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I'm hot off the endings so you'll have to forgive me for only speaking in negatives with this. You can find plenty an earnestly true word all over the site about how utterly dazzling, sapphic, and beautiful this experience truly is when things all connect. That's all still true, what this work brings when it indeed does work, in about a good chunk of the runtime, is powerful and swept me up. As a resident witch I can say that large part of things is so lovingly crafted.

Butttt then there's the things I want to talk about. The truth of Little Goody Two Shoes is that it's much more interested in the structural, by and large mechanical aspects of bewitching, german folklore, and its surface levels of the shoujo than telling an earnest story, or really making true on its characters, or hell, its love!!! You will spend 70% of the time doing incredibly visceral trials to culminate in the Most Expected lesson of pursuing desires completely, while only 15% will contribute to a rushed, altogether the only real emotional heart, of finding connection and freeing yourself from that 70% tunnel vision. Which is, dissonant. The game cares so much more about painfully making an example out of Elise than it does actually having much to say, leading its endings bereft of too much closure other than justtt enough to make me feel longing as hell >.>

And Like, I GET IT. My most recent current relationship has utterly freed me from so much ;-; It's made me see what truly matters, what I want really in life, where I want my future to go! It's pushed me out of tunnel vision of some bad habits that have grown in the years I've lived with my past relationships. I understand this feeling Little Goody Two Shoes is about, now more than ever. But there's So, SO much more to it than this work even fucking considersss touching on. There's so much time and getting to know each other than 5 pre-established or just-established love in a week can really make to sell the shortest endings ever on offer. There's too much of a facsimile of relationships, something a short yuri shoujo serial can genuinely accomplish more.

I also can't help that I'm so peeved. I'm so peeved that everything to do with what was defined as 'real witching' was ultimately completely Negative. Fuck off. There's stardamn nuance in devil contracts and corruptive pathways, you can't just give the single astrologian the only positive credit. That the circumstances of the game imply that if you simply dropped every witchy aspect of yourself, moved away from all corruptive influences, every other personal connection (or attempt at one!) and pursued your single chosen lover, it would solve all your problems, is utterly blasphemous smh.

Genuinely though, I can't help but find painful conclusion to this flower that is pretty, perfectly thorny, but far from poetic. It juggles so much on religion, the detachment between self and community, and the feeling of a past and familyhood that was pre-defined for you. For it to mean, nothing. Mostly, nothing.

Incredible aesthetics in service of a pretty interesting folk horror story, but somewhat dragged down by sauceless game mechanics and a relationship system that I would've liked had been more in tune with the rest of the game's aspects. Endings also don't really feel that much satisfying either. Still, pretty neat game.

Suuuuper pretty. I want the art book for this game so bad but it doesn't exist. Interesting story. I loved the time management aspect even though it stressed me out (and in hind sight I made some dumb decisions.)
Unfortunately the action sections are so bad I have to knock off a star. They're all so hard in a BS way, not just a challenging way. Also they are all after unskippable cut scenes, so every reattempt is agony.
There are 10 endings, but I won't even try to get them because I will be forced to play this game again which I liked, but also hated.

If you love old fairytales and horror, then definitely check this game out!

My only complaints have to do with some of the puzzles, which of course are going to take some trial-and-error but what is frustrating is that you have to wait SO long in-between the "you died" cutscene, then selecting your savefile to reload, and then waiting for it to load, and sometimes having to re-watch and entire cutscene before getting to re-try the puzzle or escape sequence.

Other than that, this game has beautiful art and a truly fascinating story, and I'd recommend it to anyone who used to love RPG Maker horror games!

to be honest this game is JANKY. however its still fantastic imo, it's gameplay just isnt its strong suit lol. (kiss the rat is goated tho like yessss i lvoe kirby minigames) i feel like i wouldnt have liked it nearly as much as i did because the plot and themes sorta save it, like. wow. the ppl who made this game really fucking knew what its like to be a lesbian. godbless. legitimately. this game is good and it means a lot to me :) leb is wife

A cult game, for sure.

The gameplay is extremely flawed in many ways, but the charm, overall quality of the 2D graphics + hand drawn animation and well written (and very gay) story elevates it to something pretty special.

I hope Square Enix keeps publishing games like this.

Cute game with a creepy and interesting story.
I liked all the romances c:

I really, really enjoyed Little Goody Two Shoes. To the point where I played it 3 times and got all 10 endings! It has beautiful artwork and a wonderful soundtrack. I love how this game seems so cutesy but is actually pretty messed up. The horror part of the game was less scary and more disturbing, which I personally enjoyed. I like how some of the endings provides more lore for the player to uncover the story. A complaint I have is that one of the love interest's seems a bit half baked. Freya wasn't as important to the rest of the story compared to the other two and I found her route lacking. The only other complaint I have for this game is that it's a little laggy at times? Maybe it's because I played on switch but I had weird delays when I was in the menu. Other than that great game, I'll definitely play it again in the future and I'm looking forward to playing Pocket Mirror. Lebkuchen is best girl <3