Reviews from

in the past

RGG Studio at its absolute finest, one of the best games in the entire series, and one of the best games I've ever played. The narrative, the gameplay, the music, the voice acting, everything is perfected and brought to such a high that I haven't seen anything get past it.

Even Infinite Wealth, while amazing, couldn't surpass this excellence, and it speaks volumes.

Holy fucking peak fiction. This game is easily my second favorite entry from RGG. In my opinion this game has the best OST and combat in any RGG game. One of my all time favorite stories in any game aswell. One of the greatest antagonists. Battle of ideals. 🐐❤️

Jin kuwana Dig in Your Heels Unwavering Belief Handyman Lost Judgement

wow, highschoolers, really interesting

Another excellent game from RGG, and such a good sequel to Judgment. The combat is actually really fun, where I had some grievances with the previous games, this could be the best combat in the series, with a wide range of options. The story is also easily among the best, with the darkest tone yet from RGG.


So this is like Judgment, but with a better story, better characters and a better gameplay. So real. Also Zhao cameo is so based... like you're telling me we got Sugi and Zhao in one frame??? literally crying.

Big shoutout to Kaito for taking one for the team so Sugiura could partner up with me instead.


Thanks once again.

ps: kaito and higashi meowing was not on my agenda but it was very welcomed. I may have died of laughter

falling to my knees tears in my eyes screaming...........its peak............

This game is like judgment but better in every single way and with dancing

Lost Judgment is an amazing game with a relevant, compelling story, memorable characters, gorgeous locales and an impressive soundtrack. Combat is incredibly fluid and fun, and there is an absolute truckload of things to do. It has its pitfalls, but the good so far outweighs the bad and I can’t help but place this in my Game of the Year contender list. It’s a shame the future of this series is in limbo, but I can only hope we get to see some more adventures of Yagami and Co. for years to come.

Como Judgment pero mejor, como Yakuza pero superior.

Tier personal: S

Juego del Mes personal 2024: Abril

They cooked with fucking gas, they ate, they peaked

El típico día en Lost Judgment me tiene yendo al instituto donde actualizo la misión del club de Misterios sobre EL PROFESOR, ir al sótano para hacer una de las canciones del grupo de baile (con minijuego de ritmo incorporado), ir al grupo de robótica donde hacen competiciones (con minijuego incorporado) y hay hasta un torneo (y drama en el grupo) además de ir al grupo de esports a partirles la cara en el Virtua Fighter 5 (este es el putisimo juego original tal cual). Tras ello salgo a Ijincho y como me pilla cerca juego a golf, béisbol y a las carreras de drones. Voy hacia el sur a hacer un par de combates de boxeo y ya de paso le doy comida a un gato al que he llamado Frenchie para que me suba la Pawpularidad.

A la noche voy a un bar donde suceden un par de investigaciones con las chicas con las que se puede hablar y tras ganarle a los dardos a una de ellas intento hacer una Death Race que son carreras de moto, pero el juego lo impide rogando que sea responsable diciéndome básicamente “no bebas y conduzcas”. Vuelvo al instituto, pero por la noche para actualizar las misiones de los grupos de clase, bailar otra vez y ligar con la enfermera del instituto a la cual le dan miedo las heridas y la sangre.

La trama de este juego sigue dando gran importancia al sistema judicial de japón, aunque esta vez no es ése el centro de la historia, sino en los institutos a partir de un caso de bulling investigado por el protagonista. Más que ser un mero gimmick esto es algo muy relevante hasta en la mayoría del contenido secundario

Este juego es una mejora en todos los aspectos frente al Judgment anterior, el estudio RGG básicamente muestra todo lo que debería ser cualquier secuela un más y mejor de manual.

Desde el combate que esta vez mantiene los 2 estilos del combate del anterior con mejoras y añade uno nuevo que es mejor aún ya que tiene parry. De hecho, una de las cosas que me apena en lo personal de este juego es lo increíblemente divertido que he encontrado el combate, no descarto que sea debido a la tosquedad de algunos de los anteriores y de que no soy fan del combate por turnos del 7 pero creo que dieron en el clavo con este combate. Al fin y al cabo, tiene parry.

Pasando por todo el contenido secundario que se ha expandido enormemente y era una de mis quejas del original. Esta vez aprovechando el contexto del instituto el protagonista se une a muchos de los grupos extraescolares como asesor para investigar muchos de los estudiantes que están teniendo problemas.

Más que ser un mero minijuego todos estos grupos tienen su propio hilo argumental a seguir. Por ejemplo, el club de baile aparte de tener un minijuego de baile y 4 canciones tiene una trama centrada en la líder del grupo de baile, la desmotivación que tiene el grupo a veces y su rivalidad con otra de las candidatas a ganar los premios nacionales. Hay un club de boxeo al que podemos unirnos y aparte de que las peleas suceden con su propio sistema de combate y es un estilo de combate que también podemos usar fuera del club (siendo un cuarto estilo de combate ya que no son pocos) también hay una trama incluida debido a un adolescente que tiene problemas para controlar su ira. La resolución de esta trama junto con la del grupo de moteros y carreras de motos son bastante peak. Pero ya la resolución final que ocurre al realizar todas las historias es un nivel de cine diferente al ver que todos tus esfuerzos durante tanto tiempo han valido tanto la pena, podría ser la conclusión del juego y me parecería increíblemente satisfactoria.

Si bien diría que la trama del primero está mejor estructurada objetivamente, en el plano subjetivo he de decir que igual se ha convertido en mi historia favorita del estudio (con perdón a la trama principal del insuperable Yakuza 0, that’s shit may be untouchable) quizás por ser una historia más centrada en temas que me pegan más de cerca como el acoso escolar, profesores, etc.

