Reviews from

in the past

welcome to Rokkenjima
that Maria standing near the wall and singin will haunt me for the rest of my days

O comecinho em si eu achei meio parado e tal mas da pra entender pq é pra apresentar a trama e os personagens, mas da metade pro final escala MUITO. Foi um ótimo episódio.

incredibly unique and captivating first episode - the characters are all very memorable, and the writing is on point. a lot of the horror is implied which can make it way more compelling. i'm very excited to see where this goes.

That ending went absurdly hard ngl

O Começo é muitooooo entediante, eu entendo completamente as pessoas droparem nessa parte

Insanity - just as tough to parse as the first arc of Higurashi. The characters are great and I'm having tons of fun crafting theories.

Mf about to turn a whole genre on its head again

PS: Playing this without having played Higurashi should be a crime under the law of every single country

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When rereaded it becomes so much better because you now realize the subtext and you start to really understand what's really going on with the murders, with the characters and everything is so more emotional to me. Especially:
-Natsuhi's monologue
-George's proposal
-Kinzo's moments
-Maria's fantasy
-Battler's dialougues about Kyrie
And pretty much everything. Btw, you even have some foreshadowing as when battler said "At the end of the night i will grab "you" by the collar" just some minutes after he actually did it xD. Amazing.

(And also, the end felt so strongly different after realazing that the "witch" was actually really there. And when i rehear system0 ost i always imagine "Beatrice" coming into the Mansion's door appearing and i feel what she felt inside of her at that moment. And that's such a unique feeling, so good, even though so sad.)

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Umineko is my favorite story of all time and this is my third reread so I'm not going to bother with rating the individual episodes since, while I do have my favorites and least favorites, it'd be hard to make it anything other than 5 stars.

This is just a series of thoughts on my readthrough of EP1 this time around. If you have any amount of interest in Umineko or you've finished EP1 but none of the other episodes or you’ve even read up through EP5 or 6 or even 7, do NOT read this. These are the thoughts of someone who has spent 10 years obsessed with the series and knows the ins and outs of its mystery, characters, and plot. Seriously, do NOT read this unless you have finished the whole thing.

Umineko is pretty widely regarded for having an incredibly slow beginning; of course it is necessary to get to know the family members, their relationships with one another, and to see just how they interact with each other and understand a little bit why someone might want to pick them off, EP1's introduction becomes significantly more FUN once you have an attachment to them. As the adults take a backseat in more of Umineko’s plot the further you get into the series, it's kind of fun to peel back the meta layers and see the story/forgery at its base elements. Rudolf and Eva have a pretty funny dynamic that comes off as childish and silly, but it’s chock full of resentment and bitterness. It’s strange to also feel slightly intimidated by Krauss again when that guy is, frankly, just a joke. Also, I have since seen Succession, so pretending that the Ushiromiya adults were the Roys made the arguments over the inheritance become kind of funny. I recommend this to everyone who has seen Succession using this formula: Krauss = Kendall, Eva = Shiv, Rudolf = Roman, and Rosa = Connor. You will not regret it. I prommy.

Umineko is not Umineko without the Answer arcs but it is also really fun to go back to the story and the legend of Beatrice without seeing her directly. It’s scary and ominous not knowing for sure if this story is a mystery or a fantasy because Umineko hasn’t fully revealed its hand yet as a solvable mystery. It is also kind of funny how much of Umineko’s core mystery is quite literally given away in EP1. Seriously!

The hints to Umineko’s solution are honestly genius. Everything you need to know about Beatrice and why she exists is addressed through Maria; Maria, for her part, becomes all the more tragic. “Uu-, uu-,” is already sad enough when you learn about why she says it in EP4, but in EP1 when she realizes the torii shrine is gone and starts speaking about “misfortune” and shouting “uu-, uu-, uu-, uu-, uu-,” over and over again, it’s obvious upon a reread that she is quite literally trying to ward off doom with what she believes is her magic spell. This little moment is amazingly recontextualized thanks to EP4, and it's also heartbreaking.

That first moment where Goldenslaughterer plays rocks. It’s such an amazing theme, and it’s no secret that the music in Umineko does a lot of the heavy lifting. This time around I was sort of tired of it being used in every single twilight, but when you only have Goldenslaughterer, Core, and Witch in Gold to choose from, it is a pretty welcome change. Of course, I adore the moment in the study with System0 too. But the part where Dead angle plays in the very end of the episode when Natsuhi goes out to duel Beatrice and the cousins are left baffled in an entirely empty manor is still one of my all-time favorite moments in the series. It has an ominous, mysterious, and captivating feeling that isn’t ever quite captured again. All of EP1 feels that way to me. Who is Beatrice? Why is everyone dying? What is the point of the murders? And then it ends with the witch reviving and everyone losing – and that is that. It’s scary, in a disconcerting, bug-crawling way.

Introducing Beatrice as an actual character is of course one of the most iconic moments in the series, and the tea party is quite fun with her infiltrating the metaverse and shoving her face into the player’s. Like “ooooh you thought I was going to be offscreen like the culprit in Higurashi was the whole time? No, dear reader, I am challenging YOU directly.” It’s very fun, like a character showing their face in an after-manga omake.

