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in the past

Kind of a mixed bag.

Beautiful art, animation & graphics. Cool story fleshing out the world of the 1st game and perfectly fine voice acting. The bosses are all varied and cool in both design & fight strategy but that's where my absolute praises end

Soundtrack was whatever to me. I like the OST in Slave Zero better surprisingly. And the combat is fun but has problems.

Like most "DmC but 2D!" games I've played, there's nothing to break up slashing enemies. No platforming or puzzle solving. Simply walk, clear out arena, repeat. Fight boss. Because of this I can only stomach playing for short bursts

I'm not a FGC merchant but I whole heartedly agree with the notion that there are FAR too little defensive mechanics for the player. Essentially you'll be unstoppable or you'll be a punching bag. No in-between.

Street Fighter Thirds style parry, a dash and very limited burst are you only three options & as stated above, you'll sometimes feel like the killing machine X & Shou are or you'll watch yourself be looped into grabs until you die.

Because the game is 2D when 5+ goons are on top of you its hard to tell which direction to parry & once they get you that's it.

Its a solid game but I won't be replaying. Get it on a sale. For frame data & combo junkies this might be up your alley.

Mi sono divertito molto, il problema è che il gameplay non solo è ripetitivo ma ad una certa ti accorgi che la meccanica al di fuori dei boss è sempre quella e cioè li metti in fila e colpisci. Un gioco che poteva entrare nella top importante dell'anno, anche per l'identità propria che ha nei design, ma per alcune superficialità non ce la fa

I want to state my purpose here up front: I want to praise Slave Zero X because I think it’s the kind of game I’d like to see more of made. It’s a genuinely impressive package, but I also think there are a lot of glaring issues with the title that will make many people hate it. So let’s do a compliment sandwich and do some constructive criticism.

Slave Zero X is, if nothing else, oozing with style. The art is full with biopunk monstrosities and sexy twinks. The music is brimming with cyberpunk arpeggios, wailing guitars, and thumping breakbeat. The spritework is beautiful and intricate, and watching this game in motion (especially a skilled player) can be a thing of beauty. You can unlock special shaders, which I think is a fun touch. If nothing else. This is a small easter egg, but I also think it’s really cool that the levels in the Episode Enyo prequel are actually based on the 3D environments you move through in this game.

I also love the boldness of its narrative. It is unabashedly gay, for one, but I also think there is a deeper subtext of sex and gender here, of being at war with ones own body and seeking to reshape it. There is also an anarchist bent to its politics, which tie into Hegelian dialectics of power and rejects all authorities it can, be it government or gods. I don’t want to make it sound like it’s super highbrow. It’s all over the place. The lore bites range from some silly notes to eerie eschatological poetry. It’s very brash and loud. There’s a vulgarity to it, both in its satire and in its visuals, that feels like this hideous, pulsating mass of raw anger.

Okay, let’s change gears. Most people who say they like hard games are kind of lying, including me. What they mean is that they want games that are hard in specific ways. They want games that challenge them in familiar ways. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people say, “I like hard games, but this is just unfun”; sometimes it’s coming from my own mouth. Games like Volgarr the Viking come to mind, unrelenting and unorthodox challenge boxes. Ugh, I’ll try to keep this short. The point is that “hardness” is a nebulous and subjective thing that is seen as something that we can mark objectively and quantitatively, even though the exact ways in which a game is hard or unfair depends on so many variables intersecting. I’m not making a novel point here, but that’s why some games get lauded for their difficulty and others are scorned.

I think that’s what Slave Zero X is. A game that is hard in ways people usually don’t want. That’s partially because of its ambition: it wants to be a fighting game and an action game in one. I think Slave Zero X wants to be Strider 2 but ends up being more like Ninja Warriors Return. And hey, that’s not a bad thing at all. What I mean is that combat in Slave Zero X, like in Ninja Warriors Return, tends to be very flat. You can launch and juggle people in the air, sure, but the majority of the game is forward movement. I really think the game could have done with a lot more verticality, but that also might have resulted in new issues. But it also ends up feeling a bit repetitive at times.

