Reviews from

in the past

Too many legibility issues, too much make work, and too much randomness to make the core game loop - which is neat! - stick. It’s fun to build little engines, unlock new card recipes, and gradually expand your understanding of the world, but when you find yourself just micromanaging berries and apples for an entire play session, it’s time to call it quits

Cool idea that gets hectic and frustrating fairly fast.
I think the game needs to let you buy basic resources cards directly instead of relying on boosters packs.

This game was really fun! Sometimes a little too fun because it doesn't really give you a chance to take a break lol
Cardgame + basebuilding is creative and it totally worked
Like the art and music too!
Wish it had more content, and maybe a little bit of gameplay rhythm control because my own self-control did not work.

A game that combines two different game genres in a good way.

The game is a card-based colony simulation. You manipulate humans to upgrade your town(?). I can say that I enjoyed both the idea and the gameplay, but there is a problem. Nothing new is coming to the game after some ingame day. You're basically doing the same things over and over again and it gets incredibly boring after a point.

I'm not going to give you a bad or good recommendation to play, it might be better to make your own decision here.

Fun & creative but gets stale

probably my favorite game that could fit in the idle genre it's not really a game I'd see myself actively playing to beat it but it's a great pick up and play whenever kinda game

Jogo relaxante, divertido, é legal o aprendizado sobre cada carta e mecânicas a envolvendo.

Este juego es una locura, gestión simple pero agobiante y es puro crack, del palo que lo empecé una mañana y no paré hasta completarlo el mismo día por la noche, además es barato de cojones. Única queja es la puta isla; si lo has jugado sabes qué es la puta isla y la odias tanto como yo, si no lo has jugado ya te acordarás cuando llegues a la isla.

entretenido juego de cartas, si esta en oferta no esta mal que le hechen un ojo

Stacklands is a mini civilisation builder, where everything is represent by mini stacks of cards. Move the villager card onto the berry bush card to generate berry cards (which provide food to keep the villagers alive). Keeper villagers alive and fed, discover recipes for new buildings or equipment, slowly expand out a civilisation while keeping villagers active and efficient. It's not a remarkably deep game, but it is enjoyable, relatively quick, and keeps you on your toes in a way that stays fun without becoming frustrating. For the price Stacklands is well worth playing.

Si te gustan los juegos de cartas, la gestión y los rogue likes, este juego es sin duda algo que deberías probar. Un juego que sabe a dónde atacar y cómo afrontar la experiencia, de forma que de pronto sin darte cuenta han pasado 5 horas de tu vida. Un auténtico vicio

Zaman öldürmelik, kaliteli bir oyun

The chaos of this game is great. Kind of a management game mixed with

it at least explains itself, unlike cultist simulator. but same type of gameplay im not into at all

Haven't played in a while but its entertaining. It gets boring kind of fast but it does get content updates regularly

Really fun unique game. Starts simple and easy since you can pause any time, but quickly gets complex. The game kept me fully occupied for a couple of days! Short and sweet, and very reasonably priced.

Requires a couple of mods to make it enjoyable at a larger scale though: one that makes cards snap to a grid and one that lets you search for uses of a given card.

Narrative: 2.5 - Gameplay: 3.5 - Visuals: 3 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 3.5
Stars: 3

Cool lil card life sim demon killing sim poop selling monke slave sim. Can get a lil repetitive tho

Despite its originality, Stacklands does not satisfy as much I hoped it would. The gameplay somewhere in the middle of the game (after you’ve set up a viable food source, but before traveling from the main land) is probably the most enjoyable; you get ways to automate your supplies, grow your military, and set up your board of cards in a clean and manageable way. However, before and after the midway point, you’re basically just managing the cards that get thrown around due to limited space and enemies/animals.

One of my biggest gripes with the game is the fact that every card looks pretty much the same except for 6 colours and hard to discern card art. Many more colours could have been introduced to clarify card types, and the font and art could have definitely been made clearer as well. Thankfully, you’re able to zoom in and out while pausing the game’s cycle to look at the cards more closely at your own pace.

If you’re into sorting cards and collecting a boatload of them in an encyclopedia of sorts, you will definitely enjoy this game. If you’re going in with the expectation of a fun Roguelike experience like I did, you will be disappointed. I finished the game 100% in meagre 2 runs, and did not feel like going to any of the cursed lands of the DLC either because they do not add any value.

Stacklands is a twist on management games: every object in the game, from people to buildings to resources to money, is represented by a card on the game board. These cards interact through being stacked on top of one another, causing an item to be equipped, a building to be built from the required materials, or a production cycle to be initiated. By producing excess goods and selling them, the player can buy booster packs, which unlock new cards and new recipes for buildings and items. Over time, new areas are unlocked, as well as powerful foes to do battle against.

The game takes place over turns called moons, which last for a few real time minutes. At the end of each moon, all your villagers have to be fed -- if there's not enough food cards, unfed villagers will starve and die. Aside from that, random events may occur between moons, some of which force your people into battle, and that may also result in their demise. Either way, should you run out of people cards at any moment, the game ends. It's easy to understand in theory, but Stacklands teaches little and forces the player to learn everything from experience, making the early game rocky. And that is but the first of its problems.

