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You know what the mark of a great game is? When you beat the final boss and there's an enemy roll call. Regular guy? Regular guy but with a hat on? Guy you didn't even fight? All present and accounted for.

And let it be known that Mabel Syrup is not to be fucked with. That witch will rip her eye out and send it to kill you without a second thought.

That's the plot, not that it matters much. Wizard sends a knight to rob the witch, witch gives them what's coming. Why an eyeball? Because it's gesture controls. Mouse or analogs, or finger if you're on your phone. Swipe to move, tap to stop. And it works! Quite well, in fact, all while avoiding the (potential) pitfall of requiring ever-escalating precision.

Instead the game just absolutely never stops throwing new enemies at you. I think there was a fresh face for every single level in the final zone, perhaps each of the penultimate as well, and plenty of one-off enemies besides. Tons of minibosses and arena challenges, because why not? And everything requires a different approach, different swipes, different timing.There's collectibles too, which the game will cheerfully taunt you over if you reach the end without all of them. It's fun, engaging, super easy to get drawn into the loop of seeing what the next level wants to do and where it's hiding the blue gem.

So it does this, and does it well, and then brings in the finisher that is its just incredibly charming art and music. Big, chunky GBA-style graphics, vivid colors, bouncy animations, shockingly great music. Everything is so expressive, enemies are easily readable, sights and sounds their own reward as you advance. Top notch.

I do wish the analogs would indicate the direction you were moving them in. I also wish the mouse, which I switched to, was captured by the window because the number of times I hit my second screen in a boss fight was infuriating. Some sort of indicator of which collectable you missed in a level (think the natural order of the KONG letters in Donkey Kong Country or Celeste's blank strawberries) is sorely lacking as well. Small qualms, though, and nothing that really marred the fun I had.

A strange little Arkanoid-style 'platformer' that feels like a combat-orientated Kuru Kuru Kururin, with its focus on safely manoeuvring enemy-filled levels and its blocky and bright Gameboy Advance style visuals. Fully completable in an hour or two, this is an enjoyable time that speeds by thanks to the fantastic OST and tongue-in-cheek references to other titles (particularly Shovel Knight).

ah... a soundtrack desse jogo....

Witcheye is an enjoyable side-scrolling adventure/action game that stars Mable the Witch in her quest to retrieve stoles items from a wizard and a knight. In order to get her items back she turns into an eye and sets on a quest to retrieve them.

My absolute favorite thing about Witcheye is the art direction and graphics. The game has a retro-inspired SNES-to-GBA era look and feel that is very well done by the developer with tons of background and texture variety as well as great animated sprites for characters and enemies.

Gameplay is both a blessing and a curse for this game. It was definitely designed with mobile gaming in mind, however, it still works (for the most part) well with a controller (played this on the Steam Deck actually). You flick the control stick to send the witcheye in attack mode toward that particular direction. You use face buttons to stop the witcheye in place which can be a useful mechanic for navigation purposes and adjusting movement on the fly. Flicking the control stick can become a bit cumbersome since it doesn't offer the same level of precision movement that regular controls would provide. Late levels can be a major pain when dealing with multiple enemies and navigation through tight spaces within levels.

Environment effects such as wind and water affect the movement of the witcheye. Another major pro of this game is the variety in terms of enemies, mid-bosses, and main bosses. There are plenty of memorable fights in the game and I really enjoyed the mini-cinematic sequences before each boss fight.

Overall, I give Witcheye props for trying something unique. The flick controls can be annoying but the overall experience is positive with great enemy variety and a wonderful visuals and soundtrack. Definitely worth a shot for the low price of admission.

Incredibly straightforward, and surprisingly satisfying. There's so many little details that go into the quality of this, the animations, the music, the clever secrets, the variation in gameplay. Make sure you try hard mode, as it's a carefully crafted experience that demands closer attention without being unreasonable.

Arkanoid for ppl whose attention spam was ruined by tiktok.

Listen, I don't know about the Switch and Mobile versions but the PC version tabs out CONSTANTLY and if it wasn't for that I would have found the game a blast. Graphics are fantastic with unique gameplay and a lot of love in the design. The controls aren't that bad but I died so many times just because my mouse went off the page and onto my other monitor for some reason closing the game window???? Like a game like this should not be a tab out situation.

This made the final battle infuriating but over all honestly I liked it. It was addictive. But I never want to play it again.

This was alright. Fun little time waster.

The game mechanics are quite interesting, and the game itself is quite fast, but still, I felt a lack of dynamism.