But if you run through this game mashing the light attack button, you will eventually hit a brick wall, and wonder why the game is punishing you. That’s partially because the game isn’t very good at communicating to you what’s going on. The tutorial is quite bad; it just throws a dozen pages of text explaining the mechanics at you once and then sets you loose. But it goes deeper than that, I think. For example, you have a parry that you execute by pressing a direction toward the attack, but since it has no animation and is in a very small window, it’s often not clear when or why you’re missing the mark with your timing. You get a score at the end of sections, but it's not super clear why you got a better or worse score, which should be one of the best ways to communicate to a player how they're doing. And while there’s a training room, all that really helps you with is comboing. And comboing does feel great here, it really does. But that’s also not the thing you need the most practice on in order to beat the game.

I think the key issue with Slave Zero X comes down to encounter design. One of the common action game design paradigms right now is a style that sees players progress through a series of arenas where enemies funnel in as you fight through them for some amount of time before eventually moving on. This is often paired with a combat system that produces self-sustaining feedback loops (recovering health or ammo, that is) that sort of dictates the flow of combat. As pointed out by one Campster, this kind of structure often lead to combat feeling pretty samey, as the pace of combat is entirely determined by the player and thus does not often get disrupted. But this trope has its place, and can be done well, but in order for it to be fun for long periods of time, you often need to be introducing new mechanics and enemies on a pretty frequent basis, which doesn’t really happen here.

Slave Zero X’s arenas end up feel awfully repetitive. New enemies aren’t introduced often, and you have to fight hundreds of them. The screen will often be filled with dozens of identical enemies for you to hack away through, which can be okay as fodder, I guess, but these masses can combo you, often for a long time. If you don’t have Burst up, you just have to lie back and take it for however long they juggle you. And getting combo’d is one of those classic things thats fun to do to an enemy but never for an enemy to do to you. It’s no coincidence that Slave Zero X is at it’s best when you’re fighting a small number of enemies rather than in its massive cavalcades of fodder.

A lot of the tougher enemies have attacks with insanely fast windups that lead into combos; even in a one-on-one fight I couldn’t really counter them consistently. They’re so fast that I think they may be literally impossible to parry reliably, and even if they’re not, they might as well be for most players. This is all exacerbated by the encounter design, which means that will all the enemies being thrown at you, it is often hard to tell what’s hitting you, let alone predict it and counter.

So when you’re not successfully juggling armored cops and parrying like the cyberninja you’re supposed to be, you’re often getting bodied and juggled in a way that makes you feel powerless. The result is a game that will frustrate most players. I’m not going to backseat game design and act like I know exactly how to fix it, though I definitely have ideas. But that is the reality: this is a game that’s hard in a way that many people will reject. It’s unfortunate, because I think with changes, it could be a much stronger and approachable game with a wider appeal.

But despite all these issues, I can’t say I think it’s a bad game. It’s a mess, yes, but it’s got so much style, so much ambition, and it’s combat does feel great when it works. During the right boss fight or the right set up of enemies, it feels like a dynamic flurry of blades, and you’ve somehow mastered it at the center of it all. While you’re not given a lot of opportunities for customization of your kit, your kit feels good to begin with. X-Shou feels sort of sticky and rigid in a way that is very novel, making in a distinctive feeling combat where a lot of your movement is done through attacks and dashes rather than running or walking. You juggle and bounce and parry and slash and gib fascists. It can be a blast.

Again, this is a game I want to see more games like. I want to see games that take inspiration from the arcade era, that are ambitious in their design, that go hogwild on their fiction, that inexplicably reboot forgotten titles as completely different games, that are gay and radical and flashy and deranged, that are extra in every way possible, that are like Slave Zero X is.

phenomenal game and combat, only held back by the level design. they just spam way too many enemies at once and its very artificial difficulty. I found some of the bosses (uriel, sovkhan) to be very underwhelming. The game thrives when you have maybe 5 enemies at once and you can actually combo, rather than 20+ enemies at once. a block mechanic would have greatly helped the defense as the amount of enemies make it difficult to parry. the gameplay itself is perfectly fine but it's mainly just the levels that make the campaign subpar. i would still recommend tho.