What could have been an outstanding game is merely fine, thanks to some questionable design choices and a rough execution. In Stacklands. annoyance is part of the game's mechanics: cards collide with one another and push each other off to the sides, messing up the board and adding some annoying glitches to the mix. Some cards allow for making compact stacks of the same type of card, or guiding your villagers towards certain foods, but those take time and resources to make and only solve part of the problems. Fundamentally, though, the floatiness of the game's objects eliminates their physicality as cards, downgrading Stacklands from an interesting card game to a more generic management one.

There's also a severe lack of quality of life options. If playing on the Steam Deck, you'll immediately feel it in your hands: the controller support is awful, if not on its own, because of glitches stemming from a misuse of Unity's (admittedly terrible) UI navigation system. That the game should not have the Steam Deck Verified seal is a given, but even playing with a mouse, the UI could have been so much more helpful, like by allowing for certain shortcuts, warning about finished tasks, or the presence and position of enemies and the like. It could also provide more guidance, not just in the beginning of the game, but also, when you're about to do something that would, I don't know, summon an incredibly powerful boss that might end your run or something.

On that note, Stacklands should not have had permadeath. Yes, I know card-based roguelikes are all the rage nowadays, but that doesn't mean just any card-adjacent game should have permadeath in it: a full run of Stacklands with the current updates takes upwards of ten hours. Imagine dying to the final boss and having to redo everything -- I almost feel bad for saying Dead Cells had it bad with its deaths. A save option, even if it was a consumable item you had to create with rare materials, would have been welcome.

Un pequeño juego super cute de construir una civilización donde todo son cartas super adorables. Vendes lo que no necesitas, compras sobres con más cartas, crafteas, y vas construyendo una civilización estable poco a poco. La estética es preciosa y los sonidos y el "game feel" son impecables.
Sin embargo, personalmente he tenido una experiencia bastante negativa. Varias partidas, animales que no paraban de moverme las demás cartas y estresarme, hambrunas, cuando por fin estaba recuperandome aparecía un portal poderoso y mataban a todos y tenía que reiniciar, progreso que no está claro y te ofuscas en un objetivo que no puedes o no debes cumplir...
Una pena porque el juego es precioso pero el progreso me parece demasiado cruel y demasiado dificil, y ha aunque el juego sea bueno mi experiencia jugandolo no lo ha sido.

So simple but yet so complex, really fun every now and then.

"Fuck I shouldnt have done that": The videogame

O jogo não é necessariamente ruim, mas não me prendeu muito não, achei meio paia e não consegui ficar mais que 2 horas jogando

Lindo juego de gestion de recursos. El gameplay en general es eso, gestion de recursos pero mediante cartas, lo cual me parece una ideaza. Lo unico malo es que a mi no me gustan much este tipo de juegos, a parte que las partidas se alargan muchisimo.

Great roguelikes know your best weapon to advance is knowledge and Stacklands very much uses the element of discovery in its favor. Each new idea on how to mix and match the resource cards at your disposal makes things you struggled with at the start become merely a simple step towards a bigger and more complex future.

Even though I enjoy the build up of knowledge, I get a lot of friction from how some things progress. For example building a huge stack of sheds to increase the card limit, it isn't hard but it feels annoying.

Discovering how Stacklands works is great and I enjoyed exploring some of the first steps, unlocking all the packs and many ideas, but sometimes the chaotic nature of creatures and some more repetitive chores to keep the board in working condition do exhaust me a bit, so I'm moving on.

Donde Heliopedia se afana en simularte un juego mucho más grande del que realmente acaba siendo, Stacklands sí que llega a ser un juego denso y complicado al poco de empezar. Aunque tal vez eso se deba a que la base empleada aquí (amontonar cartas en variaciones cada vez más distintas) da muchas más oportunidades que lo que unos muñecos paseándose por planetas jamás sería capaz. En cualquier caso, Stacklands funciona mejor como un Solitario avanzado en el que compites contra el tiempo en una carrera de aguante. Algo que, en los videojuegos, existe desde los tiempos de Hammurabi. Pero una cosa que he ido dándome cuenta de los juegos de Sokpop es que, en lugar de aprovechar este molde para introducir chistes propios u ocurrencias a costa de las mezclas, presentan la idea de una forma bastante llana y directa. Esto hace al juego sentirse más accesible, pero tal vez con menos personalidad que uno que se atreviese a retarte a mezclar una carta improbable con otra.


Where Heliopedia strives to look like a game that's bigger than it actually is, Stacklands becomes a dense and complex pretty soon after the beginning. Though perhaps that's because the basis employed here (stacking cards in increasingly different permutations) opens far more options than the physics offered by the tridimensional dolls. In any case, Stacklands works best as a tenser Solitaire in which your main goal is enduring as much as possible against the odds. Which is the kind of gameplay that has existed in videogames since Hammurabi. But one thing I've been noticing about Sokpop's titles is that, rather than taking advantage of this to make some jokes or introduce personal flourishes, they always streamline themselves to present the idea as plainly as possible. This probably makes their games feel more accessible, but perhaps at the expense of greater personalities.

Short-lived but chaotic fun the whole time