Reviews from

in the past

This is an extremely good time, especially considering it's a smaller, lower budget Resident Evil. I thought the co-op wouldn't work that well considering only player 1 gets to use guns, but the way the co-op partners work to support each other is great. Barry and Moira are very memorable in this game and I love that the ending sets up a new Wesker that will never, ever be relevant again.

- Enjoyed this game a lot through its Raid mode being incredibly fun to just grind in.
- The plot and writing is alright, just a cheesy b-movie plot but the game isn't high budget so it is good for what it is going for.
- Combat and using the weapons feels great in this game.
- The episodic nature of this game giving challenges to each playthough of the episode, adds variety even if some of the challenges feels shallow and tacked on.

I liked this a lot more than Rev 1. This is more of what I was looking for from the last game.

The story is a bit better to start, but only really because of Barry and Natalia (I think that's her name, it's been a few years.) Claire is also decent even with the new voice actor. Moira is annoying, but she at least contributes and helps out so she's not like Ashley.

Gameplay wise it's more Akin to Last of Us. Stealth, crafting tables to upgrade weapons, picking up junk and making them into items. It works for this franchise. The game is campaign, but co-op is local only which is a shame.

Visually it's a bit below average considering the year it came out. It could look better. On switch it's serviceable.

The game has a good pace to it between the two narratives. Raid mode is also fun. The controls feel snappy. Not as fun as RE6, but close enough. It's a solid amount of content and value since it goes on sale for about 7-8 bucks.

The story gets really stupid at the end, and the enemy variety isn't great. Not a fan of the designs.

That said, I thought it was pretty great despite its flaws. The core gameplay loop was more interesting to me than Rev 1. But I understand why someone would like the first game more.

Solid RE game overall. It's a good mix of action and horror, like a combination of what makes the modern and old games fun.

Cumpre o que promete. É um Resident, volta a fórmula de terror mais pesado.
Tem ação, mas é menor.
Uma das coisas que não gostei é o Upgrade de habilidades, mas de resto, é um ÓTIMO Resident. Jogo? Mediano. Coop local é meio paia, a tela dica dividida muito pequenininha.
Ter Coop online seria ótimo.

No one ever talks about this RE but it came out after 6 (the fall from grace) and before 7 (the redemption arc) and they really nailed trying something new and still producing a great RE game.

Someone at Capcom was a big fan of the Hostel movies, huh.

While this one marks a huge improvement over the mess that was Resi 6, I feel like some of the story elements of it, specially during Episode 4, diminish the experience a lot.
I really like how they made the co-op system work in this. Playing as both characters, and making the second one not use firearms makes the experience quite nicely! Moira basically reminds me of how Alan Wake plays in his game, while Natalia feels similar to Sherry in REmake 2.
In terms of enemy balancing, I feel like they are dumbed down versions of enemies from Resi 6, and there's the ever ocasional "one hit kill" type enemy, too.... it doesn't feel as trial and error as it was on 6, however.
I also liked the extra episode for Moira, makes me wish we had more focus on her during this....

é triste como a capcom simplesmente cria um plot e lore tão bom como desse jogo e simplesmente depois esquece e deixa de lado, merecia tanto uma continuação pra finalizar a história. Distant Memories sempre vai ser minha soundtrack favorita de rev2.

This game is much better than Revelations 1

Felt mostly neutral about this game. challenging enough gameplay and a somewhat interesting plot. Enjoyed the end section bc it reminded me of RE7.

What is this? Crouching Simulator?

Favorite chapter was definitely the fourth Claire episode.

Natalia is the cutest fictional character ever created. RE2 Sherry Birkin, eat your heart out. RE6 Sherry Birkin, you're still in.

A game I only touched again because a friend wanted to see how bad it was - and somehow this got worse with co-op. I don't know if there's a more damning indictment of this game, considering just how often the co-op mechanics/puzzles function in asinine ways or are just painfully poorly executed. Not even mentioning it's writing being mediocre at best, emotionally flatlined at worst.

Even RE6 was at bare minimum stupidly entertaining, having one player not even get to play the game and the absolutely horrid story even for RE standards is just frustrating. 6 really left people fighting for scraps.

nothing too crazy but good

A nice Resident Evil entry on the PSVita. Nice story, though sometimes the framerate dips a lot. Maybe that could be fixed by overclocking the PSVita but I didn't explore that option. Completed the game but didn't bother trying to reach platinum. Maybe the PS4 port is worth exploring.

I havent played many resident evil games but I had so much fun playing this game with my sister we even used to talk about it when we were in the car on the way home

nunca supero q a claire tem dedo pobre pra homem e se apaixonou pelo cara q mais tarde seria um nemesis

This is the first Resident Evil game I ever played. I don't know much about Resident Evil other than Leon is hot.

Game was fun I guess. I played it with my best friend, so we enjoyed playing as two helpless women trying to escape a creepy murder island or whatever.

...Is that ok to say? Can I get cancelled for saying that?

Story is a bit of a mess, but the games combat feels really nice and Resident evil is already really stupid so I can get down with this dumbass story.

nao tem o chris
mas tem a claire

it was so boring i kinda forced myself to finish this

Sou suspeito pra falar desse jogo. Joguei ele pela primeira vez quando criança e, devido a nostalgia, se tornou um dos meus prediletooos.
Agora mais velho, rejoguei ele com uma amiga e foi incrível. A história não é nada inovadora, na verdade, até clichê. Foi legal terem trazido a Alex nesse jogo, mas, sabemos que foi principalmente pra se redimirem de terem matado o Wesker no RE5...
Porém, a experiência coop pode até disfarçar esses pontos, do tão divertido que ele pode se tornar. Foram 10 horas de puro entretenimento.
Dito isso, joguem com um amigo!!! Esse jogo pode melhorar bastante dessa forma, vcs não vão se arrepender!

how do people not know about this game. its one of the best in the franchise.

This game is dookie and not fun a lot of the times. I hope Barry can be put in a good game again one day because he was probably the best part of the game. Claire however got demolished as a character so it evens out in a way unfortunately. Please give these 2 good games in the future.

Se quando eu era mlk eu não consegui achar esse jogo nada demais, imagine hoje em diAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

About episode 1: I enjoyed it, it had some challenging and crazy parts, some puzzles, and some frustrations. We get to play two distinct stories from four different characters (two on each story side - so far), as it'll be alongside the rest of the game.

Sadly, the co-op mode is only available through local/remote play, would've been better if it included an online co-op mode too.

O maior acerto da Capcom pós RE6 (até pq qualquer coisa seria melhor)