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in the past

tiene el S O U L que muchos juegos ahora no tienen y es super experimental (hasta para ser un juego de psx, pensá lo que hace con la tecnología limitada de la época) ojala algún día hagan algo parecido

Kinda hard for me to decide on a rating for this because on the one hand, I don't think it's very good as far as like, playability--it's just too unforgiving and the way the game adapts to custom tracks never felt quite right. But that aesthetic! That MUSIC! Man, it's good. I would listen to the soundtrack any day of the week.

I don't know, I've only played the three tracks that come with the game and I'm already fully in love with it. Soundtrack is absolutely incredible, the game's art style is fascinating and looks like a game I would see in a dream. And of course everything involving the way Vibri animates, speaks and sings, I can't say enough good things about it. Games like these are little miracles when they happen and should be treated as such.

One thing I was worried about when starting this game was the timing, since it's developed by the same developer as the Parappa games, which on PS1 definitely gave me a hard time when it came to strict timing, but I actually found this game a lot more readable and reasonable when it came to note timing, for the most part. There are some parts of the game's three tracks that felt like getting the timing right was harder than it needed to be, but I wasn't stuck on stage 1 for days like Parappa. When the game gets hard, I actually get excited instead of terrified, which is also an improvement. Depending on how I feel about custom stages and after my attempts to get perfect on the on-disc games, I might even give this a 9/10, I'm really glad I finally decided to play this, it's a joy.

Honestly I wish Sony would revisit this fun little rabbit as Vib Ribbon is honestly so cheery, silly and manages to be one of those rhythm games that manages to be so easy to understand on the outset yet still has a lot of challenge inside. Its charming as hell.

Dont get me wrong, its not perfect. While the main game difficulty is nicely tuned, because of the rather random nature of the music generation, the difficulty outside on custom tracks can be really all over the place without warning. This probably is why the game should get another look as advances in tech could make this game really shine.

Both a interesting idea and awesome execution for a PlayStation game. I had a lot of fun plugging in random mp3s while emulating it

Yo, the beats are strong
Yo, the beats are strong
But the night is long

im not sure how i would get the generated music to work but really cool game

I wish I sounded like Vibri when I talked

It's pretty charming with solid gameplay, but the fact that you can import any song and get a procedurally generated level from it really makes this game stick out. There's an endless supply of content here if you so desire.

Hidden gem. An amazing but very short rhythm game with a banging OST and well appreciated custom soundtrack option to add replayability. At such a low price on PSN in comparison to the disc, I can't recommend it enough.

vibri crying when i failed a level made me feel more guilt for my actions then any yoko taro game has done.

rhythm games where i can play out the entirety of weezer's weezer (blue album): vib ribbon
rhythm games where i cant: the rest

is it really that hard of a choice?

practically everything masaya matsuura made is unique in its own little way

Extraordinarily charming rhythm game. The soundtrack is crazy and good. There's only a few levels, but on the ps3 or ps1 you can put in CDs and it'll generate levels for infinite playing. Will definitely stick with you.

A cute rhythm game with a catchy soundtrack, but little replay value if you don’t own a PS1/PS3 or CDs.

soy malisimo para los juegos ritmicos

The fact that I discovered this game in a /v/ horny thread says a lot.

Would be a lot easier to like this music based game if the music wasn’t awful

Game barely works and is held together by string but the soundtrack and the fact that it let me do this automatically means it's like, semi-goated at least. Perhaps a little raw

vibri is the peak of character design

The music is great. It's really creative and works perfectly with the game. But, the biggest downside is that the ost is only 20 minutes long and the sequel doesn't have the same type of music as this one...

Interesting game. Very neat presentation and plenty of soul. Nice music but the fact that there's only 6 songs is a real shame since I live in the modern age and don't have CDs to try with the custom track feature.The gameplay is nice and simple on normal but the combined shapes on hard difficulty can be really annoying to keep track of when the speed picks up.

this game, for lack of a better phrase, means the fucking world to me. it is wrapped in such love and care, from the aesthetics to its music. some of the best character designs too. also the CD mechanic for it was hella revolutionary too. like i don't know what the creators of parappa were smoking, but they need to go back and make another sequel because there's no game i can think of that is so full of energy. listen to sunny day and your depression WILL be cured. amazing game idgaf

feels like an acid trip in the best way possible

Emulated it And it's genius Simple as that I love the rabbit and I love the songs I made the rabbit dance to. It's not that hard to get. It's genius

a sweet and rad little game :) i cant wait to put suck shit by machine girl in it via some emu shenanigans
genuinely good default tracks too and visuals that are so simple yet keep you focused
takes a few tries to get shit right and you Are playing a playstation 1 game ofc but still a gem
i like this more than parappa the rapper 1

Vib-Ribbon is one of the few games where the magic can only be understood on the original hardware it was meant to be played alongside. The main campaign of the game is more a demonstration for the real reason you would play the game, which is to insert your own music CDs to play. Even if the auto-generated tracks that Vibri walks on can be hit or miss when choosing difficulty, it's fun to experiment what kind of auto-generation can occur when switching between different music genres. It's that exact gaming experience you cannot replicate through the emulated version and through the unique circumstance of how the PS1 hardware functions. This is not to discredit the content that already exists in the game, as the core soundtrack of Vib-Ribbon is satisfying enough. It's some of the happiest, poppy, and child-like tunes you will encounter on the system.