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Que incomodidad de juego maes. De todos los juegos de Final Fantasies que le he dado through the years, este es el único que me produjo un gran ñe 🤷 at best y un gran UGH at worst.

Da mucha lastima porque hay varias cosas que don FF III hace muy bien. Tiene un soundtrack super bueno, tiene la primera aparición de varios overworlds y hasta tiene una progresión de personajes bastante más balanceada (amen por tener un algoritmo de random encounters decente).

Lo que si me mata (figuradamente) es que el writing y la historia sean tan lame. Una papa sin sal. Es demasiado sad sentir que todo fue hecho a la carrera.

El juego comienza y muy rapidamente nos empiezan a introducir personajes que aparentemente son super importantes que nos joinean en el party (aunque no son playable) El problema es que solo nos dicen que son importantes y no nos muestran. El juego está hecho como para que nunca haya tiempo para desarrollar algún tipo de apego hacia el personaje. Lo cual es gracioso porque casi siempre, poco despues de conocerlos, se los vuelan de alguna manera hahah. El personaje de uno siempre exclama con gran dolor y sufrimiento y uno se queda ahí como tratando de recordar incluso como se llamaba el personaje que acaba de palmar. Esto el juego repite este move varias veces y de una manera super dispersa y rara, entonces todo siempre se siente muy apresurado y sin rumbo.

Siento que este es de los pocos Final Fantasies que toma un paso en la dirección incorrecta, o mas bien, varios pasos en direcciones diferentes. Trata de tener un nuevo sistema para levelar, trata de meterle más historia, más trama, mas personajes, mas lineas de dialogo, más animaciones, pero todo lo hace como a medias. Lo siento torpe y lento y la verdad no me matizó mucho.

En fin, no creo poder darle mas que un 2 unfinished job systems out of 5 🧑‍🎨👩‍🎨

The skeleton of the job system from FF5 is there and there's a surprising amount of strategic depth to this game. Far from perfect, but it's where the Final Fantasy series started to develop its identity in terms of its gameplay.

Took what was best from both FF1 and FF2, and had a decent enough story to keep it rolling. I continue my urge to 100% the pixel remasters, and this was atleast the most enjoyable to do so. It does get tedious having a 100% guide next to me for it because the game has missable bestiary entries, chests, one-time visit locations, all the chocobo forests, etc. I only plan to do my first PC playthroughs of FF1 to FF4 like this (100%ing and having the step-by-step guide next to me)because I have played them before in horrible increments of time in the past, and just CBA to care of my first time experience of them to be legit. Just thugging through the first 4, and then actually spending my time from 5 onward; helps that I already know that FF6 is a banger, so I won't ruin it for me by having everything spoon fed to me.

oh yeah, review part of the game. Honestly a lot more fun then 1 and 2 for me, I really did like having a job system in place. Having the Pixel Remaster excuses the first implementation of the job system solely because of auto battle, cuzzzz if it didn't have that I would have cried and rated it lower. Yes, going to each crystal and painstakingly raising up your new job title so it's efficiently useful in battle can be a drag, but Auto makes up for it. Since I was going for 100%, I just never had the feeling of having turning on no-encounters, besides I just like hearing all the battle themes and victory fanfares. Other than that, this is easily 6.5 - 7/10 for me. Onto the last drag.

not brave enough to play the 3D remake, not strong enough to play the NES version

a step up from the original (and ESPECIALLY 2) in every way. fun from start to finish even if it felt a bit grindy at points. can't wait to play ff5 now since i've heard it does the job system even better than this game

The best in the NES era, I love job system and the freedom in team composition but the gameplay is kinda brain dead just auto every random encounter, except in the bosses, this is where the game gonna challenge you and its very stressful I love it

Pretty alright step up from the first game. The new ideas like the job system were implemented decently although the game never bothers explaining most of these, so it quickly became a habit to open a wiki for this game whenever I got confused. The first game still does exploration better, even though this is still leagues above FFII. This game in general feels like a redoing of the first FF, both gameplay and story wise. Pretty much the only thing carrying over from FFII was the roe mechanic during battle (which of course never got explained in this game). The difficulty is probably the best here out of the games I’ve played so far, even though there are some bullshit spikes where the solution is grinding and grinding alone near the end.
The story is probably as good as it gets for an NES game, with some of the dialogue even being pretty fun to read at times (at least in the German translation, which was the one I’ve played). Overall a decent attempt a redoing the first game with even some cool and new ideas, story and gameplay wise. Some of them just don’t feel complete yet though.

It sure is an NES RPG, alright

gameplay is fun, NES rpg story, job system is cool but 90% of the jobs I never used, and has like 1 random difficulty spike. play this but not as your first FF

Despite returning to the gameplay roots of the first game, doing the same thing twice loses the charm that the original had

The start of the job system, and a return to the "make your own party" style that won't be seen outside of spinoffs. There's some rough points, but the Pixel Remaster smooths over a lot of the edges and helps make this game be a lot more than it would be otherwise.

should've sticked with being simple instead of over-complicating everything

Final Fantasy 3 is nearly a perfect step up from the first game. Disregarding a lot of the time wasting bullshit from FF2, 3 manages to improve on all the things the first game did, though this is not to say 3 doesn't have its shortcomings.
For the positives, you could really just copy a lot of my praises I gave to the first game, now with the added bonus of expanding the small things. FF1 had a VERY barebones story, sparsely using dialogue, named characters, or cutscenes. While this functioned perfectly fine for 1, FF3 shows how far these things go for an RPG. I have to admit that there were a few times where I'd have to consult a guide for FF1 due to forgetting some random bit of information, or the game being a bit esoteric with what I was given (a rat's tail is a mark of courage?). This did not occur with FF3. The game expertly leads you from place to place by expanding your range of exploration while contextualizing the purpose of your journey. There's a moment about halfway through the game involving the floating continent that gave me a rush of excitement the first game didn't have and the second failed to execute. Combine this with the solid gameplay from the first game and you have an experience that manages to surpass it.
Unfortunately, FF3 is still fairly average as a video game, and is tied down by a few aspects, especially the job system. This series is known for practically every game being unique from each other, and 3's trait is the ability to change your character's jobs at any point, with jobs essentially acting as the classes from the first game. The way this system ends up being used is far more gimmicky than would appear. Instead of constantly messing around with jobs to create interesting party compositions, most of the time, you'll end up sticking with the same 4 or 5 jobs and only ever change when you need to pass a gimmick section like turning into frogs or fighting a boss that takes extra damage from one job. The worst example of this comes in the late game when you have to do 2 dungeons back to back that feature an insane level spike for the enemies you're fighting, and every single one of these enemies can't be hit with physical attacks without multiplying the enemy. This forces you to kit out magic and dark knight classes, which will be a huge drain on your wallet, which means a shit ton of grinding for you.
Despite the new job system being a bit of a flop, FF3 still cements itself as a worthwhile experience in the series, and giving me newfound hope for the rest of the games that 2 almost managed to kill.