Reviews from

in the past

Принято НМХ2 ругать, но мне очень даже зашло. Точно не хуже первой части, а в каких то моментах даже лучше.

Геймплей тут разнообразнее. Видов врагов стало больше, сами они стали больше отпор давать, стали жирнее, но их количество в целом поменьше. И вроде ковыряешь их больше, но это все равно не душно, так как тут ещё добавили механику типа ярости, юзаешь её и ебашишь врагов со скоростью света. А ещё тут дают поиграть даже за двух других персонажей, у них геймплей отличается не так сильно, но сам факт уже вносит разнообразие.

Опенворлд и гринд ради продвижения дальше убрали, и это охуенно. Работы стали 8-битными мини-играми, стали комплекснее и интереснее, их задрачивать интересно, как игры на Денди, где с каждой попыткой получается лучше. При том так то их задрачивать даже не обязательно, если хочешь заработать деньги на прокачку и шмотки, это плюс. Ну и просто разнообразить геймплей после резни.

Боссы в целом тоже немного разнобразнее стали, при этом сохранив колорит и стиль. Плюс темы музыкальные у большинства хорошие, в первой части у меня практически ни одна тема во время игры слух не зацепила. С босса советского космонавта даже всплакнул чут чут... Но вот довольно большая ложка дегтя это первая стадия финального босса. Она сама по себе скучная и душная, так ещё и для её прохождения нахуй не понятно что делать и ничего не намекает. Только с подсказкой пацанов понял, что надо было с боссом столкнуться, хотя на протяжении всей игры механика столкновения не требовалась для продвижения в боссфайте. Разрабы могли кучей способов хотя бы намекнуть на это. По сути моя самая большая претензия к игре.

Сюжет харош, но концовка в первой была мощнее. Честно сказать, я сюжет понял не до конца, не понял всю эти линию с женщиной, с которой кто-то говорит по мере прохождения игры. Если бы понял, может понравилось бы больше. Но вот сама идея про месть мне нравится больше, чем тупо секс в первой части. И в целом история тут подается интересне в процессе прохождения и размазана по всей игре лучше , когда как в первой части на тебя вываливают все в конце практически.

This game is mixed, I certainly enjoyed it, but its not as good as the first one.
You can tell Suda51 didn't direct this, has less sauce than the first.
I know its strange, but I miss driving around a hub world to go do menial tasks, and having to re-drive there if you fail. There is one boss that starts with sylvia saying "see if you can find the place of the next rank" but,,, its just an option on a map.

The Jiggle physics are fucking weird as fuck in this game, wtf did they do to naomi dude.

LOVE the second boss and how it ends, it soooo fucking stupid.

Glad the kept the scorpions though
(Headcanon Shinobu is trans)

A solid game, but not nearly as good as the first one. It's really a big step down. The story is way less interesting and kind of anticlimactic. Most of the bosses aren't as memorable, but they're still pretty cool compared to other games. I hate that they removed the freeroaming, and that all the side-missions are downgraded to annoying NES-like minigames. However, it's still No More Heroes and it could never be a bad game obviously. The art direction and designs are still as amazing as any Suda51 game. Also the soundtrack slaps! I really liked playing as other characters than Travis as well, even tho he is still the best.

Insane how big a step up this is from the first game, the graphics are honestly next gen (somehow) and the OST goes so fucking hard all the time. I have big mixed feelings though, the game is very short, money, and by proxy side jobs, is useless, theres a total of four katanas in the game and only two you can purchase. Also, the final boss is pretty shit, designwise and gameplay wise too. Side content ran out around getting ranked fourth. Although there are a couple missions playing as Shinobu and Henry, they felt very barebones. The story is plenty simple, but the comedy took a step down from the first one. It also lost the free fight missions and the open world. Now granted all of these were very jank in the first game, but I feel like it gave the game a lot of character. This game tries harder to be a "normal" gaming experience and suffers a bit from it. But, what matters most, is that the combat looks, feels, and is plain fucking amazing. Based ass game!

The story is not as good as the first game. but the gameplay is


It’s not bad but I really don’t care for it tbh, the writing just doesn’t hit the way NMH1’s did and i feel like it generally plays… worse, somehow, despite it having genuine improvements? idk. Gameplay is neither game’s strong suit ofc but unless you consider the banger soundtrack to be one this doesn’t have a strong suit to begin with lol

This game is actually really good gameplay-wise, people are just mean.

I will say I am not the biggest fan of Travis' characterization here compared to NMH1, but it still has it's moments, and it probably has one of the greatest soundtracks I've ever heard in a videogame.

That fucking dragon that I hate.

this is a fewer dream of a person thinking nmh1

Pretty mid game like most of grasshopper’s stuff, it’s style over substance (which was expected) - but that also extends to the gameplay and not just the plot. Sometimes a bad idea just ends up in the game carelessly and you’ll wonder what they were thinking. I will probably finish it someday just so I can get to NMH3 bc well honestly - there’s just so much crazy that I’m curious. But not eager-curious. More like noodling-curious.

If in the first part there were problems with monotonous gameplay, then here it is the same, but the genius of the local bosses covers up absolutely all the disadvantages of the game.

Если в первой части были проблемы с однообразным геймплеем, то тут он такой же, но гениальность местных боссов покрывает абсолютно все минусы игры.

Faster, more stylish, and with a few cooler bosses, Desperate Struggle is a great follow up that gets tangled up in a lot of loose narrative moves that will likely remove some investment from players coming from the first game. That isn't to say it's bad by any means, but if NMH1 is a celebrated b-movie, Desperate Struggle is its junk food straight to DVD follow up. It's beloved and for great reason, but is definitely focused on being a fun game first and having a strong direction second. Excited to see how this entry shapes Travis Strikes Back and NMHIII as I get around to them.

I'd hang out with Travis Touchdown and watch anime

i became a massive nmh fan after playing the first game about a year ago, and it brings me no joy to say that the sequel pales in comparison. its a lot more polished than the first, but so much of the charm is stripped away. the writing is bland, and the gameplay is repetitive, neither of which were problems with nmh1. oh well

what the heck? it's not awful but it sure as FUCK isn't great. admittedly better grameplay than 1, but nmh doesn't have the most sophisticated combat to begin with, and it doesn't need to. weak story beats, forgettable encounters and a god-awful final boss will probably leave you a bit disappointed, even though there are quite a few good things about this game.

=2.5 stars for missing alot of what makes the first one so great, 2.5 stars for being some of the coolest shit ever

vastly improved combat from the original
but damn you can clearly see suda did not work on this story

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This game is very awesome i like the characters desenvolviment in this game