I really love Battler as a character, but I still maintain that his introduction in EP1 leaves a lot to be desired. I continue to be incredibly grateful that the “anime bullshit” is cut off pretty much immediately after this episode. I also continue to wish that it wasn’t included at all because I always always have to warn people who might be interested about it, and many of them stop reading because it’s fucking annoying.

This said, that aside, Battler in the latter half of the episode is incredibly endearing while also retaining his signature dumbassery. The moment he wheels onto trying to figure out the culprit and his personality makes a shift to viewing the murders like a solvable game is so…well, it’s endearing. And also makes you feel like, "dude that’s your family." When you know why the story is written this way (and therefore Battler is written this way) and who wrote it it feels very sad, like she’s directly imploring a Battler who might, by pure chance, one day read the story and solve it for her sake–by writing Battler’s perception of the murders this way, like a silly boy who’s solving a game, she’s begging the real Battler, on the offchance that he ever sees the message bottles, to do the same. She’s begging to be 'seen.' Fuckin’ hurts man!

On that note, Kanon has a little moment in this episode that makes me feel like shriveling into a little ball and crying for hours on end, and it’s the moment where Battler helps him with the wheelbarrow and he walks off with the bags of fertilizer and quietly murmurs the words “...Even I….” to himself. Now c’mon. C’mon. I can’t stop thinking about this!

Umineko is a masterclass in storytelling because it can be this upfront about its mysteries, it can tell you that the Maria who believes in witches acts ‘scary’ (per everyone else) because she is trying to be her ideal and it makes her read as ‘different’ and therefore ‘another person’, it writes that witches in the Umineko canon use magic to make people happy, and it tells you over and over again that Maria believes a witch can save her from the pain in her life. That magic has made her life worthwile. That it’s the only way she can cope with her reality. It is even revealed that Beatrice was a real person who Kinzo loved and now treats as a witch because he refuses to cope with her passing. If these deeply unhappy people believe so strongly in the concept of witches and what that represents to them, why does a witch rule over the island? What does that mean for the culprit who is hiding behind the face of the witch?

Umineko is also a masterclass in storytelling because it can slam all this in your face and you will still sit and scratch your head and be so completely taken in by the mystery that it feels impossible to solve, and I love that these two things can coexist.

On to EP2! Very excited to log my thoughts of that one next since I think it has the most hints in the entire series about what is going on, and I love the focus on Shannon and Kanon.

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Una espectacular introducción. Si fuese una obra en solitario, seguiría siendo una historia solida. La ambientación es espectacular y cada tema que tratan es interesantisimo, ver a la familia aristócrata charlando de Economía política, ver sus conflictos familiares, rapiñandose la herencia de un padre que sigue vivo, la tensión y violencia intrafamiliar están manejadas con mucha madurez.
Los elementos fantásticos se presentan lentamente, haciendo dudar sobre la existencia de la bruja, me fascina que Beatriz no aparezca directamente en ningún momento y su mayor acto de presencia sea en los últimos minutos de la obra para coronar con broche de oro este historia.
Al principio creí que era una historia sobre la razón sobre lo irracional, la búsqueda del dominio de la mente sobre lo desconocido, la idea de dar vuelta el tablero, correr el eje el misterio para encontrar la verdad desde una nueva perspectiva.

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Peleandose por los terrenos (el juego) termina mal

Todo esto lo hizo una bruja que no existe

if keiichi was here none of this would've happened i think

this is like utter mind numbing dogshit static story for a solid 10 hours and then it hits such a peak and it's like the best thing ever

Algumas considerações pra eu não esquecer são (tô lendo o remaster)

Um começo muito bom, mas muito lento!

Alguns diálogos bem sem graça na primeira metade, mas compensa bastante a segunda metade.

Final é foda pra caralho

Gosto muito das dinâmicas estabelecida entre os primos

Kinzo é um personagem intrigante

Produção boa, ost excelente

Minha experiência com o primeiro EP foi prejudicada, recebi spoilers e já sabia sobre

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Spoilers for all of Higurashi as well!!!

Played with Umineko Project.

I beat all of Higurashi to get here (and Higurashi is peak tbh go play it if you haven't!!!) and so far... very well worth it.

Maybe a bit too high of a rating I'll admit, espeically considering how slow the start is and how alot is kinda setting up everything, but god it's done so well I just have to. So read my messy review where I'll touch on stuff I liked!

First of all, the intro is kinda slow and it defintley takes a while for the plot to start moving, but when it does it really gets moving. But till I talk about that, I think the intro does a good job at introducing us to the whole cast, and theres lots of characters but the story doesn't overwhelm you it pretty slowly introduces you to them I feel, and that allows you to get a general feel of them and not have them be just overshadowed instantly, which I felt was done really well in that throughout the game all characters had time in the spotlight and not just cast aside (unless they were you know dead of course...) which in comparison to Higurashi Chapter 1 alot of the central cast for the series are ignored there, with it only really focusing on 3 or so characters and even then only really 2, but here in Umineko it has 18 characters and they all get enough time for you to actually remember them to a degree, which in a VN of this length and a cast this big is very impressive.