Not knowing what the collectibles are for was something that negatively impacted me.

If you don't collect everything in the levels, most of them are easily skippable because you can ignore almost all enemies and just go straight ahead. This is a point that impacted me a lot since I didn't know what the collectibles were for. Since there wasn't a clear reason, I wasn't motivated to pick them up, so I just went through the levels ignoring everything, and it ended up being very monotonous most of the time.

Among the three other alternative game modes, only one is unlocked after completing the game on the only difficulty available initially. This would make me play more if the game on normal difficulty had captivated me.

Even though they still showed that there would be a story part in the unlocked difficulty level, I personally didn't feel like continuing because I wasn't shown a reward equal to the effort, just like with the collectibles.

The bosses are fun, with interesting mechanics and well-balanced.

The graphics, sound effects, and stories are good; I didn't encounter any bugs or problems of any kind. The achievements also didn't motivate me to keep playing. Overall, it's a nice and well-made game, quite short, and has its charm despite some flaws.

This is one very unique game due to its controls. You decide an eyeball’s direction with the touch screen but it moves on its own. You can also stop the ball from moving by touching it once but you can’t control the eyeball directly. The levels, enemies and bosses are very well designed. I get strong GBA/Super Nintendo vibes with the soundtrack and graphics. There are many collectibles within the levels and modes such as hard, boss rush etc. However, the game’s controls while very refreshing and interesting, can also be seen as a weakness. The 6 worlds ramp up in challenge and there are times where it can get on my nerves when the controls can cause you to die easily. Still though, definitely give the game a try if you’re open to new gameplay wrapped up in retro style.

Lovely minigame, that is doing everything right: Cute characters, beautiful artwork, interessting game mechanics, good level design. hard mode, boss rush, speedrun mode. I like the references to other game characters as well. had a fun playthrough.

wow do i have some thoughts. the soundtrack in this game is amazing. i absolutely loved it, and definitely plan to listen to it on my own time outside of the game if possible. the sound effects were also great, and the art is very appealing. as for the gameplay, i was not a fan. flicking the joystick to shoot in one direction is the main gameplay mechanic, and i was open to it in the beginning. however, the mechanic itself was not satisfying at all. some of the enemies were insufferable, and i found myself trying to avoid the enemies entirely a lot of the time, even though it's kind of the whole point of the game. some of the enemies just required so much precision from a non-precise gameplay mechanic that it was entirely too tedious. the game is also just too short. i beat it in just over an hour and a half, and it ramps up in difficulty too quickly before the player can get used to the controls and get better with it in time. in the beginning i was flying through the levels, and by 3/4 of the game i found myself replaying every level 5 times because i just kept dying. in a lot of games, trial and error can be incredibly difficult but rewarding and satisfying. in this game, it was just irritating. i like challenge in my games, but not without satisfaction. however, despite my complaints, a lot of people seem to like this game and $5 i can't really super strongly recommend against it.

Ok concept but lacking any wow factor.

little game--big thoughts, though! i really like witcheye, this reworking of kirby's skeleton to create something more challenging and addictive (in short bursts). instead of both copying abilities and floating around, you're the latter except weaponized, and obstacles lie in navigating stage hazards detrimental to floaters like you and enemies who vary in ways to defeat. all of this is wrapped up in a package of absolutely gorgeous pixel art and a heaping of sickeningly sweet 16 bit groove (so much midi bass).

it's pretty fun to figure out how to defeat new enemies as they appear, soon mastering the ability to just wipe 'em out the moment they appear on screen, your forward momentum undeterred. sometimes it can feel very sloppy and you'll somehow effortlessly glide through a level despite not really knowing what's happening, but you learn. a particular highlight is the kirby styled locked miniboss fights, many really inventive. there's also this whole deal about collecting gems, but it's honestly horseshit: many, many times a gem will clip through the ground and disappear, and i'm having fun, sure, but i'm really not that interested to replay a level just to grab more bing bing jewels.

you know, probably the worst and weirdest thing about this game is the design of the main character and her alter eye ego. exceptionally bland: why? all of the enemies are charming even if many are reskinned waddle dees and gordos. the bosses are pretty cool, too... so why does the main character look so nothing? her name's mabel syrup but how could you even know that when all she sports is a dumb purple frock and matching hairbun? and the eye is just... an eye. i'd really like to draw some fanart for witcheye, but good lord it won't be the main character.
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Insufribles los controles táctiles en Switch y eso que es un juego de móvil, os recomiendo bajaros la app de CaixaBank en su lugar y mirar extractos bancarios durante 3 horas