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in the past

Très très beau. Les personnages on des histoires passionnantes. L’introduction du jeu est incroyable. Un DLC un peu court mais gratuit est disponible. Je trouve que les phases de shoot tps (contre les personnages humains) sont légèrement trop récurrentes.

I Guess No Matter How Hard You Try, You Can’t Escape Your Past.
The best post-apocalypse story of all time; and the main reason I picked up a console after a ~10-year hiatus. The Last of Us is a beautiful and harrowing tale of survival, and is filled to the brim with fleshed-out characters and lore.

The game, despite being completely linear, has exceptional and vast levels to explore and leaves the player wanting to check every corner for resources or bits of lore. Reading notes, listening to audio logs, or simply taking in the environment lets the player gain bits of insight into the events leading up to the outbreak, and what takes place after; making for great world-building. I genuinely believe that I could have completed this game in 1/10 of the time it took me if I hadn't been so immersed in the rich environment and detailed level design.

Joel and Ellie work amazing in tandem, and provide a plethora of stellar dialogue whether through spontaneous events or in cutscenes. Watching their bond grow as they further their trek was the most satisfying part of the story. Joel’s personality and nods to his past also justify his actions through the game, and make his decisions feel in-character. It’s clear that Joel’s bravery and steeled-for-survival attitude rubs off on Ellie throughout their journey, and gives her the courage to fight on during the Winter arc.

The only downside of TLOU is the rather repetitive puzzles. Go here, get a ladder, move it here, start a generator, blah blah blah gets rather stale after doing it for the fifth time. Beyond that, the combat feels great and the game provides a wide array of weapons for your arsenal. Each level offers different ways to handle combat, whether it be stealth or a shoot-em-up style approach. Managing resources, which I thought would be a tedious task, was actually a very rewarding process and encouraged me to search areas I might not have otherwise.

After watching HBO’s adaptation and reading Cormac Mcarthy’s The Road, I knew I had to give this game another shot and I was not disappointed.

Uma pena que o port pra pc é um lixo, mas o game é insuperável. Em questão de narrativa é 5 estrelas sem peso na consciência, a forma como o game torna o mundo e a interação do jogador orgânica, o combate violento e uma história de se envolver. Sem mocinhos, mas existem humanidade.

Dependência e insuperável.

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i gave up cuz it was too hard but i love the lasty franchise rip joel we miss you legend

Paguei 250 com gosto, foda-se

le jeux est extrement beau je pense que c l'un des jeux avec les meilleur graphismes que j'ai joué.
Apres le sénario est ok
le gameplay est pas mauvais mais trop trop répétitif
le contexte et l'environnement est incroyable
mais je pense le plus gros defaut ces l'interaction avec les personnage que ca soit t alliées ou tes ennemies
en dehors des cinématique
et sinon les cinématique son ok
le point fort du jeux c vraiment l'environnement, les detail des visages et le motion capture
en sois c un bon jeux mais il donne le paqué pour le visuel realiste mais l'ia des bot est à chier
et j'ai l'impressions d'avoir tué dix fois le meme gas

I do think this is a great game and I did have a lot of fun with it, but at the same time damn do I think it's overrated.

This is a very story heavy game, and it's story just didn't really click with me. Joel is without a doubt one of my favorite characters in video games. The way you see him harden from his tragic situation while also opening up to Ellie was great. Every side character you come across, also great. The whole interaction with David and his group, amazing. All these moments I thoroughly enjoyed that were part of an overarching story that I found a little bland and predictable. As soon as Joel meets Ellie and figures out what's special about her, I knew where the ending would go, it's reminiscent of movies like Leon, Papermoon, The Road, all have the same two characters with the same arc. I don't think it's a copy, but didn't find the way this game does it to bring an interesting spin on it, just more of the same but now represented in video games.

My biggest issue; however, was Ellie's character. I found her dislikeable and annoying. I've been seeing this more and more in pieces of fiction since the mid 2000s but have never seen or heard of it in real life and makes me question if these types of people are even real. That is of the kind of character who goes through a shit ton of traumatic experience, has absolutely no one left, raised in an orphanage during a zombie apocalypse and then is the sassy, quirky rebel who's every line holds unfunny sarcasm. This does not happen in reality. It reminded me a lot of Chloe from Life is Strange but I don't find this kind of personality to be natural from either of their upbringings. She seemed like an unrealistic character in a grounded story who was written by people with millennial humor. I found games like God of War 2018/Ragnarkok, or The Walking Dead to portray a troubled kid far better and in a way that doesn't take me out of its story.

I still enjoyed the game, it has fun brutal gameplay and again many amazing characters and story bits but those negatives hurt hard for me as they're such a focus of the game. I fully understand why people love this game though.

