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in the past

Toda la saga Dark Pictures me parecen extremadamente inferiores a Until Dawn y, los 3 primeros, muy mediocres. Sin embargo, este último me ha sorprendido gratamente en algunos aspectos y supera con creces a los 3 anteriores. Kate, Erin y Jamie son geniales

The Devil In Me is the best Dark Pictures game to date. Great premise and location, interesting cast, brutal deaths and hard decisions. Love everything about this, a worthy season finale.

Concept is cool, but wish it delved more into the Saw-esque elements. Shame there weren’t more traps, we really need a new Saw game. Game is also fairly short and the ending I got was incredibly anticlimactic. Decent enough for a one time play through, but I’m not sure if there’s enough here to warrant a second play through even if you’d get a slightly different story.

everyone survived, and i actually liked this game so much! my favorite in the anthology for now

Honestly one of the worst of the series. Was this even playtested? The amount of times I'd fall through the floor, clip through walls or start a conversation with a character only for all the dialogue to suddenly become muted was astounding.

At this point they're just throwing these out as fast as they can and the gameplay quality is suffering because of it.

Meilleur jeu de la saga, j'ai pris le plus de plaisir a suivre nos personnage et l'histoire est vraiment pas mal. Les phase de coop sont assez bien équilibré et le jeu s'en sert assez bien. Les personnage sont assez bien en terme qu'il ont chacun un caractère bien précis a eux.

can they please stop with the heartbeat thingy

its good and has so many bugs but the dog can live til the end so its okay

divertido, personagens funcionais, gameplay mais interessante do que o de house of ashes e narrativa intrigante!

mas tem mt bug

Bu oyunla beraber denedikleri bazi seyleri sevdim. Fakat hala yazim biraz daha iyi olmasi gerekiyor. Ayrica sacma jumpscarelar da azaltilmali.
Fena degil, indirimde kapin.

Sucker for these games but this one's change in gear from supernatural horror to 'Saw'-like serial killer vibe didn't land entirely. Still intermittently fun though (and gruesome), plus I like that the DP team are mixing it up from game to game. Bonus points for a Jessie Buckley starring role. Bring on S2!

Все что касается плюсов игры я могу выделить лишь:
1) Неплохую, нагнетающую моментами атмосферу;
2) Геймплейная составляющая (добавили разнообразные фичи, при этом забивая на некоторые из них же сразу после первой демонстрации);
3) Если Вы играете в компании (а я нег представляю как в проекты серии Dark Pictures можно проходить в соло), то можно от души посмеятся с некоторых кринжовых моментов.
Все остальное в игре ужасно:
1) Маньяк. Максимально тупой болванчик, который просто ходит и делает максимально все, чтобы ваши персонажи не были убиты. У Вас больше шансов умереть от действий сокамандника, чем от убийцы.
2) Отвратительный, унылый и каррикатурный сюжет, который не преподносит ничего интересного и не даёт никакого игрового опыта нового. Твистов просто нет, хотя в предыдущих трех играх серии авторы как-то пытались под конец немного перевернуть восприятие игры.
3) Сами главные герои также максимально глупые, в их действиях, иногда, полностью отсутствует логика, да и харизмой и какой-то интересной историей они не обладают.
4) Большие проблемы с технической составляющей. В первую очередь, хочется выделить отвратительные лицевые анимации и анимации передвижения. Все это выглядит дёшево для 2022 года.
5) Огромное количество ненужной информации в виде листовок, которую вываливают на игроков. Увы, все читать это максимально скучно уже к середине игры, потому что там нет абсолютно ничего интересного. Да и без толку, потому что мы в своём прохождении не нашли только штук 5 из 50 примерно и все равно не имели нормального и внятного представления о происходящем.
По итогу хочется сказать, что в это играть надо исключительно в компании, а лучше вообще не играть, потратив 8 часов на что-то более полезное.

A real drop in quality after how great House of Ashes was. Easily the buggiest and most rushed feeling of these games, I had nothing but issues with it the entire time.
The set-up and framing of the story was enjoyable but it eventually fell flat very fast, a decent enough cast, I liked a good handful of them, a lacklustre villain though and somewhat boring ending.
This game is saved by the incredible "Murder Hotel" trick house setting used to great effect in the first half.

I knew going into this that this wouldn't be a pleasant experience based off of other reviews but I still went in open-minded having played it a full year after it's release. The bar was low man, but holy shit. What happened between House of Ashes and this?

Something about this entire premise just did not hit right with me. They already went with the whole "saw trap serial killer" concept with Until Dawn, but this one just full sent it to death, with no believable reasoning behind it. The backstory twist was predictable and completely undermines it's own villain, just turning him into a teleporting superhuman who shows up whenever it's convenient. The game suggests that he's in 3 or 4 locations at the same time while never hinting that there are some supernatural elements at play. It just made the whole 8 hour runtime feel weird and pointless.

