Reviews from

in the past

Not as fun as the first one – a lot more occult themes, but still a fun way to spend a couple of evenings solving puzzles.

also fun with friends, good puzzle game

very fun with a friend. multiplayer is janky but eventually works

This review contains spoilers

SACOLA NÃO! "Tamo aqui/10"

me and my friend finally got back to playing the game after a one year break. we only had 2 puzzles left...

Was fun but we kept getting soft locked in this one hallway with a door that would only open after we rebooted the game a few times. Pair that with the fact that you kept getting kicked back to this hallway if you failed the times puzzle in the next room, and this game quickly becomes a nightmare to get to run. Good puzzles + poor technical quality.

A lot harder than the first one, but it's fun and tricky at times!
Loved it. Although The ending... You basically have to complete it 2 times in order to finish it with a friend.
No spoils tho', have fun kids!

Another great entry, this one felt a bit more intense than the first one which was great. The presentation and difficulty is a lot better this time around. Whenever we got stuck on something it was never the games fault, just ours for not thinking outside of the box. I also like what it hints at at the end, would make for a refreshing replay not present in the first

Glitched like 3 times through the floor, nice castle tho.

I think the first one was distinctly better between puzzle themeing and interesting cooperative solutions. This one felt too much like just the same puzzle over and over with slightly new gimmicks. The maze puzzle in particular is very annoying.

But it's got some nice atmosphere and coop immediately elevates everything.

Didn’t enjoy this one as much as the first, felt unnecessarily complicated at times.

Stupidly complicated puzzles ruined this game. Ended up searching a guide to finish this game.

I love puzzles and hate my friends

too short, but it was pretty fun but not that good

I didn't enjoy as much as the first game, but still one of the better shorter co-op games I can think of.

I liked the structure of the first game more, but I understand the change when making it a longer experience.

Nice jump in quality for the game. Better than the first game. But still got those real obscure puzzles you don't even know how to begin

Buen juego cooperativo, segunda entrega de la saga We Were Here, ideal para pasar unas pocas sesiones con un amigo. Algo más largo que su predecesor (unas 3 horas y media en sacar el 100%), con puzles más elaborados pero igualmente divertidos. Recomendado si te gustan este tipo de co-ops y mejor que la primera entrega de la saga.

Excelente jogo de puzzle co-op

Os puzzles são ótimos, a dinâmica de cada jogador é muito boa,
tem alguns segredos muito bem escondidos.

Apesar de curtinho é muito divertido

second in series and an improvement over the first game in scope and gameplay mechanics.

Not quite as good as the first one. The maze puzzle was awesome though.

Another really great entry. Aaron and I also played through this one together. All the puzzles were great with some being harder than ever.

A much more complete experience than the first We Were Here; there is a much greater variety of puzzles, and they have been designed well to maximise confusion between players. The game still doesnt feel very polished though; there are quite a few little issues like holes in the textures, et cetera. Some of the time limited sections seem extremely punishing for no real reason, which just gets frustrating considering the penalty for failing these is just to restart them. Final verdict; better than the first one, but still just 'fine'.

mesma pegada do primeiro só que um pouco mais extenso, bom demais