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Cute!! But if you want more P5 content play P5 Strikers or P5 Dancing in the Starlight.

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For better or worse, I will play anything related to Persona 5. Persona 5 Royal is my favorite game, so this is simply how it must be. In the case of Persona 5 Strikers, it ended up being a very nice follow-up, with great new characters and gameplay that got me engaged in a genre I tend to shy away from. Unfortunately, the same did not occur with Persona 5 Tactica.

My experience with tactics games was almost non-existent before starting this. I had dabbled in a couple early Fire Emblem games but that was pretty much it. From the start of this game, I enjoyed all the different stylistic choices that made it feel right at home with other Persona 5 games. There’s a new graphical style which is super cute, but not out of place with the various ways these characters have been depicted. Attacks in battle, especially guns and melee, have a great sense of impact. When you’re at the hideout, you can see the party sitting around and just being themselves while they relax. I always love details like that; the original game did the same with its hideouts and safe rooms, and it’s a nice way to make the characters feel more realized.

The story took an interesting direction. I like seeing how games like this and Strikers build their plots to work within shorter timeframes compared to the sprawling hundred-hour original. Rather than each section being dedicated to an entirely new subplot, each part is now exploring a different aspect of one character: Toshiro Kasukabe. I liked him well enough. They went with an amnesia story which can be annoying, but I didn’t mind it here. Everyone’s blunt remarks about his cowardice, including his own, were pretty funny, and I appreciated that his arc brought him to a place of confidence by the end. Erina is also a decent character. It was fun to see her interactions with the rest of the party, but her best moments were always her interactions with Toshiro, which makes sense.

As for the actual plot, I’d call it mostly serviceable with a few interesting twists. Erina being a cognitive being who’s also Toshiro’s Persona was cool. The corrupt politics of Toshiro’s life were alright, but not the most interesting when compared to the stuff you see in Persona 5. Of course, there’s a lot less time to flesh anything out here, but it’s inevitable that the two stories will be compared anyway.

I have to say that I didn’t love how they handled the big reveal of how Toshiro’s school days ended. Maybe I missed something, but how did not a single one of the party members say something to the effect of “it wasn’t your fault” regarding Eri’s injury and the behavior of the other students? Yes, technically it was the movement he started which caused the whole series of events. But he was a student, and he was working for a just cause. Other people took things too far and tried to exploit it, which he didn’t really have control over. An adult man PUSHED SOMEONE IN FRONT OF A TRAIN. Toshiro blames himself for her injury, and that makes sense for the character. But all anyone can say is “you can’t let the past control you.” That’s a fine message, but NO ONE is going to even try to tell him that he shouldn’t blame himself? This isn’t a “Peter Parker causes Uncle Ben’s death” situation. Toshiro’s actions were selfless and the attack was one EVENTUAL consequence, many steps removed, of what he started. I could be overthinking this, but it bothered me during my playthrough.

Here's where I complain about the battles. Despite all the positives I’ve discussed thus far, the general experience of playing this game was an absolute slog. It’s just a constant loop of conversation and battle, conversation and battle. I realize that on the surface this just sounds like a general description of what many RPGs are, but there was just nothing to break up the tedium. Most of the battles felt exactly the same, as there wasn’t a huge variety of battle goals. They introduced different gimmicks in the new areas, like the “school rules” restricting skill usage, but those just extended fights that were already uninteresting because there’s not much room for different strategies. You just need to knock over an enemy and then make a triangle for an all-out attack. This is your best bet in your early battles and it never stops working. The maps don’t seem designed to force you to think outside the box. The obstacles aren’t a fun challenge; they just feel like a waste of time because you know exactly how every interaction is going to go.

And the boss battles are the absolute worst offenders. The first one is fine, but the others involve painstakingly approaching and slowly chipping away at their oversized health bars without anything to make them truly engaging. I will say that I played on a lower difficulty, which could be an explanation for why the opposition in these fights wasn’t particularly threatening. However, the map navigation was the biggest issue. And these fights already took forever on easy, so I can only imagine how much time they would take if I also had to manage my health even more closely.

