Reviews from

in the past

i was playing albuquerque by weird al on it and the game crashed right before i finished the song.

whoa, you can use cds when playing vib-ribbon on ps3. just like the original! who knew?

my favorite playstation game and one of my favorite osts. ahead of its time in many ways.

I have a lot of time for Vib Ribbon and I need someone to make a new version today that links up with your Spotify and makes levels based on your music so I can make the little bunny jump over things to my objectively radical musical choices.

Vib-Ribbon is definitely one of the simplest rhythm games ever made, but I'd say it's probably one of the most solid out there!

Its presentation is very simple. It's a black void with a vector graphics on it, but they managed to make it really charming, especially with the character you play as, Vibri.
She is a rabbit who's just having fun, and she's voiced in a similar manner to Vocaloids like Hatsune Miku, which add up to a very charming character.

Since this is a rhythm game, songs are one of the most important aspects of it, but I find it curious that there are only 6 songs, separated into 3 courses of 2.
They were composed by a band called Laugh & Peace, and they can be bizzare, but I'd say they're good songs. They were definitely made with the game's levels in mind, as there are parts where the song gets really slow or really fast.

But speaking of the gameplay, you only use 4 buttons on the controller. Each button corresponds to an obstacle on the course (i.e. R button for a loop), but there are also obstables that combine two obstacles, so you'll need to press both buttons at the same time.
It gets harder later on, but the timing for it always well made, and I had a lot of fun going through the stages!

And this brings me to, perhaps, the best aspect about this game.
Remember how I said the game only has 6 levels?
I lied.
So how many levels are there?

I N F I N I T Y.

Thanks to some great wizardy on NanaOn-Sha's part, the entire game is loaded onto the PlayStation's RAM, and with that, you can play any music CD you have, and it generates a level for you. And it's not random, too!
This provides the game with so much replay-value, and it could be considered a sort-of "physical DLC", if you will.

Overall, Vib-Ribbon is a very fun and charming rhythm game that I recommend everybody to check out!

Anywhere in the world, whenever someone is playing Vib-Ribbon a small tear is shed everytime "Sunny days" plays

I do love Vib ribbon for its gameplay for sure, and its normal ost is so damn perfect at encaplating the feeling of being in the same void the graphed audio lines of vibri live in. Its desolate and beautiful and creepy all at the same time

Also you can burn free bird on a cd and play it on this game, so its also 300 light years ahead of us

I think this game is a test about dyslexia because holy shit how can I miss some of these notes???

Something about this game makes my brain go insane.
Every neuron in my brain fires all at once when I start playing this game

It might be due to the brain damage that was caused by what happened in the summer of 2018. Who could really say?

One of the most charming games I’ve ever played

the fact i was able to pop in a burned cd of weezer and play buddy holly on this SOMEWHAT WELL MIND YOU really is a testament to how versatile this game is

Crumbled and bought it on PS3.

Extremely charming and likeable game and the whole playing your own CDs will never not be crazy to me, especially this early in the genre's life, but also there should really be more content in the base game and just generally wish it was a bit more polished.

I will never not love this game though like Vibri is literally the best character maybe ever

i can never remember what buttons do what even with a tutorial right in front of me, but i keep coming back

you can't load your cds or anything onto the vita release of vib-ribbon, so only play it if you're a true vibri addict!

unfortunately very short! i really really enjoy my time with this one and i still come back and do the gold course if i wanna play a rhythm game for a bit, but i wish there were more in game songs to play. i know the whole point is the custom generated songs but idk the generation algorithm doesn't feel too interesting compared to an actual hand made level and also it's kinda annoying to do it on emulator

you know when youre in such a bad state mentally that you cant even play anything beyond rhythm games with a <2hr campaign.


Amazing gimmick. I wish more games utilized hardware as creatively as this.

The music and visuals are truly incredible but the “rhythm” “game” of it all doesn’t fully pay off.

This game is so fucking cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Contained in this game so tiny the entirety of it fits in the PS1's RAM is one of my now favorite albums of all time, Laugh and Peace. The style of the game is super badass with its almost unnerving chaos and having only two colors, its wavelengths and static and the little noises connecting it all. Vibri's little quotes and bits of dialogue are super lovely. You can have your own levels autogenerated from your OWN CD. Beautiful beautiful.

It's really not that good of a rhythm game but it oozes with charm.
works as a fun novelty nowadays but I really do wish I had grown up with it, just busting out a collection of CD at the time and trying to beat your score once in a while would have made for some incredible childhood memories

it's so good u can even play with your own music like what the heeeeeeeeeeeeeell

I am so glad this game got a re-release on the PS3. One of my favorites! The soundtrack is great

My personal 9/11 was finally playing this game on an emulator only to realize that the base game only has like 5 songs and that whole "you can play your own CDs" thing I had heard about wasn't just a cool gimmick but is, in fact, basically the whole point of the game.

Definitely gonna either buy the game on PS3 or find a way to have it work on an emulator because, of what little I did play, this game is incredibly unique and charming.

Unrelated but whenever I write a review saying I'll get back to a game later I imagine that I'll be back in like a month or 2 but more realistically I'll probably be unable to get it out of my head and just buy it on PS3 in like 3 hours (Edit: Yup!)

one of the most unique games ever made and it pisses me off it doesnt get as much notoriety as it should. nanaon-sha pls come back u were truly one of a kind </3