This game really wants to be a fighting game, but unfortunately it also wants to be a character action game. There's a reason these are separate genres.

It borrows mechanics like Bursting, Roman Canceling, parrying, and ex attcks from Guilty Gear and Street Fighter, and these have varying degrees of success in how they're implemented.

At first the game is frustrating as you try to chain together stylish combos only to get hit with D ranks over and over, but then when you figure out the game's intended loop, which is

>get all enemies on one side
>activate fatal sync (this games version of Devil Trigger)
>spam combos and EX moves
>when fatal sync runs out, burst out of a combo for free meter
>re-enter fatal sync

It clicks and you stop having trouble.

This really is the optimal way to play, and after you realize it, it's kind of disappointing because the game, unlike the character action greats like DMC or Ninja Gaiden, never "elevates" above this loop. This game was explicitly designed for you to be in Fatal Sync ALL THE TIME since the devs idea of difficulty is to throw hordes of enemies at you, and all of them are big damage sponges. You MUST combo everything to absolute hell and back, even the basic mooks. It's fun and feels good, but it gets old since your moveset is limited and you inevitably will do the same MAYBE 3 or so combos over and over. There are no extra weapons or unlockable characters, you have your entire moveset available from frame 1 of gameplay. Some people like that, but I like to have incentives for replays other than the typical rank chasing, if nothing else.

Speaking of, the post game is also seriously lacking. Typically in a character action game, your first playthrough is to learn the combat system and to unlock everything, and then your real playthrough begins your second time around on a higher difficulty now that you're familiar with the systems. In Slave Zero X, there are no extra difficulty modes. All you have to look forward to after beating the main game is the Crimson Citadel, a bloody palace style arena mode where you fight every enemy and boss. It's decent, but very short. A typical Bloody Palace run can last upwards of 2 hours whereas the Crimson Citadel can be beaten in 20 minutes. Other than that, all you really have left to do is unlock color palettes and chase after stage ranks, which, thanks to your limited moveset, can feel like a grind.

There's also a serious lack of real defensive options. If you're in a group of enemies and you get launched, it's very possible you can get comboed from one enemy to the next until death from full health without ever touching the ground. Enemies can throw you back and fourth from one another with no cooldown, with no chance for you to recover, and don't EVER air tech in his game, as all it does is make you float helplessly in the air, which is the worst possible place to be unless you're juggling enemies. All you have is the third strike parry, which is completely infeasible when you're surrounded (example of a fighting game mechanic not suited for an action game, poorly thought out), and your dash which grants a tiny handful of i-frames. Sometimes the game will throw 2 boss enemies at you, who of course have hyper armor and multi hitting attacks or super long combos, and if they manage to get you in a pattern where they're hitting you back and forth, just set the controller down and go get a snack.

There's also a few times where the game resorts to some downright cheap bullshit to make things artificially harder, like putting big objects in the foreground to block your view, or even straight up turning out the lights completely at one part. In a hardcore action game like this, that is just not acceptable.

+ Pleasing visual style
+ Feels like the game is testing the breaking point of enemy density. You push the crowds or else you will die first.
+ Felt unfair at first because the movement felt too stiff to deal with the enemies on the screen, but still there are many tools that can be used for making your own space (like izuna drop, LLL-dash loop, get-off-me-tool that uses resources, grenades), and the dash i frame is surprisingly lenient.
+ Healing system also encourages you to be more aggressive and the meter management also plays into this process.
+ Bosses are (as long as they are functioning as 1v1 humanoids) pretty alright.
-A lot of encounters blend in too much because barely any environment plays into the combat arenas.
-Maybe way too long considering the enemy variety itself and the monotonous gameplay flow shifts. I would remove some levels in the middle.
-3D background and camera panning can make misaligned hit boxes which can make some how-did-that-hit-me situations
-Final boss sucks ass
+- Tutorial dump at the beginning can be overwhelming, but hey, if I could comprehend it, maybe you also can.
+- I think S ranking is in the unreasonable territory. It requires a no-hit run in regular encounters and bosses.. and honestly that’s…reserved for only the top 0.1% of the player base? It’s definitely not for me lol

Slave Zero X is, with no hyperbole, one of the sickest games I've played in years.