I wont talk about every character, so instead I'll only really talk about 2 that stood out the most to me, first is Natsuhi, she starts off defintley being the main family member I cared the least about, especially with how mean she is towards the servants, and she kinda stays uninteresting only living in her husbands shadow and then once he dies she really becomes a more indepent character and I start to really like her. I loved seeing her take control and actually become more independant, especially near the end of the game, it was really sweet seeing her doing her best to protect Jessica even as misguided as she was her development was very noticable and I do hope she is able to become more independant in later chapters even if husband is still alive. Finally Battler, the man himself. In the intro he caught my attention because it's always nice to see a flawed protaginst, and it's a bold choice to have the protag first inroduction be screaming and terrifired of boats + planes , and he just continues to get more intersting after that too. Before I say some great scenes he has.... he is sadly infected with a bit of generic anime pervet trope, which oddly enough he still has like not complete pervet? like Idk what the hell his reasoning is with Shannon in that one scene but like you do that Battler, because like ?. Also Jessica is your cousin you freak. Anyway battler is the GOAT, after the inital deaths he goes from pretty cool guy to amazing character that instantly becomes one of my favourites just ever maybe? like he gets really cool, I love how he takes on the chessboard thinking approach used by Kyrie, I love that and how he uses his confidence that he clearly has from before to be able to step in, in stuff like with Eva and Natsuhi arugment I loved how he buts in there, it's great. I love his way of thinking and how rational he was trying to be etc. So far I love him and am very very hyped to see where he goes as a character, and am also wondering if they'll repeat the Higurashi type of development, where characters were able to grow from past chapters even if they can't remember them, which I'm also assuming means that there's a timeloop here too?

The Higurashi stuff here confuses me tbh, Battler straight up mention it by name and a specific scene from Chapter 3 but then theres all the stuff with miracles and throwing the dice and the ending is the exact same thing that Keiichi wrote... it's all so confusing. So far I'm glad I played Higurashi beforehand because theres very clearly some intentional nods especialyl with the miracle stuff, but also I kinda feel a portion of the mystery has been lost, because I already know the mystical can exist here is Beatrice going to be like Hanyuu? and also timeloop etc. Regardless glad to play this as a "sequel?" since I think it could be one? still? zero clue though. maybe it's more of a spirutal sequel or a fragment where higurashi is a story? I'll see... glad the game has the same ability to get me thinking so hard about it already.

Going in I thought Beatrice would be here, but to go the whole first chapter with her being absent (kinda) is really cool and am glad that happened, though with the prerequistes for her summoning I'm wondering how she'll actualyl become someone that interacts with Battler.

Music was reallly good, especially fishy aroma (It had fishy in the tile but I do not remember full title) lots of other banges though.

Overall writing was impeciablle, really good start that has very much intrigued me to where the story is going and how much is it going to differ from Higurashi. Also this chapter was so good, I read way too much of it in one day, and kinda distracted me from some other stuff I should of been doing, so I think that shows how good this chapter was, and it's just the first one.

slow start but gets lowkey BATSHIT insane by the half point


Umineko is an insane jump in writing, Ryukishi is flying in his world. Amazing atmosphere, ost, artstyle (7th mod) and characters damn it!

You don't need, but i highly recommend you, my fellow gamer, read higurashi first, that is my only wish.

An ok start, to one of my favorites stories ever!

Amazing introduction to the series.

I like what it presents. I don't have much to say now, since its the very start. But, I love what can be done here. I hope this develops into something special. This can easily be something very very special

It's amazing once you get to the point of no return. The stuff before isn't necessarily bad, the family dynamics are actually rather interesting, it's just the game is often too verbose for it's own good and Battler early on is kinda grating

Muy buena introducción, suspense genial y muy buenos personajes. Necesario haber leído/visto Higurashi antes.

This is a really good start to this VN and I hope the quality will stay consistent throughout it all. Every moment had me intrigued. The characters were great, the setting was great and the highlight of the VN to me was the soundtrack. I can't wait to read more

Edit: Increased rating from 4 to 4.5 after giving more time to think i really like how this episode is set up more like a regular mystery with only a small few instances of magic being shown compared to the episodes after this.

(I might give a change after i finish reading the entire VN)

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Good introduction to the series, but like Higurashi's Onikakushi, I'm sure it will pale in comparison to other arcs.

Still a really fantastic opening to the series. Revisiting it knowing everything and with a keener eye for how the characters are was a really fun experience, and it's quite funny/interesting seeing exactly how much is revealed blatantly but passed off as just some silly side comment.
Revisiting scenes with my favorite characters in particular was so much fun, I can't wait to do way more of it in the other Question arc rereads. And even revisiting scenes with characters I didn't or still don't like was kind of eye opening in a way.

I hope to keep trying to understand the story even deeper as I keep going (and maybe not take 9 months per reread).