Reviews from

in the past

achei mais difícil que o primeiro

Um jogo inovador para a série crash bandicoot, mas joguei tanto isso que acabei enjoando

Yup. That's definitely Crash 2 alright. It's about the same as the original if i'm being honest, it might control a tiny bit better but one thing that definitely messed me up was the ice physics, other than that I think its kind of a downgrade visually to the original Crash 2. I think the main reason why I think that is definitely the lighting, the warp room doesn't look as good to me than in the original PS1 look. Which is strange since Crash 1 N-Sane looks nicer than the original Crash 1 but I guess the original wasn't much of a looker to begin with. Either way, whichever version of Crash 2 you play it'll always be good, and this one was just as smooth of a ride as the original.

El Extra por completar 100% más pedorro que puede haber en juego alguno

Igual está más chido que el primero

It’s honestly insane to me just how much of an improvement this is from the first Crash Bandicoot game

Crash 2 está hecho para mí más que el primer Crash: los niveles sigue teniendo la misma intensidad pero son más cortos así que puedo no frustrarme tanto si me atasco en una fase, que solo me ha pasado en alguna del final. La verdad es que se nota el salto de dificultad a partir de ciertos niveles del cuarto piso.
Crash 2 puede parecer no aportar mucho pero creo que ha consolidado muy bien su fórmula.
Los jefes siguen siendo mi pequeña decepción de este juego: 4 de ellos son muy cortos y N.Gin es super rígido la forma de derrotarlo. Me da rabia porque los diseños son muy chulos (en especial los Hermanos Komodo).
Pensaba ponerla 3 estrellas y media pero me voy satisfecho de que, y repito, a pesar de quedarme atascado no he sentido frustración como sentí con Crash 1. Me parce una secuela digna con todas las de la ley

Wow. Naughty Dog goes 2/2 with franchises that have dog shit dumpster fire debuts, and sequels that are incredible improvements. With the first Crash Bandicoot I was pushing myself to finish it, trudging through a couple levels per play session. But with Cortex Strikes Back, I comfortably beat the whole game in a single evening.

What changed? Maybe it's the fact that this game doesn't throw marathon levels at you, or ask you to perform death defying jumps every level, or have nonsensical enemies and obnoxious bosses. Maybe it's the awesome slide move that makes your movement faster, your jump higher, AND gives you another way to attack baddies. Maybe it's better paced due to giving you levels in sets of 5 to tackle in any order you want. Whatever it is, it's a crazy turnaround, and, dare I say, consistently fun.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows though. Also like in Uncharted 2 (to make the comparison again), Cortex Strikes Back doesn't completely escape the problems of its predecessor. I called foul on several deaths, the feel is still not that precise or snappy, Crash still easily slips off of enemies and boxes, and weirdly enough the saturation is grading sometimes. It seems like those complaints are sadly just a package deal with Crash Bandicoot, or at least with the N. Sane trilogy. Also whoever decided that Nitro crates should bounce around like jumping beans deserves to wake up in the middle of the night and go get a glass of water only to find out that their housemates didn't refill the brita. And then step on a lego.

But still, truly an astounding improvement. I had very little patience for this going into it after the first game cheated, mugged me, stole my car and drove home to fuck my wife, but I guess everyone deserves a second chance.

Also, I just want to toot my own horn a bit and mention that I went through the third and second to last levels completely deathless back to back! I died like 40 times on the last level though.