Reviews from

in the past

Revisiting a childhood game, and realizing the game has not only aged incredibly well, but it is significantly better than you remember may be one of the best feelings in the world. You always knew the game was great, but experiencing that greatness with a deeper appreciation for what makes it so great is like reaffirming your childhood memories. I thought this was one of the best arcade racing games ever made. And fortunately (and somewhat unfortunately) this still reigns true today. F-Zero GX is the peak of the series, and I think I get why Nintendo and Sega were so afraid to make a proper follow-up to it. It's hard to improve on perfection, without fundamentally changing it. What we were left with was Mario Kart 8.....for 10 years.

Rest in Piece F-Zero/10

The style in this game is insane and it plays so well despite it's age I am very impressed. The sense of speed is something else and I can see why people love this game so much, I worked through the Grand Prix cups on normal and that was about the extent of my abilities, the story mode is just insanely difficult and I only got a few missions in. Definitely something I will pick up and play more over time.

Have played, but haven't completed the campaign

I had the best pizza of my life while playing this game

F-Zero is a great franchise because it has at least three games that you could credibly call the best racing game ever made, and this is one of them. I dislike the change in soundtrack and tone from previous games in the series.

Jogo dificil da desgraça. A gameplay envelheceu muito bem

This game is only as amazing as it is because of Amusement Vision. Trust me when I say no sequel could ever be as good as this.

THis series needs to be revived

This game is excellent, one of the best racing games out there.
Well-made tracks, pure adrenaline with a fast pace, disorienting in the right way, interesting cast and customization. Fun and challenging story mode.

F-Zero GX didn't deserve to be forgotten, it should have been re-released.

I'm glad I bought a GameCube and a totally original copy to play it. *blinks

Don't miss the opportunity to play it, don't be a mule, be smart as a Dolphin, buy your totally original game and a GameCube yourself too and go play it. It has a Torrent of good games.