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Enjoyed first bit the most, progressively lost steam the closer to the end I got. Felt like it over stayed its welcome but my stubbornness won out.

inscryption thrives at conveying a sense of foreboding tranquillity despite its dark ambience and sound design. everything production-wise for this game is aligned perfectly with its fun gameplay and puzzling narrative, there's not a single choice i could point out that would've been better if they made any changes.

but! there's always a but. i can't shake the feeling that the overall mystery of the game (including the ARG) did not conclude satisfyingly. feels like it should have had an extra hour or two exploring the themes of the cursed game/overpowered script/malevolent company, and of course some more exploration of the character we are playing as throughout the game.

despite my gripe, i absolutely recommend this game.

rapaziada achei que o jogo era uma versão nova do uno acho que baixei errado não tinha +4 nem mudar de cor

great gameplay bogged down by mid writing. its really a shame

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the ending was disapointing

bom tava só adicionando uns jogo no meu perfil pra não ficar vazio mas sobre esse aqui eu vou ter q falar

é com certeza um dos melhores se não O MELHOR jogo de cartas já feito, inicialmente não vou mentir, ele é repetitivo, vc vai sentir isso jogando, mas não é no sentido ruim da coisa, é mais como um rougelike do q qualquer outra coisa

tem gente q não tem paciência de ficar morrendo várias vezes e voltando sempre pro ponto inicial, é realmente frustrante as vezes, mas com o tempo eu aprendi q é só não levar tão a sério a derrota "porra morri no final mlk..... agr vai" meio q isso até vc passar

não posso e nem quero falar com todas as palavras o pq esse jogo é incrível pq isso seria um spoiler grande, vc jogando e tendo a surpresa na hr é bem mais legal, oq digo é, vale muito apena vc dar uma chance pra essa porra aqui

literalmente a única crítica q eu consigo fazer a esse jogo é ele acabar
eu queria q tivesse mais
cade o 2?
pq acabou?
é quase o mesmo sentimento q eu tenho com o sekiro mas até pior se pá pq esse jogo te dá muuuito um gostinho de quero mais no fim, é bizarro o quanto esse jogo me surpreendeu e o quanto ele é bom


Caralho esse jogo é surreal. não consigo me imaginar jogando um jogo com essa ideia novamente e MUITO bem aplicado vai se fuder.
Uma das melhores experiencias que tive com jogos, e com o ambiente bizarro e lindo ao mesmo tempo. perfeito em todos os aspectos. TODOS.

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The first act is way superior to the others that come to follow. The gameplay just kept getting worse. The ending was cool tho and heartbreaking.
I hated Leshy because of what he made me go through but hearing him talk like that at the end was sad.

Fun and strategic game that makes you think about how to best utilize your limited resources. Very quick learning curve.
Most of the mystique & illusion had been lost by the 2nd / 3rd act in terms of storytelling but helps to build upon the already existing gameplay.

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I like it, but there's somehow always "but" with the things I like.

First of all, Magnificus was shafted for all the other scrybes favor. He's brought up as this mysterious figure from others, and you never get to know much more about him; which isn't a problem mostly for me (???) But when the end, final act is there, Magnificus is treated like an actual joke at the end? I know it's supposed to be some "awesome" battle probably but it's so jarring to watch Leshy plead for one more match to be hit in the face with a glorified yugi-oh battle.
TLDR; Magnificus is basically a wall-flower

The second, and I believe final gripe I have of this game is in the ARG, and it's a thing I've seen some other media I've come into contact do to make them story all the more "edgy"(??) And it's either for some reason adding Hitler or "the Russians", and Inscryption does BOTH. There was no point in needing to add that in the first place, it doesn't make your story any more impactful, and in my opinion it more or so just makes it worse.

eu broxei tanto saindo da primeira cabine e descobrindo que tinha mais jogo que nao tinha mt a ver com a vibe da cabine, mas isso e tipo skill gap mesmo o jogo é bom

It was awesome, but too short !
We wan't more !!

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Really liked the first act, but the later acts never got close to 1. Quite a shame.

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one of my favorite games of all time, i love card games and it just reinvents that with talking cards, puzzles, and horror all in one. with each act being something different, it gives you a well thought out story ( while confusing at times with the real world stuff )
It really finishes up well with the ending, and the mod you get after beating it to repeat act 1 as a rogue lite.

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Game would have been a 4,5/5 if it stopped after act 1. Sadly it didn't which resulted in it being a different experience.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Act 1 was solid, understandable and a lot of fun. In the later acts it adds new elements but it doesn't make the game more fun. It sadly becomes more RNG heavy.

+- Music;
Fits the vibe but nothing memorabele.

+- Graphics;
Act 1 = 5/5
Act 2 = 2/5
Act 3 = 3/5

+- Story/Characters;
I was cautious, because I don't vibe with spooky games like these. The act 1 story was a lot of fun, but the creepypasta shit after that ruins it.

It's a solid card game, and if you like spooky stuff it's a must. Otherwise idk. If you don't like the demo/trailer, don't play the full game.

The first act was great but couldn't bring myself to finish act 3.

one of the best card games youll ever play

Probablemente el mejor juego de cartas que he jugado junto al Balatro, estéticamente muy único, diversos estilos y la historia god

Во первых, это очень хороший карточный рогалик. Простые механики складываются в уйму комбинаций, которые при удачных обстоятельствах могут сломать игру.
Во вторых, это Daniel мать его Mullins. Если видите это имя то можно гарантировано ожидать, что эта игра гораздо глубже, чем кажется.

Achei o jogo completamente pelo acaso e me surpreendi muito, toda vez que eu me acostumava com a gameplay, ele inovava em algo. E a temática e ambientação é e extremamente genial e linda

good game but too much RNG for me

Confia que o processo é lento e o esquema é complexo. Absolute PEDRADA. Mesmo se tu é um baiano que não gosta de jogo de carta (dá uma chance fia duma puta)

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The meta narrative isn't as interesting as it thinks it is, and it kind of dampens the experience after the first act, but its still a fun game.

Este hombre hace juegazos y si bien este se vuelve un poco cansino lo mejor es siempre lo que no te cuenta y el como se une con sus otros juegos.

An essentially flawless game. Inscryption attains this title by having not only fantastic card game mechanics, ( the only I've ever liked ) a gripping story with tons of jaw-dropping twists, but most importantly: doesn't let any of these elements overstay their welcome.

The game quickly moves from different interesting mechanics, constantly keeping things fresh. The story only moves forward on rare occasions, so when something story-related does happen, it feels all the more special.

The visuals and music were fantastic. Specifically, I loved how the diegetic all the UI was. For most of the game, there is virtually no onscreen UI, and all information is presented through in-game items. To me, this is incredibly engaging and keeps me immersed in the experience.

Overall, Daniel Mullins, my boy, you're one to watch.

vale a pena jogar a mecânica é muito divertida e a história bem legal mas chega em um parte que Jesus que chatice