Reviews from

in the past

It's just more levels of Wolfenstein 3D with new bosses. The Steam version has two more episodes and they're not worth it.

Wish I was writing reviews when I played this. It's all over the place in terms of experience.

To me, the classic FPS games of this time are historically relevant but nigh unplayable. If there were some QOL improvements, a remade version would be alright.

Hey so you can actually deal with the terrible level design with a pretty advanced strategy... WARNING: FOR PRO WOLFENSTEIN PLAYERS ONLY!!! It's called "No-Clipping Through Doors Instead of Searching 15 Minutes For A Key"

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Good DLC, and a welcome change in scenery.

In the league of the “big three”, the father of all FPS games today can, of course, not be excluded. Wolfenstein 3D is the foundation of all the great FPS games today, from other classics to the modern titles.

Like DOOM and Duke Nukem 3D, I played this game as one of the first titles in my gaming career as a kid, failed miserably and needed to take revenge on it at a later age. Then, in 2014, I decided that it was time and I finally finished this hard son of a b… It was all worth it and the nice blast of nostalgia that came with it, was worth the wait.

In Wolfenstein 3D, you play as the legendary hero B.J. Blazkowicz, who must escape from the prison Castle Wolfenstein and carry out his secret mission against the nazi’s. You start one of the three main episodes which form the story and blast your way through the prison. You need to find the plans for “Operation: Eisenfaust”, a plan to create an army of undead mutants to ensure nazi victory over Europe. You find the plans, venture deeper into Castle Wolfenstein and eventually fight the Fuhrer himself, in a big ass mecha suit.

After this (or before), you can play the three prequel episodes called “The Nocturnal Missions”, in which you find plans for chemical weapons that the Germans are planning to use in favor of the war. You eventually confront the German General behind these plans in Castle Offenbach and stop him.

Graphicly, Wolfenstein 3D looks amazing for its time. The whole 3D perspective was mind blowing back then and even today, it still holds up. There are many other 3D games out there, especially on the SNES and Megadrive that looked a lot worse and are, in my opinion, unplayable today. The graphic nature of this game, along with all the nazi art is something unique, and of course, the source of much controversy, especially in certain countries, like my neighbors in Germany.

When talking sound, the guns all sound really good, especially for a game this old. The German spoken by the enemies is spot on (when understood) and the big blue guys even scream “Mein Leben” when shot down, something that I think is really cool, even to this day.

The gameplay, movement and animation is all really fluent, and it is this basis that laid the foundation for great games like DOOM, Duke Nukem and Half Life. The best example of this, is when playing Wolfenstein: The New Order, and you play realistic graphics and movement in the old Wolfenstein 3D world.

Although not fair, the only problem I had with Wolfenstein 3D, while finishing it, was the repetitive nature. This is surely also present in a way with games like DOOM, but in Wolfenstein 3D, everything looks the same all the way through. It made it a little bit harder to finish. Nevertheless, it was not all that bad overall.

The DLC Spear of Destiny is a welcome diversity from the main game. In this DLC, you fight in a tunnel themed map, giving you a break from the grey bunker walls. In Spear of Destiny, you can play two campaigns, each in another nazi base, but eventually with the same goal: retrieve the Spear of Destiny that the Germans have stolen from Versailles. God only knows what they were planning with it, but you saved the day like the hero you are.

In the end, I enjoyed Wolfenstein 3D. It remains an all time classic. However, from the “big three”, I think I prefer Duke Nukem 3D and DOOM over this one, based on their variety. Although it is not a fair comparison because this game came first, it is just a little too linear and repetitive today.

Still would recommend this relic from the past.

More of the same gameplay, worse levels.

If you really needed more Wolfenstein 3D in your life, this should do it. It doesn't add anything new though and the levels annoying and not that fun.
When you find a secret, when randomly mashing the walls, get ready to run a marathon in these long purple hallways to eventually get to a room full of generals. That shit sucks.

The mission packs are objectively bad though. Everything is blue for some reason and the walls are even more repetitive than usual. I would rather endure cock and ball torture than the bat enemies.

Played using the ECWolf Source port.

This expansion of Wolfenstein 3D basically takes everything I disliked about the base game and made it worse! Despite this, I think this does get over-hated, it really isn't THAT much different than Regular Wolf3D. This review is not about the Mission Packs though so idk how bad those are.

It feels like most levels, especially in the second half, were designed to be as obnoxious and tedious as possible. just about every level will be filled with humongous labyrinths, Enemies in super cheap spots, and really just cheap level design in general. you'll constantly be required to backtrack through every level 3 times over, all while dealing with a ridiculously high enemy count.

Halfway through the game they bring back the "mutants" which are like robot Nazi's, and these guys are such a pain in the ass cause they will deal damage to you almost instantly. They just make an already exhausting run even more grueling.