Gorgeous spritework, on top of badass 3d environments, with a kickass soundtrack, and some of the most visually stunning character portraits I have ever seen.
And the game is fun to play too, which is nice.
Shou feels great to control, large combo strings are relatively easy to pull off, and the sheer amount of stuff you can do is crazy
Grounded combo, into launcher, into an air combo, into a mid air grab that causes splash damage when you land it

There's a taunt that can be used as a launcher, a taunt that can be used for pushing enemies away from you, a divekick, three different grenade types, a shuriken, a super meter, and a burst that can refill your super meter. And that's only scratching the surface really.

Even after you beat the game there's more to do, because after you finish, you unlock a (seemingly) endless mode, where round by round more and more enemies spawn in, leading to boss rematches.
I say seemingly, because I didn't make it that far! Only to the round after the first boss rematch. Also the announcer in this mode makes little fighting game references by saying stuff like "Live and let die!" And "Can't escape from crossing fate!" So that's kinda cute.

But with the good, there has to be some bad, and unfortunately there is a a bit of bad.
Too many sprites on the screen at once cause the game to lag
A lot
In the later stages you could see anywhere from 10 to maybe even 20 enemies on the screen at once, some of which have projectiles and other flashy effects like flaming swords and it can get to be a bit excessive.

While the game overall feels fairly balanced in terms of challenge, it also at times feels a bit unfair in its difficulty. This is less a criticism with the game, and more just me complaining about how I'm bad at it.
Enemies can easily combo you into the attacks of other enemies. For example, an enemy can stun lock you with an assault rifle, which gives another guy the opportunity to smash your skull in with a hammer, which gives another guy the chance to charge tackle you into the wall. It's just a bit much sometimes. But again, I'm bad! This might not be a problem for you, especially if you're good at nailing down the parry mechanic.

The game is, incredibly unfortunately, riddled with bugs. Bugs which, a lot of the time, cause the game to crash. It crashes so much, to the point where I took a two month long break from the game while I waited for a patch. And after the patch I experienced more crashes than I originally had back in February. At the time of writing this (April 15, 2024) there is not a second patch out, but one is rapidly being worked on by the dev team, and will be out the door as soon as possible. And I'm really happy about that, it shows that the team cares a lot. They're very clearly passionate about this project.
I experienced the crashes while playing on PS4
Maybe the other versions of this game aren't as bad, I have no idea.

I cannot, in good faith, give Slave Zero X a full recommendation. Not in it's current state. Give ithe team some time to patch out the bugs, and yes, I think SZX will be fully worth buying and playing all the way through. As it stands right now though, I say wait. It's a fantastic game, truly a masterclass in its genre, and a Game of the Year contender for me. It's something that will stick with me for a long time, and something I want other people to experience, but not in it's current state.
I give Slave Zero X an 8/10

Game is actually a 10/10 though, it's so fucking cool dude, my God.

Above all else this game succeeds on an aesthetic level. Detailed pixel art on 3D backgrounds that have change angles is a late 90s look that not a lot of modern games follow. The character designs are also great, committing to that biomechanical look the original had to move away from.
On the gameplay side, the initial impression is pretty positive, enemies and player alike have no invincibility frames until they hit the floor so you can get into lengthy combos, as can enemies. Unfortunately throwing more enemies at you so they can stunlock you is where most of the difficulty comes in. You can escape this with a burst mechanic straight like Guilty Gear, but the fact that most fights increase the difficulty by piling more enemies on rather than increasing complexity is unfrotunate, I feel the game could've benefited from more enemies/enemies having more abilities. On the defensive side, you get a brief invincibility dash and a SF3 style parry. The dash doesn't function so strongly as other invincible dodges in modern action games so that's nice, some attacks have long enough reach that you'll just dodge into them if you're not careful. The individual zones associated with each boss do feel like they set themselves apart enough that they stand out, as do each of the bosses.

