Reviews from

in the past

I really liked Zero Dawn, but man the beginning was boring and it took me a while to get into. So when Forbidden West here had a super slow start, I figured it was just a matter of time before it gets good. And then it never did.

It's a shame because there is quality stuff here, it's just buried underneath so much monotony. Every now and then there's a really cool story point or fun boss fight, but it's just not worth the hours of abysmal platforming, soulless looting, and boring one-dimensional characters that you can't escape from. Big disappointment.

esse jogo é só tipo, o melhor jogo lançado nos ultimos 4 anos e eu sou completamente devota a ele !

Starting off with the first impression that Forbidden West will inevitably instill in anyone that plays it is the best place to begin when discussing Zero Dawns succesor, since sadly it is arguably its greatest strength. Horizon Forbidden West is a gorgeous game. Enemy designs are hyper detailed, and the densely realized landscape to explore is a sight to behold, utilizing the power of the PS5 that very few,(if any),have come close to, to this day. Much like in the prior title, I was constantly in photo mode, as the game relentlessly throws jaw dropping visual displays at a near constant basis. From a technical perspective the game runs just as well, with virtually no hiccups throughout my playthrough. An incredible feat for an open world game. However, Forbidden West shares far too many similarities to its open world counterparts that shouldnt be replicated; ultimately making the venture through the GAIA transmorphed Earth a borderline middling affair.

From the get go, the ESG agenda is hard to miss. The apparent vitriol Aloy has for men is downright ugly to experience. Almost every White man is either a boob with no common sense or downright evil. Anyone with a remote sense of competence is typically a women or an effeminate black man, and the pattern of gender/race correlation to ones morality continues through, from beginning to end. Its not at a level to outright ruin the experience, but certainly dampers any attempt for an engaging story. This is particulary egregious given how much help Forbidden West's story needs.

While the backstory is intriguing and well fleshed out, the deliverance is an absolute drag. Almost every bit of exposition is simply one character standing infront of the other, stating their lines like slightly animated mannequins. A few nuances in direction makes it a slight improvement over the it's predecessor containing the same issue, but doesn't remedy the problem at all. This is a very prominent motiff for the title in general; Improving on the prior game's faults without ever outright fixing the problem.

Combat is kept relatively the same as the original with a few welcome additions, yet are hardly viable given the efficacy the strike, shoot, dodge formula is. Fighting giant mech beast continues to be thrilling, but the human enemy types once again have braindead AI and the attempts to add depth to the fighting mechanics for the most part fall flat. The gameplay just doesnt have the legs to satiate such a long venture.

Like many contemporary open world games, it is just far too content rich for its own good. Horizon Forbidden West is insanely bloated, with many activities being boring filler that studios just cant seem to help but implement for the sake of padding. Not only that, its the same sort of activities you find in a myriad of other titles; most of the time those games do it better as well.

Horizon Forbidden West is indeed a good game that improves on Zero Dawn in virtually every way, but for every positive attribute theres just as many negatives pulling the other way. Aside from the visual spectacle its sadly not a very memorable adventure, joining the exceedingly crowded list of open world experiences with a lot to do, but not much truly worth doing.

wow. that was a video game. again

Talvez os gráficos mais impressionantes da história dentro do terreno de jogos que miram para o realismo, o que torna ainda mais decepcionante considerando o quanto a história e gameplay são genéricas, esquecíveis e desinteressantes. O primeiro jogo já era ultrapassado em design em 2017, mas ao menos descobrir os mistérios do lore do universo carregava boa parte da experiência. A sequência praticamente não traz evolução alguma e não consegue prender em nenhum aspecto. Extremamente decepcionante.


beautiful game shit franchise

beautifulllll graphics, the story was easier to follow this time and it always a fun game to play.

Have not finished it yet but it already looks incredible from what I can see so far I hope it will be Zero Dawn but better.

really enjoyed. story was not as strong compared to its predecessor but its often a mammoth task to follow up a great intro story in a sequel. it's much harder to tell a compelling and deep story in a video game sequel when the game before it already did all the character and world building. gameplay is awesome i love killing machines with primitive human technology. bow and arrow 4eva. also the game world is gorgeous, i seriously spent so much time just walking around. my steam account is full of screenshots from this game. my pc did have some frame issues, which i wonder if its due to me having a 3060 or if the game isn't quite optimized for pcs yet. could just be my pc tho.

As graphically impressive as this game is, I was unable to finish it, as the game is extremely long, and I didn't find it interesting enough to continue. Because its map is extremely boring, we don't have anything cool about it, which makes going to points on the map boring and missions that didn't keep me hooked until the end, as the NPCS are extremely empty, seeming like they are just part of the scenario. However technically it is almost perfect, but for me it was not justifiable to finish it

This was the first game I ever played on a PS5, and I was blown away. The way it used the haptics of the controller was particularly brilliant, not to mention it's just absolutely stunning. I love both of the Horizon games and look forward to replaying this one soon.

Don't think there will ever be a day where I'll understand why this game came out the same day as elden ring

Why is Aloy ugly?
Joking. Sort of.
But for real, this series just does not resonate with me. Gameplay, story, characters. The environments are pretty though.

This review contains spoilers

Still a fun game and I love Aloy and her supporting cast but the reveal at the end about Nemesis feels like he's another Hades just the 2.0 version of him. I don't vibe with this :/

The Zeniths were an interesting idea and truly despicable and finding Faro in his bunker was my highlight in the game. :D

Still love the gameplay even though it sometimes became confusing as to where Aloy was and where the enemy. Maybe that's my fault, I don't know...