I think this expansion was built with purely making challenge, and they disregarded making the game fun. This is really just not that fun, just a challenging gauntlet of absurd level design and cheap placements.

I Don't have much else to say on this one, it's neat that they basically tease Doom at the end, but uhh yeah, just not a good time, feels like more of a chore than anything.

A version of Wolfenstein 3D that carries every problem of the base game and take some of them and make them even worse

(This was played on the ECWolf source port, and this review is irrespective of the mission packs)
Honestly, I think this follow-up gets a little too much flack. Don't get me wrong, plenty of it is deserved, but I think this is a worthy follow up to Wolf3D all things considered, even if not exactly a net improvement.

The story, a prequel to the original Wolf3D (which itself already had a prequel expansion), is simple: Nazis stole the cool shiny spear, now go get it back. Rather than the episodic progression of the original game, which would see you going through 9 floors (plus a secret one) of mazes, corridors and Nazis, all bearing their own unique dominant texture and culminating in a boss, Spear of Destiny is one big 19-level gauntlet (plus 2 secret levels). You always retain your guns, ammo and health between floors, and you're going to need them.

The enemy selection is (mostly) unchanged - this unfortunately means the return of the mutants, who exclusively featured in Wolf3Ds second episode (and presented the worst difficulty spike in that game). As before, they don't have any aiming frames and can shoot you dead the moment you enter line of sight - and this game loves to force you down blind turns where one (or more!) await you. Heck, a lot of the levels in the second half devolve into mazes with enemies ready to unload into you, and that's not great; though, the original game is guilty of the same thing as well.

The bosses are all new, and some are pretty memorable (the Uber-Mutant's level design sets the scene perfectly), though ultimately it is just more Wolfenstein, and beyond the gauntlet setup doesn't do much original. Same enemies, same guns, same gimmicks, and all of them harder than ever. In spite of that, I found it a fun, challenging and yet exhausting end to the Wolfenstein 3D saga...well, I would if it weren't for those mission packs, but that's for another time.

There is one thing about this that was genuinely surprising and impressive (even if the result was underwhelming), and I won't spoil it here word for word, but the final floor is a hell of a surprise and caught me off guard - good shit, right there.

I honestly think Spear of Destiny is worth checking out if you want more Wolf3D - that is the whole point, after all, but it offers a pretty good campaign for what it is. However, I can very much see why id Software chose to abandon the series after this and work towards something that would end up being far better remembered in the gaming landscape - but more on that another time.

the mission packs were garbage

A pretty mid expansion to a game I would only already recommend to a small group of people.

Хорошее дополнение к оригинальной Wolfenstein 3D. Совместимо с модом Brutal Wolfenstein, так что проходить будет ещё приятнее!

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The Angel of Death was cool as hell! The rest of the game? It's fine. It's just more Wolfenstein 3D.

It's more Wolfenstein, not much to it

Complete playthrough (all three mission packs). Wolfenstein 3D, but moreso, this standalone expansion follows much the same formula with few additions (one new enemy type is about all), but levels are typically much larger. While this might be seen as a positive in being more content, most are quite labyrinthine, to the point that it detracts from the experience - especially as mission pack 2 onwards features a lot of levels with mandatory routes hidden in 'secret' walls. With little indication of where these are - there's no graphical difference, just occasional aspects of the level design might suggest their presence - finding them becomes largely guesswork, which just isn't much fun. Regardless, the enjoyable core of the game is still present so, while there's little depth to the gameplay, Spear of Destiny is a decent enough experience all told.

Trapped in this fucking labyrinth.

Less annoying than the later parts episode 6 of the basegame, but still busted my balls pretty hard in the end

If you like rooms full of enemies and mutants, this game is for you! A lot of enemies will be around corners so expect save scumming. i'm proud of doing it otherwise I'd take a lot more time to beat this shit game.

I don't know why I beat this game, unlike episode 5 I did it all without cheats, it sucked hard.
You have a key on x and door y is on the other side of the map. Have fun! The maps are gigantic and like I said above, full of mutants from floor 13(?) to floor 18.

No comment on Trans Grosse. Too easy to be bothered. Same for Barnacle, just hide like any boss in wolf3d and shoot sometimes when is not shooting you.

All the bosses were easy until the Ubermutant as he runs too fast and you barely have space to fight him so have fun running away.

The Death Knight however, you need to run away to the sides for ammo and health (yes I used a map for floor 17 and 18) and kill all the mutants or they will murder you like a little lamb.

Angel of Death (probably a reference to Dr. Mengele), the big bad boy in this game is a joke. Hide behind the block, shoot his face until he attacks, hide behind the block and repeat till he's dead. There's an ammo pack in front of you so it's not that hard.

Good things I can say about this game: Ammo Box, the silly drawings at the ending, that's all.

Will I ever go back to any Wolf3d related content? uhhhh maybe if I go insane and play both expansion packs, which I doubt I will, I'm too tired of the same enemies and push walls.