I was so burnt out on these battles that I took a break partway through the game and played Fire Emblem: Awakening. I want to keep this review focused on Persona, and I know it’s not exactly fair to play a highly acclaimed staple of the genre back-to-back with this spinoff. However, all the complaints I’ve discussed here were already problems for me before I took that break. If anything, playing Fire Emblem when I did only reassured me that there was more fun to be had in tactics than I was getting here.

I enjoyed the story and characters well enough to give my opinion on this game a boost, but overall Persona 5 Tactica is very flawed. Once I finish the DLC (which I very smartly paid for before the game even released) I don’t think I’ll ever revisit it.

did the phantom thieves just shipped toshiro with his own mom what the heck

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After beating Persona 5 Royal I wanted to play more Persona. This definitely filled that void. Is it as good as Persona 5 Royal? Not even close. But it still is great. It is funny through ghout the game from Makoto’s several “death stares” as I call them and Yusuke admitting that he eats grass. The art style is great and as per usual for all persona games, the soundtrack is great. Overall, a great game that is overshadowed by its even greater predecessor.

foda gastar 300 reais nesse jogo, mas ele 'e bom, so esse preço que 'e abusivo

Le spin off Persona 5 de trop ?

Après les deux premières zones, je n'arrive pas à me motiver à le finir. Non pas que ça soit un mauvais jeu, il n'arrive cependant pas à m’intéresser à le compléter.

Le coté tactical est assez simple à prendre en main, mais est à mon gout trop brouillon, avec un manque de précision dans l'affichage des dégâts ou des zones d'actions. Qui plus est, je trouve que les combats/maps manque cruellement de dynamisme, malgré des efforts pour diversifier le gameplay dans la seconde zone.

Cela ne serais pas tant un soucis si l'écriture du jeu était captivante, or je ne pas dire que ça sois le cas. Contrairement au Strikers qui proposait une nouvelle aventure centrés sur nos héros en y intégrant de nouvelles têtes, ici le récit est focalisé sur deux personnage et les voleurs font office de second rôle.
Si autant Erina à un caractère amusant, Toshiro ne m’intéresse guère plus qu'une tranche de tofu non assaisonné , or c'est bien sur lui que se concentre le récit principal... Et c'est sans parler du coté totalement unidimensionnelle des voleurs fantômes qui font passer leur temps à répéter leur comique de caractère au point que certains tels que Yusuke finissent par n'être plus que des parodies d'eux mêmes ..

Peut etre que je suis trop sévère, mais la ou Strikers avait réussi à enrichir l'univers de Persona 5 en complétant certains personnages et en apportant un aventure à la hauteur du jeu principal, Tactica à un gout d'hors série qui n’intéressera vraiment que les fans les plus investi de P5 cherchant absolument une nouvelle aventure avec les voleurs fantômes.

J'essayerais peut être de lui redonner sa chance à l'occasion, mais pour le moment j'ai d'autre Trpg sur le four.

Slow to start and quick to end, but incredibly addictive and fun.

Persona 5 Tactica is another wonderful example of Atlus really putting their heart and soul into spin-off games. With a refreshing and unique art style, awesome new music, and combat that feels perfect for a spin-off of a turn based JRPG, Tactica lives up to the Persona name. The story of Tactica also really carries a powerful message that yet again seems perfectly topical. Like it really makes you wonder how Atlus keeps dropping them. Kojima has the gift of being 10-20 years ahead on his topics but Atlus is gifted with always being right on time. In terms of new characters, I like Toshiro and I LOVE Erina. On top of everything, Tactica has a DLC campaign that offers another look into Royal Trio, adds more depth to combat, and has a nice little self contained story. I really recommend this one to any persona fans.

snooze, I'm snoozing. This is easily, the worst spinoff.