Even for someone who doesn't do the hack and slash spectacle fighting game thing all that much, I could feel like something was missing. It's not bad, but the lack of a reliable way to keep tabs on your moves and combos, and just how much the game loves spamming enemies and repeating them made me feel like I had seen enough. It's not bad, but you need to be a real 2D hack-and-slash fan to love it.

hmm :/

I still adore this games presentation. The sprites and backgrounds are gorgeous, designs are incredible and sound across the board is great!

But the gameplay. I heard people complain its a mash light attack game. I can see that for the first 3 stages, you can coast pretty well with some C and D ranks throughout with mild issues.

Then you get to chapter 4 and the difficulty spikes. Parrying goes from being something to strive for to something you'll need to do if you want to get good scores or even beat the game, trust me. You also really need to grasp how to keep a good combo and meter going as some of the later enemies become total damage sponges.

I don't want it to come off as complaining "Oh game that aims to be hard is too hard" No that's part of the appeal, just the game really doesn't prep you beyond loading screen tips, a basic training mode, and a very brief rundown at the very beginning. A better difficulty curve that preps the player for what the latter half of the game will be asking of them and maybe some tutorials to help people with the parry mechanics would help.

Maybe I need to get good, maybe I need to finally play SF III so I can learn to parry in this game, but I digress. I like this game, I just wish I liked it enough to beat the final boss.

TLDR: Slave Zero X is a sensational game with an even better story but with such glaring flaws it becomes almost difficult to reccomend. 7/10

starting with the good
The story is genuinely sensational, it has fully enthralled me all the way to the end and i love the story progression with shou and isamu and shou and x.
this games combat is amazing* but with a massive asterisk. When you're in control you are an unkillable demon with some of the most fun beat em up moves ive ever played, but you have almost no defensive options other than parry and parry doesnt even work when most enemies have meaty attacks that linger past your parry timing.
The graphics speak for themselves, the style is so stand out beautiful and the game takes clear inspiration from devilman, guilty gear, dmc, and all the maps were made in the quake engine afaik which honestly helps the style even more
the sections for each calamity really show the calamities characters well, and add a new challenge, thorman is a barebones section as it teaches you the game, enyo has the sniper on you so you're constantly moving, uriel has mostly chase scenes and it really just enhances the games storytelling through gameplay

now the negative
The difficulty: i dont think the game is too difficult, but the game doesnt scale difficulty well at all. The way the difficulty works is instead of giving you more chances to outplay the opponent, the game just spams enemies and minibosses with super armor that will lock you in hit stun until you die. it is insanely frustrating and doesnt actually make it more difficult to win, just more infuriating to play against.
secondly, the game doesnt have great save points, as you finish a section and die 2 sections later and it will reset you to the beginning of the level in some levels instead of the section you died on.

In all, I hope this game gets a DLC, I hope it gets updates to add a difficulty selector, I hope that X-Shou is a guest character in a fighting game or that they make their own spinoff fighting game as its clear that fighting games inspired the combat heavily, and I generally do recommend the game to anyone looking for a beautiful spectacle beat em up with a great story, but I cant recommend the game to anyone getting it for the difficulty because it wont challenge you, but just make you irritated in the later levels with enemy spam and hit stun

One of the rawest games i’ve ever played tbh. Enjoyable characters between shou, isamu and X. As an arc system works enthusiast the gameplay and the mechanics clicked with me off rip so I found myself having a lot of fun with the combat. This plus a banger soundtrack makes for one of my favorite releases in recent history ☝🏾

A few missions in, this feels...wrong. On a few levels.

