Reviews from

in the past

Este título es un mal juego de pelea con elementos que lo vuelven muy casual y molesto como la forma de terminar un combate, este se tiene que terminar con una super haciendo que, en momentos, el combate tenga que entrar en una etapa de espera para que tu barra de energía aumente ya que esta no aumenta con los combos o los ataques, si no con el tiempo y lo peor es que si te bajan la barra de vida al máximo, quedas aturdido para que el enemigo te derrote haciendo imposible detener cualquier ataque enemigo.

Ya con esto el juego se vuelve malismo como juego de pelea.

¿Vale la pena comprarlo? Sí no te interesa el juego y solo quiere ver las monas chinas pues ni aun así vale la pena este título, los personajes son poco, tiene pocos elementos de modificación y toda vía los diseños de trajes son simplemente cliches, traje de escolar, traje de vaca, traje de porrista y poco más.

Yo no recomiendo este juego.

It is a fun time-waster, only pick this one up for cheap. I got mine for 12 euros, but don't pay too much more.
Edit: decided to sell it after playing for like two hours.

What if PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale had the incredibly janky models from King of fighters 14 and pretended it was sexy. Even I'm not enough of a lesbian for this

it gets half a star for the mai design

I wasn't expecting the usual SNK greatness in the first place but... my god this is awful

Ya'll hated this game? It's trashy and far from high art but's kinda neat. I really like how it personalizes its story and cutscenes, and even though the gameplay is simple it's also pretty distinct--I love any fighting game that shakes up the point B beyond "empty their health bar". Also I don't know if you all noticed, just a small detail, but there's some really cute girls here!!

This game reuses the setting from a April Fool’s joke manga series call Haphazard Odyssey. It’s a cute little read with a chibi artstyle with two or three lewd jokes.

I was planning on doing a bit on the themes and metaphors in the story for a laugh, but honestly I can’t even bring myself to praise this game ironically or in jest. It’s a painfully basic tiddy fighter. It’s not even well done simplistic or minimalist kind of thing, it’s lazy basic and I did not need to see Terry’s fly open or a sexualised potrayal of Sylvie Paula Paula. There is a time and place for women being the main selling point and I did tbf slightly know what I was getting into, but this felt tasteless.

Cringey SNK fighting game featuring lead female characters from different fighting series (including a female version of Terry Bogard).

Interesting gameplay mechanic where enemies have to be defeating by using a special final move. Villain for this game is a creep.

The only good thing about this game is female Terry.

Fun and simple with a nice roster of characters.

I...I'm just shocked that this game is so bad. Like I didn't want to believe my cute girls / horny sim was that bad, but it really really is...Like why does this game have items? Why is the only way to win a match with a super? Why don't I understand how super works despite it being one button. There are just a lot of questions to answer and none of them are good. If SNK could have just leaned in more with it's wacky horniness and just went to some basics or committed to more gimmicks this would have worked. Alas it does not, and instead we have a broken fighter that just isn't fun to play to any degree. It could have been like Power Gem or even just a simple King of Fighters but with girls, but no.

Played with a friend because they asked nicely. Not fun.

it’s a game where the main objective is fighting the other person

This game some hot dookie ass bro

hey look, a perv fighting game with all the babes you want.
ok game? i dont think its that even interesting outside of the cool outfits if you are into snk girls.
this is the dead or alive beach games of snk.
for shame (cant wait for a sequel)

would be at least passable as fanservice garbage if the character models actually looked nice and not like slimy plastic mannequins. instead we get a game thats gross to look at and grosser to play. Don't get this.

A game with potential but fails due to ugly graphics, a shallow fighting system and the ability to not end games unless the hp bar is finished off with a super kills the entire flow of combat. The game boils down to searching for a opening to combo into super and becomes very stale. What a shame because the females in the game are nice looking. ( Yuri/Leona)

My lesbian powers weren't good enough for me to like this game.

The most excellent mechanic of this game is that it's so simple you can play it one handed

se o jogo e pra ser de putaria ao menos assume isso direito
ele tenta se esconder demais mas ao mesmo tempo tenta ser echi, incrivelmente não funciona em nenhum dos dois.
e pra piorar o vilão do jogo ganha um cunho Pedo e fica mt esquisito o clima, coisa de japones n tem mt o q fazer.

Tenia potencial para volverse una solida franquicia de SNK debido a centrarse en la tematica de las waifus de SNK y usar un sistema de juego anime(cosa que SNK nunca habia hecho), pero esta asquerosamente simplificado con boton de bloqueo, KOs no convencionales y sin la habilidad de agacharte. El roster tambien es una basofia, no toda las franquicias de SNK fueron debidamente representadas.

Trashy Waifu Fighter 2018. Good enough for me!

Cameron, if you're reading this, I still love this game.

This is a pretty silly and fanservice-y fighting game. It's pretty different though, it almost feels like a party game of some kind? It has items like its Mario Kart or something, and there are only one-round matches, most of which will finish around 90 seconds or so. The story mode is also pretty goofy but I had some decent laughs out of the ending credit sequences showing everyone's dreams (though Terry's was REALLY dark despite all the others' being rather silly). I've had fun with this and netted most of the achievements with just under 4 hours of playtime logged.

Honestly, I would've hated this game if I paid full price for it, but getting it + the DLC in a Steam sale for $12?? It's pretty hard for me to complain.

Not worth your time but holy shit the customization options are vast.