Reviews from

in the past

Good metroidvania, i hear the 2nd game is only better, which is exciting for me to try now!

Polished graphically and with a gameplay at the highest level. Some elements work not as great, but still as a whole it is a magnificent game.

Wonderful Metroidvania with some of the best movement I've seen in the genre (special shoutout to the Bash mechanic, what an elegant piece of design). Combining its killer pace and length with incredible visuals, music and a beautiful story, it's nor surprising to see how much this game ahs stuck with people long after its release. I would say that the combat is weakest part of the game, but apparently that got addressed in the sequel so now I'm more excited to try it out.

The platforming was fun and the visuals were stunning. I had no idea what was going on in the lore other than the power of friendship. It felt kinda short? I was hoping to have a final boss battle with the birb, but that didn't happen. I played this game once, and I don't think I'll ever play it again.

Ori is an excellent metroidvania, has an awesome OST, art design, and the levels are fun to play through.

As far as the story goes, I'd say that it's beautiful and engaging enough to keep you going.

My only gripe about this first Ori game is the saving system and the insane amount of spots that instakill you without warning. We'll be back for Ori 2!

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Ori and the Blind Forest es una historia hecha videojuego. Esto puede sonar a que está mal adaptado a este medio. Nada más lejos de la realidad. Ori and the Blind Forest es un videojuego increíble. Aunque sí que se nota algún punto flojo.

Jugablemente, es genial. Tiene unos controles súper fluidos que a manos de expertos, son una delicia de ver solamente. Esto si lo combinamos con la cantidad ingente de habilidades que se consiguen tanto obligatoriamente como las que se obtienen en el árbol de habilidades, crea un set de movimientos muy amplio en el que puedes hacer auténticas virguerías.

Con el mapa tengo sentimientos encontrados. Por una parte, me ha gustado, tiene entornos variados, un diseño bastante parecido al de un metroidvania (por su "no linealidad"), muchas secciones plataformeras que aprovechan a la perfección el control tan bueno que tenemos sobre Ori, pero por otra parte, me ha parecido muy lineal para ser un metroidvania. Va llevándote de la mano indicándote dónde está todo y a dónde tienes que ir. Pero en general, es un muy buen mapa.

Audiovisualmente, es hermoso. Pocos juegos he visto con un soundtrack que pueden hacerte llorar o animarte al mismo tiempo. Tiene un montón de temas súper épicos que llegan al corazón y quiero dar mi enhorabuena a la orquesta dedicada al OST del juego. Y visualmente es una delicia. Es un juego precioso, con un montón de colores, con diseños de personajes y lugares espectaculares... Podría pasarme horas diciendo lo bueno que es en este aspecto.

Y la historia es muy buena. Lo que menciono al principio de la reseña de "una historia hecha videojuego" se nota. Se centra mucho en temas como el amor padre-hijo, el sacrificio y la lealtad, creando una trama con momentos muy trágicos que pueden hacer llorar.

En conclusión, Ori and the Blind Forest es un juegazo que por su duración (unas 7,5 horas en mi caso) se te puede hacer mi caro, pero créeme que merece completamente la pena. Recomendadísimo.

Huge Metroid fan all the way back from Super Metroid. Also love Metroidvanias, though I feel I'm way too critical when it comes to them. I didn't really like Guacamelee because of its easy gameplay, and I absolutely loved Hollow Knight for the sense of discovery, the huge world and the atmosphere.

Ori is a beautiful game, I'll give it that. Moving feels fluid, platforming is fun. So why don't I like it? Instant deaths.

I got to Forlorn Ruins pretty easily but I just wasn't having fun. Platforming usually equaled to abusing the save system so you don't lose big amounts of progress if you happen to stub your toe to even the tiniest spike. As much as I know the combat isn't the focus, I felt it was worse than it could've been. At one point I stopped bothering and just bashed through every single one and just kept going to my objective.

Ori is a Metroidvania in the general sense that you reach new areas by acquiring new power ups. I feel like that's the only part Ori gets right, and before fans of the game attack me, this is just my opinion.