Lo que yo realmente me pregunto es como esto no crea un estándar para el resto de videojuegos y ya no solo a juegos que se parezcan de forma directa. Es que a nivel cinemático para ser un videojuego no hay mucho más que mejorar aquí, y como sandbox pocos o ningún mapa nos vamos a topar más denso y repleto de actividades a hacer por no hablar del contenido secundario, lo cual viene a ser un día más en la vida del estudio.

Lost judgment es la prueba que Ryu Ga Gotoku estudio es insuperable en esta combinación de juego cinemático junto con un mundo abierto repleto de actividades. Pero me fascina que hagan mejor de forma combinada lo que otros hacen peor de forma separada ¿Qué sentido tiene tener tantos mundos abiertos que son tan abiertos para tener tan poco mundo dentro? ¿Qué sentido tienen los juegos cinemáticos con tanta cámara al hombro sostenida para tener tan poco cine? ¿Qué sentido tiene gastar tantos años desarrollando un juego lineal matando tus trabajadores cuando RGG te saca 3 o 4 en el mismo tiempo que son mejores?

No sé si RGG continuará esta sub-saga ya que tengo entendido que lidiar con la compañía representante del protagonista es una tocada de cojones. Aun considerando que me falta de jugar el dlc que seguro que mejorará lo que ya es de por sí un juego excelente (momento en el que aprovecharé para repasar un poco de contenido secundario). Pero en caso de que no sea así me alegro de que hayamos podido tener un par de estos juegos Yakuza-like con un enfoque diferente (aunque tampoco mucho) que no es que hayan salido simplemente buenos, es que probablemente me parezcan los mejores.

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But Sawa-sensei though

Over the top action, decent story and decent message.
Only thing they expanded on from the prequel was a new fighting stance.
other than that, not much to say.
another game off the list

outside of some issues with the plot, this game is incredible. any game that lets you beat the shit out of children deserves a 10.

One of my favorite RGG stories and has the most perfected beat 'em up gameplay in any Yakuza game imo.

Em geral um jogo melhor do que o seu antecessor.

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I'm at a point where every RGG game amazes me more than the ones i've played before and it makes me happy to see how far this studio keeps on improving, whether it be narrative/themes/characters/gameplay etc... These game aren't flawless by any means, and this game doesn't shy away from that fact, but what matters to me the most is how much these issues affect the overall experience and to me this game could be considered my favorite of the franchise.

The first, and most important thing I want to mention is just how good the combat in this game was, to say that it's an improvement over the first game is an understatement, not only did they make each previous style much more in depth, but they added one more style (or two with the dlc) and all of them play out so well with one another and makes the flow of the combat more engaging the more I play and I couldn't get enough of any of them.

The story, while might be controversial at times, was honestly really impressive and I personally loved the direction they went with here, really consistent with its themes alongside a fantastic cast of characters, whether it be the old ones that were fleshed out even further, or the new ones with some of them having a solid arc. But the prize of this cast were the antagonists which brings me to my next point.

This game features some of the most imposing antagonists in the franchise (which isn't new considering the game prior to this did the same). Soma, Ehara and more specifically Kuwana all serve as a perfect fuel for Yagami's character throughout this game with each one of them having a constant clash of ideals with him, which perfectly mirrors judgment and how the main antagonist in that game, while having different motives and arcs from the ones in this game, both of them had a consistant conflict with Yagami and further enhancing his perspective on the justice system.

Overall a near perfect game. The combat feels insanely good, the story had me gripped the whole way, and all the side content kept me engaged.

Once again, a Yakuza game has me shedding a few tears at the end. They sure know how to suck you in with a story that becomes so embedded in my head, I won't forget it for a long while.

My only gripe: locking things behind paid DLC like a fighting style. That sucks and will always suck.

Anyway, I kickflipped into some street thugs, fell on my face, beat them up, then walked right over to pet a cat and skated away. You can't top that sequence of events.

story is more flawed then judgment but is still spetacular
some thoughts on the flawed part:
if i end up privating someday ill paste what is there in here in a more structured form maybe
rest of the game is amazing of course
anyway fuck kuwana most despicable antagonist in the series (by series i also mean yakuza)

ugh, tak, you're back. it's good to see you.

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the goat. the best in the series. UNWAVERING BELIEF AAAAAAAHHH

- perfect gameplay (juggling at low prices? satisfactory), faster and more responsive than judgment’s
- story is A+ stuff
- kuwana
- game has so much content im dying
- yagami doing fortnite emotes
- kaito files is the best dlc in the whole series(which isn’t saying much but still)
- great buck for ur bang

10/10 no complaints

if it weren't for the downgrade in story then this game would be 5 stars

It's always fantastic to revisit the world of Yakuza games and their spin-offs. Having enjoyed the previous instalment, I had high hopes for Lost Judgment and wasn't disappointed.

This sequel offers a richer gameplay experience thanks to several new features and improvements. The most important improvement over the first is a significantly smoother combat gameplay, considering there is so much of it. Besides, the new skate for navigation and a more convenient taxi option for faster travel are welcomed additions. There are also new fighting styles with distinctive moves and usefulness (I particularly enjoyed the Boxing style for its uniqueness).

The sequel also introduced new climbing, parkouring, and stealth segments, but these are implemented quite shallowly and quickly became a chore in my playthroughs.

While the completion requirements seem easier to fulfil, the magnitude of the completion list remains enormous, adding many School Stories-related requirements on top of the typical stuff.

The story, as always, is a standout feature, but I found myself unsure if it reaches the same emotional peak as Judgment.

Objectively, an upgrade to the first game in a lot of different aspects. Not sure what it is what overall I did not enjoy this game as much as the first one. Story and characters didn't hit as hard I guess

this game is lost judgment valorant is a lost cause