This isn't helped by the pacing at all. The first half is outrageously boring, setting up some of the worst characters in the series who all seem to hate each other. The 2nd half is where all the "action" takes place, but it's more like scenes where character A or sometimes B run/hide from discount Mikie Myers interspersed with the most annoying investigation settings in the series. They introduced the most useless collectible ever in this game, on top of the usual lore clues sprinkled about. It basically gave them an excuse to go hog wild with these bland and almost pitch black empty spaces that just exist for you to fumble around in for 20 minutes trying to figure out where the game intends for you to go. If there was any tension at all that you achieved from running away from the killer, these walking around bits usually nuked that feeling every time they showed up. These are usually the worst parts of the other games but they've never been this annoying to deal with until now.

They implemented a new inventory item system where each character has their own light source and bonus "power" they can individually use, such as Charlie being able to open locked drawers. I'm open to this series trying new things, but this one was a bit of a flop. I kept forgetting that it was even a thing you could do because some characters just use their abilities much more often than others. I found myself locked in a room as Kate for 30 minutes because she's supposed to use this super cool investigative journalist trick with a pencil that the game gave no indication that she even fucking had in the first place. She used it literally once in that moment, and then never again, so what was the point?

Trying to dabble into this part without spoiling, but if the game wants me to utilize what we know about the character's and their individual personalities to our advantage, then they need to really consider writing better characters? This series isn't well known for having the most stellar casts and I'm usually able to swallow it fine, but this one in particular has some of the most one-note, insufferable barbarians at it's helm. You learn almost nothing about them and yet the Curator's smug ass treats you like a dickhead for not picking up on what you're supposed to do with the little information that's thrown at you. This, coupled up with the fact that the villain is basically Homelander, made the deaths and failures feel extremely cheap.

The optimization itself is also still pretty stinky a year after release. I almost refunded it because it was doing some weird audio de-syncing and displaying extreme desaturation that I never turned on. Opening the game itself was like opening malware; it just death gripped my whole system and refused to exit fullscreen mode no matter how hard I struggled to change it. Subtitles were written incorrectly and had words spelled wrong sometimes. The first fuse box mini-game had the wrong inputs listed. I thought for sure that the game was just broken, but it turned out that you're supposed to use your keyboard to do them even though the UI tells you to use the mouse. Just straight up forehead mechanics.

Please just be a fluke, Supermassive. I really like their games but they need to slow down the release times if they're gonna try to make longer, bigger games like this. Not every story they put out can be golden, but there's some formulas they refuse to change and it's starting to ruin the experiences. Each game has worse looking models with zero souls behind their eyes. I would love if the next one has a cast of characters who are actual friends that don't snipe each other with every line of dialogue, but it's set in space so who the fuck knows. They're probably miserable co-workers, again, who all have a previous past of dating each other, again. At least that one looks like it has a monster.

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Le piiiiiiire mais de très loin je comprends pas que des gens puissent le défendre y a que les animatronics des gens torturés et les moments de pièges à la Saw qui sont intéressants et c'est 2% du jeu.

Game had me stressed while playing because it was so scary.

A pegada do enredo ser formado em volta de um serial-killer me agradou muito pois o tema me atrai,
os pontos negativos sao otimizaçao e modelos de personagem que são claramente uns mais bem feitos do que outros, em expressão facial principalmente.
Ponto positivo pro co-op e das novas possibilidades da gameplay de cada personagem que são muito interessantes

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i was expecting a bit more going into this game, as i’d seen little hope and man of medan and knew they weren’t great instalments, so i had semi high hopes for the devil in me. i found that the opening was very strong, i loved the use of the animatronics and finding out du’met wasn’t who he said he was, but after about 4 hours it is simply just walking around and then conveniently finding yourself in a trap, getting out or killing a character, then walking around again.

i was initially scared whilst playing this game (i’m quite jumpy) but the more i played it the less on edge i became, simply because things were getting predictable. the cast was okay, i didn’t namely dislike anyone but i didn’t have strong feelings towards them either, except maybe erin and jamie.

i loved the story about sherman and munday and the use of the tape recordings however i thought that it was told too subtly, one missed secret item and you could miss a whole chunk of the subplot. i found du’met as a villain intimidating to begin with, but again after several hours you just expect him to pop up out of nowhere, unfortunately he is a villain that is seemingly immortal, which i found irritating after many times he could’ve died. i wanted more personality of his, and i wanted it shown, not through collectibles found but through him actually talking or even showing his face.

another thing that broke the immersion for me was the implementation of the mechanics, such as the “balance” feature or the characters using their “gadgets”, it just immediately took me out of the experience.

after finishing the game i felt that nothing had really happened, i didn’t feel particularly accomplished or anything, and i was annoyed as i had killed mark right at the last second on the boat. loved the addition of the dog though, big up connie.

all in all, the devil in me had a great opening and build up but it all fell flat once you get halfway through the game, most of the gameplay is characters walking around and random QTEs which can so easily get your characters killed. i wish the story was told more boldly instead of having to read through the lines. a decent instalment to the dark pictures anthology (better than little hope or man of medan due to the actual real villain) but i won’t be replaying.