Overall, the game is worth a try if you're interested in the genre, but it might not be for everyone, so don't feel bad for disliking something that is almost universally loved.

I really, really, really wanted to love this. However, I ended up just liking it instead.

only slight negative is the combat, fixed in the sequel

Es muy lindo visualmente pero no me engancho, capaz lo retomo despues !

Bouncing, diving, gliding, and slinging myself across the beautiful Nibel Forest was some of the most fun I had with platforming controls in any game. I was unsure about the generic Pixar-style story and the imprecise combat at first, but Ori and the Blind Forest eventually won me over with its excellent traversal mechanics that turned the forest into a fully realized challenge arena and playground.

Of these mechanics, the most game changing one was of course the “Bash.” The tedious button-mashing combat was my biggest disappointment with the game, but I loved how the Bash ability recontextualized those enemies into opportunities for new expressive movement. It changed the way I looked at the game’s other systems and how I interpreted its level designs. I found it odd that this crucial unlock wasn’t placed earlier in the progression.

One other issue that didn’t seem major yet persisted through the whole game was the excessive visual noise in the environment. Yes the art in this game is incredible and I loved it, at least when I wasn’t trying to parse multiple projectiles, enemy animations, and interactable objects at once while also escaping from a relentlessly pursuing flood or some other cinematic peril. Trying to discern all these colorful elements on top of an equally vivid background was sometimes a bigger challenge than the actual gameplay. It especially messed with the feel of combat, which was already weak but became worse with this visual impreciseness.

Thankfully combat was deemphasized as the game went on, and exploration became greatly enhanced by Ori’s complete arsenal of movement abilities. From the midgame onward I was hooked. I welcomed any new excuse to do more platforming, and I didn’t stop until I had found every hidden collectible and secret area. Sure it was rough around the edges, but I’m glad I stuck with Ori and the Blind Forest as it proved to be a real gem at its core.

Na época que joguei meu computador não rodava direito, tenho que zerar.

Lindo, excelente platforming, curva de dificuldade, puzzles e progressão de skills. Obra-prima.

Very fun game the art style and the overall atmospher of the game were really good. Really challenging at times where it felt really good to beat. Very well made

Everything in this game is gorgeous: character designs, animations, background art, music, even the icons in the menus. The gameplay is also fantastic, with fluid platforming mechanics and unlockable abilities that makes traversal across the giant map a pleasure.

The only patch on Ori and the Blind Forest is the behaviour of the studio heads, who by all accounts are Grade-A assholes that treated their staff like shit during development.

Pretty art. Touching story beats. I cried. Got frustrated at times, likely because I'm not great at this stuff. Nice enemy and environment variety.

One of the most stunning platformers ever produced, but fails to be engaging beyond those visuals.

Its a good short game. Completed 100 percent of the game.
Also the movement was quite different from hollow knight which was a game I was playing just before this.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a visually stunning game with a beautiful art style, enchanting music, and a heartwarming story. However, while it excels in certain areas, it falls short in others.

As a metroidvania, Ori and the Blind Forest feels overly linear, lacking meaningful choices or the illusion of freedom found in games like Metroid Dread. The progression often boils down to a series of "go here, now go here" directives, limiting player agency.

In terms of platforming, the game presents both highs and lows. While there are undoubtedly moments of brilliance, such as cleverly designed sections, there are also frustrating segments, notably the escape sequences. These sequences often feel more reliant on blind jumps and guesses rather than skillful execution, leading to undue frustration.

The combat mechanics, unfortunately, do little to redeem the game's shortcomings. The combat feels lackluster and unengaging, particularly on harder difficulties, detracting from the overall experience.

One aspect of the game deserving praise is its skill tree system. The implementation of three distinct skill paths focused on platforming, exploration, and combat is a clever design choice. This allows players to tailor their experience to their preferences and overcome challenges in areas they may be struggling with, catering to a wider range of players.

I've had fun with Ori, and if the sequel fixed those mistakes I'm for sure going to love it.