Mainly, the fighting mechanics feel unfinished: I've yet to encounter a single enemy type that would give me any grief if I just continue wailing on them, and dodging or parrying is strictly useless. There are a few combos you can input, but their effect feels homogenous, and doing them seems pointless, in part because the style system doesn't seem to understand what made Devil May Cry special. There it feels 1-1 with your actions: many cool and varied moves = good, a few repetitive moves = bad. Your rank changes every other second in direct response to your gameplay, and, especially in DMC 5, it feels good to maintain a high rank. In Slave Zero X, I can't figure out what even effects rating, because the only thing that I can always reference is the combo counter, which depletes WAY too quickly. Other than that, I'm not sure what's so different between my E-rated battles and my S-rated ones (the only two ratings I managed to get).

The second big "wtf" thing is the story. I don't know if I'm dumb, or shoud've beaten the game, or listened more closely to radio chatter, but I'm not sure this narrative makes sense. After a scene where two Guys talk about Things You Don't Know About and then Do Things You Don't Understand, you just take control of this guy with his sentient exo-sceleton acting as comic relief. The game doesn't try to establish...anything, really? All dialogue feels like exposition, and yet nothing is stated concretely. I almost felt like my (admitedly pirated) version was fucked up, until I looked up some playthroughs and no. It's just incomprehensible.

Looks good, doesn't work.

disappointment of the year just dropped

Played the first level, thinking, "well this seems like a fairly rote brawler, and I don't know why they did the Prey gimmick for Slave Zero, of all things, but at least it has a great aesthetic" and then I got a facefull of the goddamn cd-i Zelda shopkeeper.

Uninstalled. Fuck you.

style graphique : oui
musique : oui
gameplay : va bien baiser ta mère

this game is really disappointing
it promises to be a mix of "Devil may Cry and Guilty gear" and it does not accomplish either of these things
with no style ranking while you're doing combos,and shoe horned mechanics from Guilty gear and street fighter 3,this game just feels like a disingenuous cash-grab
it's buggy,untested,unbalanced and just frankly not fun because, so far i have fought the same boss 4 times,in the same environment,with the same enemies, with no skill upgrades or anything.
Its really unfortunate because this game could've really been something special,but once you've played 20 minutes you've seen everything it has to offer.
A shame

Would've been top 10 PS1 games

One of the most fun hack n slash combat systems I've played.
Game is completely ruined because the game rewards you for playing safe and defensively rather than getting good and experimenting with the combat system and racking up long combos

if you’re good you’ll like the game

Started off with potential and by the end it was still a lot of fun I just personally think stages are way too gimmicky and enemies start becoming way too spongy. Hopefully a patch or sequel can iterate on both of these

Genuinely one of if not the most frustrating action game i have ever played. I will just say now that i am fucking ass at this game so take what i am gonna say with a massive chunk of salt. But, this game is just filled with shit that feels like its designed to piss you off while having both not enough tools to feel like you can deal with them easily or the guidance to teach a struggling player if the tools are actually there. Sorry man i can't recreate evo moment 37 while fighting 100 enemies on a 2d plain so they all stack on top of each other so its not easy to see incoming attacks while an off screen sniper is shooting at me creating a massive blinking red reticle which obscures more of the immediate enemies i am fighting. Only to then introduce enemies with super armor.

This game feels like it has an incomplete movelist and certain moves and movement are weirdly stiff and don't flow into each other. Ex: Up+Y. Jumping feels like ass in this game and there are tons of situations where enemies are falling in the air but i can't catch them to juggle for some reason and the game has no made a clear distinction why. Sorry i am too stupid to break down the finer intricacies of the game and its mechanics and its too niche to have other people explain it because the game does a terrible job at this itself. I got to the final boss by just spamming devil trigger EX moves and then gold burst when my meter was empty to instantly refill. Rinse and repeat, this is the dominant strategy which i would usually try to avoid if i actually found the game fun to play

Incredible art direction that is truly inspired but i wish it was tied to a game that i enjoyed playing

Will try again when they inevitably make more patches to tone down some of the shit that is a massive turn off. If they don't do this then I really respect the developer for sticking to their vision of the game they wanted to make even if i hate it and will likely never play again. I truly hope they are proud of what they achieved here, its not easy making a game let alone one this stylish