Not a fan of anything that had to do with climbing. Felt like the weakest aspect of the gameplay.

There were too many quests about finding a missing person/squad. I don't remember if the first game had that, too.

Vegas was visually stunning at night. Loved it!

I enjoyed the story and graphics, but overall it felt like an inferior experience to Horizon Zero Dawn in terms of gameplay. The combat especially was so bad I played on Story difficulty just to get through it.

The first game felt so much more streamlined in comparison. Combat felt arcade-ish back then whereas in HFW it felt tedious.

The crafting in this sequel was beyond dumb too. This is supposed to be a narrative driven game and yet they suck the momentum out of the story by inflicting a shit ton of crafting options on the player. Why the hell are there so many bows and so many arrow types? The weapon wheel looks absolutely insane in this game.

The third game needs to go back to simplicity as a philosophy.

Love the Combat mechanic
Flying is awesome
Story is good (HZD was a bit better though)
Base Upgrading is fun
Having bigger side quests for your companions felt like actually doing something that matters in the game
Long loading times on PS4
Was overwhelmed by the Weapon Choices + Quest-Options this games has. In the end it felt too much so I just rushed the main story and called it quits.
In the end I was too saturated of the game to buy the Add-On
Didn't like climbing much - often Aloy jumped in a different direction than I wanted her to

Great game with an even better world. The physics within combat scenarios was very frustrating, but the quality of the enemies and the scope of the game helped make up for it.

There's an alternate timeline out there where I played this with fewer long gaps between sessions, and it maybe ends up being one of my favorite games. Alas, I sometimes took whole weeks off and that really zapped the immersion for me.

Ok, eu joguei o primeiro faz anos e com o anúncio da continuação eu fiquei muito hypado pois eu tinha gostado do primeiro, anos depois eu finalmente pude jogar e, me decepcionei, vamos lá.
O jogo ele continua na mesma pegada do primeiro só que ele aprimora, o início é um início ok, começando uma nova trama que tava me interessando, mas só durou algumas horas, esse jogo foi pra mim uma montanha-russa de estar interessado na história e querer jogar, e de ser tão previsível e desinteressante e querer só dropar do jogo, e foi isso, tinha momentos que eu ficava ansioso pra quando eu largasse da escola eu chegasse em casa pra poder continuar a história, e momentos que eu queria fazer qualquer outra coisa, os personagens ele são... bem, alguns você se importa, outros não, a protagonista é um meio termo, tem vez que tu se sente a braba, a mulher mais badalada daquele mundo, e tem vez que ela só é chata, aquele tópico personagem que faz tudo sozinho e não quer ajuda, os gráficos do jogo são incríveis e bla bla bla mas isso não salva o jogo dos seus problemas, e como o principal deles sendo o DESBALANCEAMENTO, eu joguei no difícil mas tinha 2 dificuldades acima da que escolhi então era pra ser difícil, não infernal, tinha partes que se você não se cuidasse era hit kill, um bixo um pouco mais diferente dos que você encontra já era o suficientes pra te matar fácil, e o negocio mais escancarado com as boss fights que, aí que tu chora, os bosses mais pra frente até de secundária te dá hit kill, e você tem que memorizar o padrão de ataque deles porque você pode tá com a melhor armadura do jogo, tu vai morrer do mesmo jeito, mas a boss fight final é um nojo de tal mal balanceado que é, além de ser hit kill pra vida padrão, é uma eternidade pra matar pois ela tem MUITA VIDA, tipo muita mesmo os cara perdeu a mão, suas flechas fazem cosquinha nela, e o que você faz? ENGOLE O CHORO E FAZ O L pois você não pode voltar já que ele a missão final, eu tive que memorizar cada ataque e desviar de praticar tudo, o bom é que eu tinha muita poção que aumentava muito a minha vida fazendo com que se eu errasse eu n morresse instantaneamente, mas eu fiquei tipo meia hora seguida atirando e tinha pouquinho e pouquinho de vida até matar, pra formar essa tática levei o que? Horas eu acho e sinceramente a história é muito viajada, tipo o jogo já é viajado mas você aceita só que o rumo que a histórias desse segundo jogo toma é tipo, pra papo de imortalidade tlgd, é isso, sinceramente me decepcionou, mas o jogo ele tem seus momentos, se quiser jogue, e já anunciaram o terceiro que tipo, tem história pra contar mas depois desse não sei se me sinto interessado de jogar a continuação.

me arrependo de comprar essa bosta, consegue ser pior que o primeiro

i got a ps5 the week before this game out and bought it for something fresh - i then proceeded to somehow wonder why the story didnt make sense to me even though i have never played the first game

GooeyScale: 75/100

Le portage pc est top, le jeu est magnifique.
Il y a vraiment un bon gap entre le premier et celui la, les animation faciales sont exceptionnelle et ça permet de palier au petit manque de profondeur de certains personnages, bien que d'autres soient vraiment bien fait, comme Kotallo.
Le gameplay est vraiment incroyable, que ce soit l'exploration comme les combat, c'est un classique.
Le jeu a vraiment un style de fou et l'histoire prend tellement une autre dimension que le premier c'est fou.
Hâte de la suite, et j'espère que sony ne vont pas trop trainer à le sortir sur pc.