The Last of Us is one of the best experiences that an fellow player can have, the solid gameplay mechanics, outstanding writing and world-building, phenomenal soundtrack, it's an special game and an one of kind experience.

in terms of this remake though, yeah it's totally useless. the visuals definitely got improved but that was the bare minimum, the actual features are disappointing, the only new thing that this has over the original PS3 release or PS4 Remaster that directly affects gameplay is the animation, things like the weapon upgrade bench, Joel checking up lore notes or the way he interacts with the enviroment is definitely better, I am an animation junkie and seeing those details being more realized here made me happy but for the value of 70 dollars though? this alone doesn't make it worth it. what about including the prone mechanic featured on Part 2, blocking and dodging attacks, more cut content maybe? there is not an single new addition in terms of game modes, the multiplayer got canned too.

the visuals were already masterful back on the PS3, of course it's better here but I can't deny that I liked the art direction as it was before, character designs are often better in their previous version as well.

the PC port is in an better state than before, I played on Steam Deck and had a few frame dips but overall an okay experience.

overall I will give the rating based on the game, this re-release though it's not worth it, stick to the PS4 Remaster, the art direction is better and the price point is wayy cheaper, you will get basically the same game without the extra visual fidelity and the multiplayer included.

good but TLOU2 is much better but was one of the best games on the ps4 and has a great story with an amazing protagonist.

O jogo é uma obra prima, todos já sabem, só dei 4 estrelas por conta do port para PC que é horrível e não foi consertado até hoje

goat game, port is way better than the inicial one
about the game: best storytelling (both I and II), incredible gameplay, cool DLC but nothing more than that.
This game just makes you feel that you are inside of it and the violence makes it better.
10/10 amigos

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Joel can decide what drug each pill contains after he find them on the ground.

The Last of Us is well-executed for what it is. Effectively the first of its kind in a generation of gaming rewarding cinematic narratives delivered in prestigious AAA realism, the harsh post-apocalypse puts on the pressure with a linear but immersive and distinctly survivalist experience. But perhaps as a consequence of the hype and awards it received over the last decade, it turns out I am not the audience for the exact way it tries to blend gameplay and story–it feels like oil and water to me.

I love video games as a storytelling canvas, for the unique language they are able to take advantage of. I love Psychonauts, Half-Life, and Undertale for trusting the player to engage with the depth of their worldbuilding when it is baked deeply into the game design itself. You don't really get enough in The Last of Us that utilizes the gameplay language meaningfully for narrative effectiveness like those games do. The game’s story IS good, that much is fact. Rarely, however, can TLoU deliver any piece of it in a way only a video game can.

Outcomes are all predetermined by TLoU’s set path, dampening its themes about the cycle of violence (a topic Undertale’s player freedom engages with more intimately since you can affect the narrative by choosing murder or mercy for yourself.) Extraneous worldbuilding is typically found only in written notes, a far cry from Psychonauts demonstrating who its side characters are with the intramental level designs that represent them, right down to even the collectibles therein. Ellie is typically invincible, taking away from the stakes of protecting her as you bring her across America. Compare that to Ashley from Resident Evil 4, who isn’t even close to being as much of a character, yet you feel more need to actively defend her since she has a health bar and a failstate for it dropping to 0.

All these simpler decisions TLoU makes lend to it having broad appeal, but in trying to please the many, it fails my expectations about what video games are truly capable of. I enjoyed subversion of numerous established functions in the late-game, where you're made to think you'll be going through the motions, but enlightened by character-informed twists instead. But it feels like too little too late. I dunno. Frontloading the game with status quo and saving subversion for the eleventh hour could be genius, actually, but it doesn’t come across that way after the gameplay basics got repetitive and eventually felt like a slog.

I hear the HBO show is a good adaptation! Looking forward to watching that with my mom. Having a version of this story that doesn’t bog itself down for me by falling short of expectations of its artistic medium ought to be nice.

The narrative is solid but the hype for both last of us games is still confusing to me. The combat situations have very little variety and while it feels satisfying at first, the gameplay simply does not do enough to warrant replaying the game at all.

Tied for second favorite all time for me with part II. Amazing story. Amazing characters. Amazing gameplay. All I have to say.

a gameplay é absurda e tensa que a história é impecável

a Ellie e o Joel são dois personagens incríveis que eu amo muito

quero ser pai de menina

Gameplay too boring at times but the story and atmosphere are very much it.

uma boa história, ótima direção e personagens junto com top 3 melhores performances que eu já vi (troy baker e ashley johnson como joel e ellie)... que infelizmente estão presos no jogo mais insuportavelmente chato que eu consigo imaginar. Honestamente eu me divirto mais batendo a minha cabeça na parede do que com os "puzzles" de levar escada dali até aqui.

The Last of Us was always a special game to me, however I rarely reflected on it. Now I am a good few years older and have experienced much more in my life, I better understood the minute details in the story and as a result I have a much larger appreciation for this remake. Now, the game itself - the graphics are tip top and I doubt if I've ever seen better, the scenery is redone and improved.. and that's about everything new. For first timers or people who played the original when they were younger (such as myself), this is a must buy.

Dispensa comentários. Platina super acessível. Recomendo!

No need for comments. Super accessible platinum. I recommend it!

Las ganas que tenia de rejugarme este juego son apreciables, una obra maestra, ahora con graficazos, que mas pedir.
(18 horas totales)

2nd time completing Part I, 4th time completing the story of this game.

This time I found the opening 3-4 hours incredibly strong, in a way i've never seen them as before. At one point I even started to ponder if maybe Part I is actually better than Part II. Having completed it, though, Part II is, in plain terms, just a far more ambitious, far more complex and, ultimately, far more impressive achievement.

Still, the original has a ridiculously confident vision behind it and equally gobsmacking execution of that vision. A heartwrenching journey that is 100% the 2nd best game ever, behind it's own continuation. God, what a miracle it is to have these 2 incredible games all for myself until I'm dead and gone.