Reviews from

in the past

one of the harder mario games but its good. I dig the vacation vibe

I enjoyed the setting and environmentalist message. Movement was fantastic. I wish that controlling FLUDD was more fluid. I would've loved this game as a kid.

The odd one out of the 3D-Mario games. While not the best, it is the most unique in my opinion. They created a fantastic setting with Isle Delfino! I simply love that you can see the other stages from where you currently are on the island, it really helps with the immersion. I also love the episodic treatment of the stages, where each shine offers a new experience. Exploration with FLUDD feels great, but the secret stages offer a classic and very intense platforming challenge, too! In principle, the blue coin hunt is super fun as well, but tends to be a bit cryptic in practice. Overall one of my favourite games!

nick can apparently speed run this game. i don’t buy it…

This game is weird. On one hand it improves a lot on the formula of SM64, as having the shines be more restrictive on each episode makes getting each one easier for me, as I don't have to worry about missing out on progress on one if I decide to go for another; an issue that really hindered my enjoyment of SM64 when I played it after really enjoying Odyssey.

On the other hand however, HOLY SHIT SOME OF THESE LEVELS ARE ASS. This game might have the worst levels I've ever seen in a 3D platformer, and I'd actually go as far as to say this is one of the more difficult games I've actually rolled credits on, as the difficulty on some of the stages is surprisingly hard. The worst offenders of this difficulty spike compared to the kinda hard but fair levels for the majority of the game are the pure platforming levels, where shadow mario will laugh at you, take Fludd, and make you perform insanely difficult platforming levels that are challenging at best and just unfair at worst.

While I still enjoyed this game a bit more than 64, the jump in quality from this to galaxy is fucking insane, and is definitely my personal favorite of the 3D all-stars collection. I'd still recommend playing 64 and sunshine as they are incredibly important video games I think everyone should experience, but I don't think I'll be coming back to play them anytime soon.

its so flipping peak.... -.5 stars because i 100% 3d marios and blue coins exists. really. these shits suck. most fun gimmick ofa ll mario games i love Fludd and everything in the games world blends together seamlessly with the abilities u get. honestly a little heartbreaking how we never got delfino in another game besides kart

May pick this back up later but why is this shit so hard...

Wish I had played the rerelease after they added the GC controller option, but still perfect.

Has imo the best vibes and the best hub while also having my favorite boss fights in a Mario game (My personal fav being Mecha Bowser) what really holds it back is the level design which sucks all in all only 3 outta the 7 worlds were fun to go through however it gets points for having fludd.

Por estética, este es mi Mario favorito pero igualmente tiene muchas decisiones de diseño que simplemente son por joder más es tan minúsculo que no hace la experiencia un infierno

O jogo é difícil, com certeza um dos mais difíceis da série, porém não vejo isso como um defeito, como a maioria vê, o jogo tem seu carisma praiano com samba pra todo lado, personagens memoráveis, remix de músicas clássicas com ritmo tropical, e a água é uma delícia de linda, eu gosto muito desse jogo, eu reconheço que a mecânica de água é meio difícil as vezes, mas de resto, pra mim é um ótimo jogo

An actual remake would make this like a 9/10

finally 100%ed this game. equally fun as it is aggravating. my most hated levels:

yoshi fruit adventure
watermelon festival

If mario wasn’t the star of this game, people would see how horrible the game really is. Of course taking mario out of it takes out the charm, the wonderful music and environments etc, but thats what it mainly has going for it.

the lack of analog triggers really doesn't make this the best version of sunshine to play, but it's not as crippling as someod i love this game.

Ay Super Mario Sunshine... Tantas cosas buenas y malas al mismo tiempo no tienen sentido. Una vez completado, entiendo a los dos bandos de personas que lo han jugado. Tiene cosas que son un 10 absoluto, pero otras que son horribles. Aunque en mi caso las cosas buenas se han ganado que el juego no me parezca tan malo como muchos dicen.

Jugablemente, es donde encontramos casi todas las cosas malas y excelentes del juego. El ACUAC es una mecánica sobresaliente y muy original que nos permite movernos de diferentes maneras por los niveles. Hasta aquí perfecto, pero es que hay ciertas partes donde el Mario falso nos quita el ACUAC. Y son etapas de plataformeo.

Precisamente, el control de Mario sin este es muy raro y da pie a muchos rage-quits relacionados con saltos precisos.¿Pero, por qué pasa esto? Pues porque el juego nos ha acostumbrado a corregir los saltos que hagamos mal, para luego en ciertas partes quitarlo y ver cómo lo hacemos.

El diseño de niveles me ha gustado mucho y son muy divertidos. Aunque los soles de cada nivel están desproporcionados en cuanto a la dificultad. Tenemos soles (como los de Mario Oscuro) que en 1 minuto los completas, mientras que otros pueden llevarte 10-15 minutos pasarlos. Esto no es malo de por sí, pero es que la dificultad muchas veces es artificial (a veces hasta siendo el RNG el que juega) o está relacionada con los controles de Mario sin el ACUAC. No voy a decir ninguno para no spoilear, pero es que encima muchos niveles son obligatorios para pasarte el juego.

Una de las cosas que más me ha gustado ha sido Ciudad Delfino. Tiene muchísimas cosas por descubrir y moverse por ahí es una gozada.

