Reviews from

in the past

I love all the references in this game, pretty hard to platinum this game

so many fucking references 😭

100% this game in a couple hours was fun to do, only needed a video for clicking on all the faces.

Super great game lots of fun going through and getting all the achievements had a lot of fun with it

I've seen my brother play this but still so much fun

i remember playing these as flash games. good times. incredible game.

This game got me the nostalgia blast from the 2010s. It's cinema.

This is one of those series I experienced as a kid that I assumed was just nostalgia when I grew up. Upon replaying the series plus the new Completing the Mission, I can confidently say that NOPE IT WAS ALWAYS GOOD.
I find it to be very high praise of a visual-novel type game if I manage to like them, considering I don't hold them too highly as representative of the medium. But Henry Stickmin is so insanely funny that it absolutely makes up for the lack of gameplay.
Really the only criticism I can make of the series is that it very quickly became more about seeing the fails than actually succeeding at the objective. But even then, Completing the Mission manages to somewhat circumvent this by playing with expectations both in what does or doesn't work, again, making up the difference by simply being really funny.

Everything you could ever want as a fan.

Un remaster que salva a esta tan querida saga del apocalipsis que fue la muerte de Flash Player.
Todos la conocemos. Todos la amamos. Es simplemente un clásico irremplazable.

piadas e referências boas, é divertido e nostálgico

fun choose-your-own-adventure animations, zero replay value after finishing every ending

This is the greeeeaatesstt plaaannnnn

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Played again, once again nearly broke a rib laughing.
Also I can't believe Charles' death was the only time I've ever seen GrayStillPlays legit show emotion during a game.

I think I installed a virus with this game on my pc, oops

Henry Stickmin is the kind of thing that can often be imitatated, but never replicated. Every game encapsulates such a beautiful time in internet history in a wonderful way. It even shows how the creator grew up over time. The first 4 games being so gorgeously and lovingly remastered is so wonderful. Granted, I do miss the more explicit cameos and references to games and movies, but that's something you just learn to live without over time. Completing the Mission is, being honest, a bit of a mixed bag in comparison to the prior games. It's very ambitious and acts as a wonderful finale to every single plot thread the games could've left behind. It's also I feel limited by this and allows for much less interesting experimentation. Still, it's wonderful and campy and stupid in all the same wonderful games the rest of the series is. With ridiculous voice acting mostly done by one guy, genuinely stellar music, beautiful hand-made animation and just being a way to replay and enjoy all these wonderful titles, I wouldn't change this collection for the world. I'm glad it exists and I can rejoice of the nostalgia of my old Newgrounds days at any time.

Esse era um dos melhores que tinha pra flash, muito bom, e essa coletânea foi tão boa quanto, remasterizou as histórias antigas e trouxe uma nova, muito bom recomendo

This is honestly awesome how they made a collection

I'm so unashamed to say that the 5 stars is because of nostalgia, I love these games so much

It's henry stickmin.
Do I really have to say anything else?

A great gem straight from the pages of Stickpage and Newgrounds remastered for modern day, what a blast!

Silly game full of jokes and references everywhere,it's a must play for anyone interested into Newgrounds stuff.

all im gonna say is play every game and get every fail, the announcement of this collection made me jump in joy with the games being remastered alongside a brand new one being the biggest one, just pure classic newground games with the last one being the best game of the series! it helps that it being the newest it has references to stuff that were popular post-newgrounds! please check it out it's such an amazing collection of games!

i like revisiting this game and like how connected the story is lol