Reviews from

in the past

I really like it, but there was a moment in the game where I got tired of hunting the Big Daddies. Rapture is cool tho

Liked the story of the game but something about the gameplay made the game feel like a chore towards the ends.

este es otro ejemplo de como debe ser un buen juego, de los mejores fps que he jugado lo unico que me parecio malo fue el boss final creo algo forzado

tu lui fais quoi à la gamine ?

The immersive sim was the best videogame genre of the late 2000s and early 2010s, and this gem has a lot do with it!!! Timeless political distopy and steampunk classic.

Finally beat the game on this version so that's nice

Inicialmente, jogando somente pra dar uma olhada e no acabei me fissurando.

Ambientação é um espetáculo,história envolvente pelos mistérios e jogatina divertida.
Gosto muito da interação dos Big Daddy e as Little Sisters.

Por salvar todas,obtive o final bom e aquela cena de união,aquece o coração 😥

Bioshock 1 is nearly a perfect game. I don't think it's possible to ever create the kind of game that Bioshock 1 is ever again. It's setting, themes, world building, art design, characters, and so many more details truly set what the industry standard should be. The story is truly engaging and lets you get deeply immersed in this world. The city of Rapture being one of, if not the most, creative places in all of fiction. The main antagonist Andrew Ryan is an absolute joy to analyze. His reasoning, rage, and slow decent into madness make him a threatening aura all through the title. The gameplay is intense and nerve knotting moments that lend you to feel the true horrors of the Adam corrupted visionaries that now roam the great class halls of the city. The only reason that this game isn't a perfect score, is merely due to the lazy and poorly written twist of Atlas being Frank Fontaine. It comes out of no where and kind of spoils the game in a way. It is also fairly pointless to have the moral choices found in the game either. The act of killing or sparring a little sister is merely a good or bad choice and really doesn't go any deeper than that. Finally, the difficulty selection for this game is extremely unbalanced. Lower difficulties are far to easy and don't push the player to use all the mechanics presented to them and makes them miss some aspects of the game. On harder difficulties, it makes the respawn system have a glaring issue. When one dies in this game, they will be respawned in a Vita-Chamber. This is not like reloading from an old save. It merely brings you back from the moment you died. Thus, any resources used to attempt to attack the last thing that killed you, was completely wasted. Overall, this truly does stand out as one of ,if not the best. BioShock games really are something special and this one changed the landscape of games, forever.

En gameplay es bastante entretenido, la dificultad es muy buena para un manco como yo, nunca me sentí frustado. Lo de los poderes y los tonicos es super bueno: Pero lo que se lleva la cereza es la ambientacion y el diseño artistico. El juego tiene demasiada personalidad, el universo está muy bien construido y es muy inmersivo y memorable. Me encanta la cancionsita de las little sisters.

People kept saying this is the holy grail of game story-writing and after playing the game more than 10 years after its release, I gotta say they are not wrong.

To me, the plot of Bioshock symbolizes what we could have got from a video game storyline. This is sadly especially true when compared to games nowadays.

The remastered version, however, was completely dogshit for me. I got locked at crouch speed for most of the game and the gun-play physics felt extremely weird and janky. I was furious when I find out that these issues weren't really present from the original version of the game. However, the original game is pretty much inaccessible on modern operating systems and emulating would put a significant toll on the performance of the game.

Tldr, the plot is phenomenal, but the remaster is pure dog shit. Don't play the remaster.

This game is exceptionally fantastic up until the final level, but I still think it’s more than worth it in the end for the awesome environmental storytelling and broad combat sandbox. Would you kindly give it a shot when you have the chance?

I had a real itch to replay Bioshock and it was definitely scratched, but I'm not sure I'll have that desire again.

The strongest aspects of the game are the dialogue and (some of) the writing, as well as the mechanics of how gameplay works. The core plot is a strong invitation into a world that feels well-realized and there is no end to the iconic lines spoken by the memorable characters. Playing it this time around felt like a really good roller coaster, in that it's not a completely interactive experience but it still does what it can to immerse you in the story it's trying to tell.

Forgiving it the necessary marks of aging, everything still plays out fairly well from end-to-end. The shooting and plasmids feel pretty good and the environments do enough to spice up the gameplay loop, for the most part. After a while, though, the shallow nature of the run-and-gun gameplay wears a bit thin and the shortcomings of this lauded game become more apparent.

Bioshock, I think, has always been a game considered as having a strong opening and a weak ending. That's certainly what I think and what I've heard others describe the game as, but you can really track the rate at which the game itself begins to go downhill. Sure, the gameplay is fun, but only for a little while; in fact, before too long, it begins to become quite rote. Nearly 2 decades later, enough games have improved on the template set out by Bioshock that the original feels like a relic in comparison to them and, unfortunately, doesn't hold the same sway over me when I'm double the age I was when I first played it. The moderate frustration of the remaster freezing on me thrice, losing me hours of game time, is also a bummer.

An important game, no doubt, but one that can't help but wear the ravages of time on its sleeve, much like the creaking halls of Rapture itself.

i didnt like the ending but still my fav video game ever
it was one of the first video games to raise a subject of politics so directly. also the characters. even if theyre bad people theyre still plausible and even likeable. the story is self-sufficient and rly smart unlike some,,,other bioshock game(YES IM LOOKING AT U INFINITE). dont even get me started on the setting and color palette I LOVE how everything is like in shades of turquoise. also how the city was designed is smart workaround of technological limitations i dont get ppl saying bioshocks ugly

Обожаю игры где есть системность и биошок стала одной из первооткрывательниц лично для меня.
Мне безумно нравится бегать с фризом и бить людей гаечным ключом.
На 2007 год - это был просто безумный прорыв в сюжетном плане,ибо шутер и еще с сюжетом не хуже чем в фильмах.А так бывает?Бывает,саша,бывает.
Даже есть иммерсивность,а это ого го на тот момент.
В наше время играется неплохо,но чувствуется нафталин.