Audiovisualmente, no parece un juego de 2002. Se ve muy bien y la ambientación es espectacular. Esa estética de playa y veraniega es increíble y todos los entornos nos hacen sentir en un entorno de vacaciones. La OST sí que me ha parecido un 10. El juego tiene un montón de temazos. Quiero destacar el de las fases sin ACUAC. Son el entorno más desesperante del juego, pero solo para escuchar ese temón, valen la pena.

Como es un Mario y la narrativa no tiene mucho misterio, termino diciendo que Mario Sunshine me ha parecido un juego bastante infravalorado. Vale que es el peor Mario 3D, pero eso no significa que sea malo ni mucho menos. Le da un toque de encanto personal y lo que hace bien, lo hace de locos. Si te gusta Mario, al menos dale una oportunidad.

first time playing, from the 3d all stars collection. the most creative of the 3d games. controls are a bit clunky to me but i would love to see a sequel today.

It was definitely a step up from 64, and this is where the 3D mario nostalgia hit my veins with full force. It has a neat aesthetic with some great little details such as E. Gadd and the sky box featuring additional parts of delfino and overall it has a lot more personality that was refined from 64. It does have some odd choices, like even beginning the 3D mario per-game gimmick. FLUDD and the general controls are better than what's in 64 but it does have its share of difficulty in maneuvering. It also has some wildly shifting difficulty and while easier to figure out than 64, it can be overly vague on what one should do. In general it still feels great to control with some additional locomotion tricks beyond 64, but it can be a bit of a pain. Also it's dearly important to confirm bowser fucked at some point

The more I think about this game the more I fucking hate it. I really wanted to like this game but I just kept getting more and more pissed off as it went on. First off: the control is horrible. How the fuck did they screw up on this when 64 felt amazing. Overly responsive and jittery, Mario has no sense of weight or momentum, just 0 to 1000 in a split second. Collision does not exist. At several points I just fell through the fucking level or got softlocked at random points. Mario will slip if there is so much a slight angle in the geometry.

Level design ie also terrible. Every level blends together because of the beach setting. I hate every one of these levels, far too spacious with very few interesting set pieces to make them stand put besides the general level themes. Platforming in these levels makes want to tear my dick off. Just complete and utter garbage. And Corona Mountain makes me want to jump into an actual volcano.

Blue coins, 100 coin shrines and secret shines are terrible. Needless, bullshit padding to get a fucking postcard.

I hate the enemy designs, they feel so lifeless amd generic and can't remember any of them except the Stus and that fucking wind enemy that makes the game even less fun.

Music is decent but very samey so I have nothing really to say about it.

The last thing I want to mention is the game's structure, its terrible too. Despite this being considered an "open" 3d Mario game this is not one at all. You cannot get any shines you want, you have to do all the shrines before you chase Shadow Mario. That means that the watermelon, sandbird, baby chomp cleaning and the horrible "hidden" shrines.

This game is a pathetic joke and I am baffled at how any one likes this, it is a shitstain on an otherwise consistent franchise.

...D.E.B.S. ALERT... it has been reported that an annoying Mario game was played. First lets start with what I liked which was isle delfino. The world felt realized, lived in, and was well developed. I thought the FLUDD was a cool mechanic that helped to make the game feel different from other mario games. The voice acting was fun and made me laugh a few times.

Now for the not so nice stuff. My goodness is this game tedious and not fun at times. Some of the gameplay decisions are just mind boggling, I cannot understand why they were made (I'm looking at you chucksters). I'm wondering how children were expected to complete some of these levels when I am struggling hard to do so as an adult. Not only are some of these levels just crazy hard but they are so tedious to either complete or to reach in the first place (example the goddamn lillypad level which is so annoying to just access in the first place although there are others). I don't even want to 100% this game because of how annoying some of the levels and the remainder of the game is and I love to complete games all the time. The levels without FLUDD weren't necessarily that bad but some of them were at times lol. For me this game was just not fun for a good chunk of it and thats my real issue with it. I don't mind the levels being challenging but the reward/fairness just does not feel worth the challenge. This game also had just so many unintuitive moments which is another major issue for me. Things they just expected you to know to do without explanation and I don't need to be hand held but a little guidance is appreciated. So ya I put this game down three years ago after 7 shines and there was no specific reason but I guess my past self just sensed the evil and I didn't stay away from it this time lol. Maybe my thoughts will change in the future but for now these are them and good riddance to this game the worst of the 3D Mario's for certain

This games movement from Mario 64 is such a big improvement. Fludd and Mario's combination of movements make it so fun to platform. Unfortunately the collision detection took a hit and is somehow worse than in 64 and definitely makes some areas a pain to platform on. Also doesn't help that 100%ing this game is just a nightmare thanks to Blue Coins. I don't like this game much but I also don't hate it.

"Super Mario Sunshine" but in "Super Mario 3D All-Stars".

The glitches in the game are the main detractor of an otherwise great experience. Movement is sharp and can be corrected via FLUDD, levels are super creative even when forced to comply to the beach theme, and the songs are just instant classics. But the glitches as well as certain shines such as the watermelon shine and the boat inside of Corona Mountain prevent the game from being what it could have been.

the necessary step to get peak in later games (im talking about galaxy)