Game has been fun so far but the story is pretty boring despite the new characters being alright

I'm rating this game high mostly because of the story.
First of all, I don't think this game is worth $60. I played this game on Xbox Game Pass so it was technically free for me. The game takes around 30-40 hours to beat, and later levels get a little repetitive. I feel like $40 at most is a good price for this game.
Next, the gameplay is pretty fun; however, it does get repetitive towards the end, but there are still neat tricks that the game introduces that keeps it fresh. After the first few kingdoms, you can basically just keep fusing the strongest level personas you're able to have and just beat every level with ease; there's very little challenge besides the quests and awards. The boss fights are unique but a little underwhelming, and they are easy as well. Once you learn the gimmick, you just have to keep attacking the boss while attending to the gimmick and you just win.
I love this game's story, and I really want more people to experience it. There are some twists and a lot of intriguing plot points that make this game's story great. The characters, art, music, and cutscenes are very good.
The persona gameplay fused with tactical games like XCOM make it an interesting experience, and I enjoyed it a lot. There are only a few gripes I have with it, but I still love this game.

Despite having a cast with unique and different movesets, the goal always boils down to Triple Threats which ultimately leads to every character playing the exact same way. Not a fan of the story either. Go play Strikers instead.

Me ha gustado bastante aunque al principio cuesta, una vez le pillas el truco con los ataques combinados y aprovechas atacar más de una vez en un turno, se hace más fácil.
También me ha encantado la historia complementaria con Toshiro y Erina como nuevos personajes jugables y los gags extras.
La mayor pega la pongo que tiene DLC, que me faltaría por jugar al ser aparte.

El Spin Off que no aporta nada y nadie lo pidió.

I'm not super familiar with tactics style games but i had a great time with this. Gameplay is quick, fun and i imagine its a little on the easy side for strategy games. Story is a little slow and uninteresting at the beginning but by the end i was invested.

Don't expect complicated TRPG combat, this is just a fun, stylish and easy to play game

Ce jeu a le seul personnage hétérosexuel de Persona, bien joué à lui. /j

It’s a Persona 5 spin-off, but it has remained a weak one. The gameplay mechanics feel fresh for a Persona game, but it gets boring after a while due to repetition. The boss fights were also weak, and in terms of characters, it was far behind Persona 5. It’s an average game; if you’re a hardcore Persona fan, you might play it, or you can give it a chance since it’s available on Game Pass.

it's alright. definitely a persona 5 spinoff
i love the art style though, it's definitely different from the mainline but it's super expressive and the posing for the characters rules. gameplay is pretty fun, though i would not recommend trying to binge this game as it can start getting pretty repetitive. the final world kind of sucks though i'm not gonna lie, feels like padding in the story + it's sort of a rush-through of all the previous worlds using their aesthetics and gimmicks but with an extremely bland color palette. the final boss fight(s) took a few years off of my life with how long and droning they felt but that's persona climactic boss fights i guess.
also, an annoying thing i noticed during the game's story: there would be times where the characters come across a prop or something like that in the world that's meant to symbolize something of the current bad-guy's personality or motivations. and then the characters would basically turn towards the camera to explain the exact symbolism and meaning of this prop instead of letting the player figure it out on their own. got EXTREMELY distracting once i noticed this, and i feel like it's not as bad in the mainline games

The one and only problem I have with this game is that the It's peak 'flanderization' of the P5 cast. They follow a new character as the protagonist, a young, tortured politician with no apparent sense of justice or ideology besides "being nice"...? Was anybody gonna' tell these writers this is NOT how revolutions work?

If that's not a dealbreaker, this is a really fun adaptation of the classic "One More" mechanic. Rather than elemental weaknesses, Tactica hinges on a "cover" system, where ending a character's turn near a wall or obstacle protects them from attacks. You can expose enemies out of their cover by either hitting them with an elemental status effect or by melee attacking them, comedically flinging them out into the open. Exposed enemies grant an additional turn when hit. Thus, the core thrust of the game is finding ways to leap frog your turns across each map, dealing as much damage as possible without leaving your team vulnerable in the process.

A fun spin-off, with lots of charm and heart to find. Once you lock in the gameplay, it does become a bit too easy to just steamroll the later levels.

I mean…it’s fine but maybe not full price fine

A decently fun Persona 5 spin off that does tail off a little bit near the end.

At this point the Persona 5 brand is so insanely diluted and beaten into the ground that it can't delude me enough to play a tactical RPG

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the last area of the game consisting primarily of the first 3 boss fights with little to no changes in the most boring environment i've ever seen certainly was A Choice!