Reviews from

in the past

Makes me want to try Factorio

Not enticing to me at all despite liking factory building games. I just felt unmotivated to do anything.

Cute automation game that keeps everything simple, but has the components to go to some great depth. Very fun but there is a "last objective" in making a MAM, which is cool, but doesn't offer much else after that in terms of making more interesting computational parts (at least not compactly) after that.

i lost 2 weeks of my life to this game

Good game, but you really need to like factory builders, and especially ones that demand you produce arbitrarily high numbers of stuff instead of organically making you want to produce more stuff.

ok, at first i REALLY GROOVED with the tight minimalism of this game: no costs to lay down tracks, just pure focus on making efficient production lines.
Then it started to really invade my dreams, and then my waking thoughts. like, in a bad, intrusive way. I had to stop even though I really loved this game. It's good! it's great! it was too much Raw Stimulus for me and ended up being net negative for my life.

SUCH A BANGER very simplistic but complete as well, waiting for the shapez 2 full release

charming and simple factory builder that can get very boring and repetitive after a bit

Satisfying. Relaxing. Always have something to do. Everything you'd want from a factory game with a shockingly amazing and catchy soundtrack

A factory sim game stripped to its rawest elements. The unlimited resources allow your creativity to truly flow into your designs, but like any other factory sim you will probably make the most abhorrent unoptimizable embarrassment of a factory as possible.

addicting factory game that I luckily lost my save data for

The factory genre stripped down to an irreducible element: throughput.

I really like fiddling with algorithms, trying to make things more efficient and elegant. But I bounce off most factory games (assembly line games? process-likes?) because they gate experimentation behind resource scarcity and acquisition.

Shapez skips all that boring stuff so you can focus on the pure joy of fucking around. Infinite resources, infinite space, no fail state. Plus, they dodge all the nasty themes of extraction and colonization that every other game in the genre stumbles into. It's just good vibes, chill music, and me going insane trying to make a rocket ship on a blue and grey background.

I got lost playing this game for about 3 days. It is very engaging if you enjoy making small optimisations to your factory with every upgrade you get.

Having said that, gameplay does come down to placing machines and conveyor belts. It's relaxing and chill, but it isn't winning awards for being a master piece. Cheap buy or for free, worth a play.

It's fine! It can get complex but I just was not super invested in it personally.

Esta bien para un cumpleaños (5 horas)

Bof, este juego, bof.

Porque perdi los juegos de Epic Games, pero esto era guapisimo.

Literalmente cada vez tenia que construir mas grandes y complejas estructuras para crear figuras cada vez mas complejas. Bono jogo

Está muy chulo pero pide muchas cantidades arbitrariamente altas y llega un punto en el que puedes copiar y pegar y casi que deja de apetecer optimizar para llegar a las cantidades. Buen approach casual a los juegos de producción y optimización.

Si te gustan los puzzles de optimización, de conseguir que una cadena de elementos consigan un resultado de la manera más óptima, este juego es especialmente entretenido.

This is like that one game where you help Ed, Edd n' Eddy build a jawbreaker machine except this game is minimalist so it's for adults.

[this is a compliment]

A factory sim that is a bit distinct from Zachtronics-style puzzle games in that it takes place on a large persistent map, rather than having a separate workspace for each level. It also has one single immovable drop off point in the center of the map. This encourages a big sprawling factory with lots of highways to move things around, but drawing roads gets dull after a while. Resource spawn points aren't movable either, and relatively sparse on the scale of your factory components, so you have a choice of either building near your hub (as near you can, as your factory expands) and drawing long roads to supply resources, or building near the resources and drawing long roads back to the hub.

The logistics are supposed to be part of the challenge, but it's not a very interesting one. I don't think I'll be playing much more of this, but I am still interested in the sequel that is supposed to come out this year.

Great automation game to keep on in the background and tab into occasionally to adjust your factories. Nice for going brain off mode.

As far as factory games go this one is very minimalist. You are literally producing simple shapes and using the different machinery to rotate, layer, and colour the pieces to meet different specifications.

There really isn't more to it than that and it's possible to complete in a short time. The art style really ticks my box for vector graphics but once you've scratched the itch there's not really any reason to go back.

For the factory fan expect the most basic experience.

An sich kein schlechtes Spiel, allerdings kommuniziert es seine Mechaniken nicht sehr gut.
Zudem sorgte der Mangel an Einschränkungen bei mir auch dazu, dass ich meist einfach dieselben Strukturen kopiert und eingesetzt habe, was den Prozess monotoner gestaltete, als er sein sollte.

a stripped back factory builder that eventually strips back your mind's view on factory builders. "oh my god", you think, "ive just been putting microchips into other microchips this whole time." it is then up to you whether you renounce your electrical engineering career or spend your next 30 hours rotating shapes in your head

Da es kein größeres übergeordneteres Ziel gibt, wirkt es nach einiger Zeit doch sehr langweilig und unnötig zu optimieren.

i might actually like this more than factorio