Darn. Was really looking forward to this but this small indie game with alot of style and a talented art director just never really gels together into a cohesive game. There are some really baffling decisions regarding the combat system. I see many other reviews going into how poorly thought out aspects of the combat is, but the bottom line is that its frustrating and tedious. Imagine playing a fighting game where you cant block or techroll (only 3rd strike parry or dash) and your opponent has permanent super armour and spams multihit moves and screen wide command grabs over and over again. Now duplicate that enemy a few times lazily and you have the average Slave Zero X encounter. Why are there no moves to learn except some hidden cheese moves that aren't included in the tutorial? Why are there no supers or finishers? There's a real lack of polish getting all the art and ui and cutscenes to mesh together too. There's flashes of brilliance and real talent on display here, but the lazy encounter design and lack of features make me think this was rushed and merged into a precarious build days before release. I really hope at some point this gets an overhaul because there's a good game hiding here somewhere. I can't believe the one thing I don't really have any complaints about is the characters and voice acting in a story written by a RWBY writer.

There's been a thematic subgenre in video games that's been coming into prominence the last couple of years. It's inspired by high octane action games like MGR and DMC and both an understanding that needlessly dark presentation is kinda cheesy, but a willingness to accept the positive elements of said presentation to a limited point. Followers of this aesthetic would wince in pain if you called them edgy. They long to be in on the joke, while still wanting to appear "cool" to their peers. These are the Sol Badguy players of the world, mechanically "proficient" at their pursuits, but still willing to look at these (mostly, there are notable exceptions) masculine protagonists and shout "that's literally me" at the screen, with the hope that others will them them in the same light. Slave Zero X is a game I'm glad I've played, because it both manages to encapsulate the appeal of this thematic current, along with how bankrupt it is in a lot of ways.

Before I rip into the game, the music's good, the sprite work is mostly really solid, I didn't have any issues understanding what was happening on the screen most of the time, and the voice acting, within the limitations of the story, was solid. This was clearly an indie title on a budget. Good on you for getting Jamieson Price, I'm eternally grateful he seems to be willing to voice whatever as long as you buy him Dennys first. Effort went into making this game look really cool.

Mechanically, this game is creatively bankrupt. The developers really liked Arcsys fighters without understanding why specific systems were put into place. In Guilty Gear, there's an ability every character has access to called psych burst. It's full at the beginning of the round, and you can use it at almost any time during the match to push the opponent away from you, even while you're being attacked. It is a solution to two major issues:

1) The lax combo rules of the game allow for unintended game states that might otherwise hurt the competitive integrity, including infinite combos.

2) Even during intended game states, Gear combos can be long and it feels bad for the other player to watch one player do ray charles shit on their stick for 30 seconds while they sit there not playing a video game. Burst gives them a change to interact with longer combos.

These aren't issues Slave Zero X should have at all. There are times where the player gets wailed on by enemies, but it feels less like the encounters are thought out and will combo you in a cohesive manner (outside of a few late game fights) and more that you're going to get chaingrabbed by a recolor of the same enemy you've been fighting since stage 2. It even behaves the same way it does in Guilty Gear, where if you use it in a neutral state and the shockwave of this burst hits an opponent, you gain full meter. There doesn't seem to be any retooling of this game mechanic to fit a sidescrolling brawler, they just slapped it in there because it's in Gear.

Meter is also inspired by Guilty Gear in a very superficial way. In Gear, you gain meter through aggressive actions, and this meter is spent on a variety of actions ranging from combo extensions to critical defensive options that make the game a chore to play without. There's a lot of right ways to spend meter, but lacking it at a critical time could cost you a round, making management important. Most importantly, you can spend your meter doing cool and flashy shit that doesn't take deep mechanical understanding of the game to care about. Slave Zero X's meter is boring as sin. You mostly regain it through gibbing enemies that have already been dealt enough damage to be considered defeated (this is a major issue, because enemy variety is low and they already come off as a bit damage spongy). You spend that meter not on meter exclusive moves, but on:

- paying a slight amount of meter to backdash cancel attacks (I almost never had to do this)

- canceling the startup of weak attacks into "EX moves", which are just heavy attacks with tweaks to frame data/damage/properties (like the ability to hit an opponent off the ground with an enhanced air attack as opposed to a normal version). They're not fundamentally different attacks, nor do they change your decision making, they just allow for longer combo extensions.