L'histoire du jeu est bon le côté JigSaw est cool, mais pas assez poussée , les nouvelles mécaniques aussi même si à certain moment ça rend le jeu clairement stupide. Le système de l'inventaire est assez inutile pour le 3/4 des personnages donc un peu inutiles. Et même problèmes que les 2 précédents jeux si vous jouez en ligne avec un ami un des joueurs aura un jeu plus intéressant que le 2ᵉ

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I appreciate them for trying something new, but god, the new exploration gameplay was so boring. In moderation, it's fine, if a bit lacking, but having exploration after exploration after exploration really ruined the tension and pacing. Especially since they got rid of the fixed camera. Which, yes, the fixed camera was annoying at times, but it felt like a staple of the series. The absence of it, plus the changed exploration really made it not feel like a Dark Pictures Game.

Another factor on that note was the seeming lack of choices. In a choice-based game. There were so many instances where I expected a QTE, only for there to be none. It was so drastic that when they finally did give me a QTE, I failed it because I almost entirely forgot they were a mechanic in the first place. There was also a lack of dialogue choices – multiple conversations happened in full without a single choice option. It made the story feel very railroaded, and I have to wonder how much my choices actually altered.

In terms of an ensemble, the characters were a lot better here than in the previous games. I usually only truly like one or two out of the cast and keep the rest alive out of obligation, but only a few scenes in and I liked the whole group. Charlie went kind of downhill for me (the blood trail scene,,,,,,,,) but I was very happy to see some lesbians!!! On the subject of Kate, I wish they showed more than they told with her. All the characters were constantly calling her vain, but outside of her flashlight being her hand mirror (which is a great writing choice lol), I didn't really see it. And the whole thing with her friend and her survivor's guilt was something I really wanted to see fleshed out more. I saw the slasher vibes in this game, and it would have been cool for them to lean into that and Kate being a final girl.

Easily the best part of the story was the serial killer plotline. Particularly, the interviews between Munday and Sherman; the reveal of Morello pretending to be Du'Met; and all the backstory tidbits for Munday. Honestly, I felt myself caring more about the clues than the murder house, Saw traps situation going on. Maybe I just didn't get them in my playthrough, but I would've loved to see some flashbacks or more of a direct, verbal confrontation with Du'Met. Just. More of him in general.

Also, I feel like more could've been done with the animatronics. Especially in the beginning, where nothing scary happened for like three hours. I think it'd be interesting if we saw more of helper animatronics, like the bartender. And have them 'glitching' out and providing some minor tension in the slow introductory parts at the start of the game. Plus, since Supermassive Games love their plot twists so much, they could've done another ghost/haunting fakeout lol.

This one was so hard to rate because while there's stuff I like or even really enjoy, and the finale is perfect (big slasher vibes and great action), the beginning is literally so unplayable. I can't see myself willingly replaying it, and can you really rate something high if the first segments suck so bad you couldn't even force yourself to do it again?

All in all, the usual missed opportunity I see from Supermassive Games; a genuinely compelling serial killer storyline/backstory that will probably live rent-free in my head for a while; and that slasher finale and epilogue,,,,, <3

Very buggy, but the cast of characters and the whole mistery is very fun. Can’t wait to play the upcoming game

Même si ya toujours des problèmes techniques, c'est celui qui s'en sort le mieux, où les devs ont pas fait d'environnements aussi ouverts que House of Ashes, et du coup c'est un peu mieux maîtrisé...
... Mais, alors je sais que c'est pas le but du jeu, je l'ai trouvé un peu décevant parce que... Ben on se marre moins devant les situations rencontrées par les héros. On est plongé dans un Saw-like avec ses escape-room +/- bien pensées (parfois cool, souvent sages envers les persos),...
Et tout ça pour arriver à un dernier acte où ça enchaîne les erreurs grossières avec la figure menaçante du jeu, des incohérences, pour nous emmener vers un final assez cool quand même.

En bref, c'est moyen +. Ya de l'idée pour en faire quelque chose de correct, mais faut que Supermassive prenne davantage son temps pour ses créations.

not as bad as little hope but ultimately feels less fun because of it
also buggy

Quite disappointing after having played House of Ashes. Me and my friends enjoyed the other 3 games quite a lot, but this one just kind of didn't hit hard for us, and the flaws were too big to fully enjoy it.

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Enjoyed the story, decent enough gameplay for this kind of thing. Definitely a few more minor issues than most Dark Picture Games so far but personally my favourite story wise, although the ending with the mask didn't make much sense

It's a big dumb slasher movie with terrible camera and wonky ass face animations. Not the worst but not the best of the Dark Pictures Anthology

one of the weaker titles but these games are basically good fun with friends