Reviews from

in the past

in which sega adapts the wachowski sisters' magnus opus, speed racer, into a minidvd that might get you high if you boof it. i couldn't un-stick my eyes from the screen if i wanted to. gamecube controller diehards are still mondo uncool, though i come dangerously close to becoming one every time i jam down the spring-loaded triggers to kick into a drift. good shit. i think the devs knew the dpad and c stick placement were trashy and that's why nothing is mapped to either by default. anyway, this is the perfect racer. trying to describe the blistering gamefeel of a prime sega arcade title 20 years after the fact is a fruitless endeavor, so i will instead forego that and just show you this. and a message to my friends: no, i'm not going to shut up about this game. get gx or get THE FUCK out.

edit: shit, i think this might have beat out sonic r as my favorite racer. ganbatte, f-zero.

Revisiting a childhood game, and realizing the game has not only aged incredibly well, but it is significantly better than you remember may be one of the best feelings in the world. You always knew the game was great, but experiencing that greatness with a deeper appreciation for what makes it so great is like reaffirming your childhood memories. I thought this was one of the best arcade racing games ever made. And fortunately (and somewhat unfortunately) this still reigns true today. F-Zero GX is the peak of the series, and I think I get why Nintendo and Sega were so afraid to make a proper follow-up to it. It's hard to improve on perfection, without fundamentally changing it. What we were left with was Mario Kart 8.....for 10 years.

Rest in Piece F-Zero/10

Nintendo themselves could never reach a magnitude this high, hence F-Zero was shelved...........

I dunno, that's what my uncle who worked at Nintendo keeps telling me.

Multiplayer is insane. The game is hard asf but this game is so smooth and crispy. It plays more like a modernized first F-Zero. Much better than F-Zero X. That game felt greasy. This is the best racing game I ever played. I can't think of any issues. The only issue is that F-Zero X has a better OST.

Jogo dificil da desgraça. A gameplay envelheceu muito bem

I was doing that one campaign mission where you have to do the race against Evil Captain Falcon and Eviler Captain Falcon, and I kept on losing by like half a second over and over. Probably an hour into trying it I was once again about to come in 3rd, when the spirit of Captain Falcon himself took over my body. I swerved and slammed directly into a mine that was near the end of the track, which ricocheted me into another mine, which then blasted me over the finish line in a clear first place. You remember that Nascar guy that rode the wall and won the race?

I felt that rush.

this is one of the best racing games ever. super high speeds, surprisingly engaging combat, diverse cast of characters and incredible unique tracks. the music is wonderful and memorable, especially the character themes. my only real complaints are 1) the story mode is pretty bad. nothing really happens and the cutscenes are awkward. 2) the game is hard, like really hard. beyond reason it should be this difficult on normal mode. but other than that? i love this game, super cool

The guys at Amusement Vision (later Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio) were truly masters of the craft around this time, making two of my favorite games: this and Super Monkey Ball 1. They really knew how to make games that feel great to play on a visceral, physical level - games you can sit down for hours and forget you're even using your hands to control it. You just feel it.

F-Zero GX, on the surface, doesn't appear to do much to distinguish it from X. There aren't any obvious new gimmicks or anything. But AV knew exactly what kind of small, precision changes to make that would make a huge impact. The vehicles control extremely precisely; this is something you should simply experience yourself rather than take my word for it. Track designs are a clear step up from X's, with more memorable, varied layouts. To me, this makes up for the lack of the X Cup and track creator/editor.

The new Story Mode is fun, but I think I prefer the simplicity of a standard Grand Prix. I will say though that you should definitely do all the Master Class GPs before diving into the Story since those are pretty much a tutorial.

And of course, Hidenori Shoji and Daiki Kasho bring a world-class soundtrack which fits the game perfectly. I especially love how the music changes for the final lap.

It's no surprise Nintendo seems hesitant to follow up on this considering Sega's AV team knocked it out of the park.