- A "Devil Trigger" enhanced state that allows you use unlimited EX moves, and heals you for all damage dealt.

If I made this sound interesting, I apologize, none of it is. Meter problems go away with just a few shop upgrades (there are no new weapons or moves to buy), and enemy fodder is so omnipresent that after the first 1/4th of the game, in combination with using burst to get meter back, I spent a large chunk of this game in this enhanced state. There aren't a ton of visual differences between having this state and not having this state. You don't get exclusive moves. The healing doesn't even really matter that much, as you'll be able to either juggle 90 percent of the game with the same stale kit of moves, or have to deal with bosses with such a limited period of vulnerability that you'll get three swings off before the meter's drained. It's so fucking lame, and it pretends like what you're doing is the next coming of Bayonetta. This game pretends like it's this tough as nails, very technical brawler for people who want a break practicing sidewinder loops, but most of it can be handled by light attack - stuff - launcher - juggle until they blow up, and if not, fights take 3 min and mostly consist of learning when to parry (because of course this game has a parry) or where to fuck off until the game decides that it's your turn to play. I didn't feel like I got better after playing this game. I sure as hell didn't feel the need to enter the game's training mode, and thank god because even though they advertised it being there, it's a more barebones mode than games from over twenty years ago.

I had fun with this game still. While the game lacks the memorable set-pieces of the games it was inspired by, and very much wore out its welcome after the 3rd of it's 5 hour playtime, this wasn't an aggravating experience (outside of the dreadful platforming sections, an overwhelming majority of my deaths were to a train environmental hazard early on). But for the most part, when playing this game, I just thought "wow, Hakumen from Blazblue sure is a cool character". Hakumen has airdashes, this power fantasy arcsys inspired brawler doesn't have airdashes. Haukmen's counters are really cool, and he has a variety of them. X's parries don't lead to anything other than "cool, you can keep mashing attack, unless the enemy pressed the super armor button again. Hakumen's "I get to use all of my stuff for free" enhanced state, Mugen, is sick as hell because it allows a normally limited character to ignore the rules of the game for six seconds, and potentially one shot the opponent. X's enhanced state puts me to sleep. The fact they both happen to be robotic, eyeless, long white haired, katana wielding nerds is besides the point.

There's also a story. "Rip and tear until its done" turns into a slightly deeper emotional connection between the main protagonist and the sentient and fucked up bio-mechanical suit. There's little here with any emotional sincerity, and the setting doesn't even come off as interesting as the 25 year old game the devs took the setting from. There is some homo-eroticism between Shou (X) and Not Zero, game respect game it's about the most bold decision the Slave Zero X staff took, intentionally or not.

Is it totally fair to compare Slave Zero X's failures to its inspirations? Probably not, but the game constantly invites the comparisons and doesn't do enough original to deflect away from them. It's a game that wants you to think it's the next best thing since high-frequency katana sliced bread, but lacks any convictions of its own and comes off as a very reserved, scared project because of it. The game arrogantly sets itself up for a sequel, and I hope they throw everything in the game part of the game out, and start from the drawing board. Slave Zero X is a game that promises a combat canvas, and hands you a 4 pack of crayola crayons instead.

teve uma review da steam q dizia q esse jogo é tipo o teto da capela cistina em versão de jogo e eu concordo totalmente

A raw game in every aspect.

The visual rawness is really what I was looking for but there is a rawness in the mechanics that I don't want to see.

this is so fucking raw man

this is the ultimate mecore video game because the playable character is almost 1 to 1 Hakumen from Blazblue and that's the guy i main in those games

please make more games in this universe

The grittiest, darkest, most dystopian setting you could imagine, complimented by the twinkiest characters I’ve ever seen in a video game