - this is the first-ever appearance of Munchlax in a Pokemon game

I haven't actually played this recently at all. I was going through my R4 card to see if there was anything I wanted to add, and I saw this sitting there with my original games, and as I recalled the memory of this game I started tearing my hair out and writhing on the floor in agony as the voices of a thousand damned souls echoed the Pokemon theme in my head.
All in all, not a good way to get into the series imo.

El primer juego que tuve en la Nintendo DS, un juego de carreras que te pide desgastar a saco la pantalla táctil porque tienes que frotar para moverte y los controles no responden muy bien así que tienes que corregir la dirección continuamente.
Es soso y algo injusto.

Entras y de repente ves a un Pikachu en la NUEVÍSIMA consola que te permite TOCAR COSAS y dices "Quiero tocar al Pikachu" y lo intentas tocar Y LO TOCAS, TE DEJA COGERLE DE LOS MOFLETES. 10/10

Excessively frustrating in the controls, the difficulty, and even just the concept, this game completely falls flat on its face. This was marketed as a Pokemon racing game, which sounds like an incredibly fun idea, take venues from other Pokemon games, be able to select some of the fastest Pokemon available at the time, and you now have a Pokemon version of Mario Kart.

Instead, you have a game where you can only play as Pikachu, on levels that look the same as one another, except for the different coloured rings you need to travel through to win the race, with faulty and borderline destructive controls on the DS. Get this, to move around the field you are required to continually swipe on the DS touchscreen. Looking back now I am shocked that I didn't ruin the bottom screen at the time while playing it, but it is scratched up thanks in no small part to this game.

Not only should you skip this, you should forget it ever existed. It is a stain on the franchise and doesn't deserve recognition.

The only time I've every cried at a game was with how frustrated I was at this game

relação de amor e ódio com esse game

this is the only Pokémon game I own. Ain't that lovely?