Reviews from

in the past

Jump man jumps.

I haven't played the misadventures of Italian jump man in god knows how long. Probably since I was a kid, but playing it again there's two things that kinda stood out to me more than anything. One, it was a lot easier than my memories and than the occasional online murmur portray it as. The only particularly aggravating thing about the game was figuring out the puzzles.

It was just an annoyance that was relatively easily solved by bashing your head against the wall until you had the solution. The other thing it's just how much inertia Mr. Italian Jump Man has to deal with. Certain jumps miss because you don't have enough speed despite that working before, slipping off platforms when landing because of said inertia. It's just a bit rigid.

Plus, each level set is basically four or five level types remixed into chunks of four, it's pretty darn repetitive. It's still a decent like 30 minutes of your life, but like, I don't really think there's a reason to play this one much now. There's better platformers on the same system alone.

world record videos made this game so fire, pillar mario game with everything you need in a mario game

Besides nostalgia purposes, this game is just mid.

i have so much nostalgia towards this game, but it gets this high of a rating only because of this nostalgia
this game is too difficult and i completed it only because of saves which is not an intended playthrough :(

Local italian plumber causes chaos in the kingdom after getting stoned on some weird mutated mushroom,

Witnesses claim he started jumping over pedestrian heads while throwing molotov cocktails at anyone who approached him,

Officer K. Boswer who was present at the scene, claims that the suspect kept going from building to building searching for his "Peach" and "Princess" which he insisted was taken from him, It was later found our that it's the nick-name for his daughter which tragically lost her life a few weeks ago when their pet turtle accidentally pushed a hammer over her head.

The suspect's brother Luigi claims that his brother was in a mentally unstable condition after the incident and pleads innocent to all the charges presented against him.

Simple, but it's cool to see how important it is to this day.

I remember as a kid being shocked by how the game didn't end after world 4-4. A game that's short by today's standards felt huge way back when. And all the secrets! It was impressive back in its day.

Hammer bros in this game, toughest enemy in the series

a raiva que passei nesse jogo quando criança

Obviously a bit archaic, but still remarkably playable to this day with solid mechanics and level design that feels gradually challenging without ever feeling unfair, incredibly rare for the era. Deservedly established Nintendo as a permanent titan of the industry.

Está bastante entretenido para pasar el rato. El juego más simple por excelencia

probablemente tenga la culpa de que odie ser condescendiente con el arte por ser antiguo, tu coges este juego y se siente bien

Can’t believe that it took me 12 years to complete this game.
Anyway, it’s fucking Super Mario Bros. What can I say about it that hasn’t been said a billion times already.

You never will be a true video game fan if you never touched the OG SMB

i had a big raims is a big taims

Thank you mario but our princess is in another castle.

has anyone actually played this game? like without warp zones. like has anyone actually played the whole thing. i havent

It's really cool to see how smart the devs were back in '85 when this kind of platformer wasn't done yet, cause this game is still fun to pick up and play.

Muy divertido pero ya se sienten los años jaja.

Difícil, ainda mais jogando pelo emulador, algumas fases bem ridículas que tive que pesquisar mas é um bom jogo e um clássico

Still a really fun game. However, the limited scope is
noticeable. There is little variety and you soon start to notice that you've seen it all. They will continue to rearrange the same elements throughout the game, but there are no more surprises to be had (except for the "looping" levels).
It's still a fun, quick game, but its shortcomings are more apparent today.

Remind me why people complain about the nsmb series? those games control way better and have varied level designs that don't get boring

Really fun to try and speedrun while using rewinds, but actually playing the game can be pretty difficult and annoying at points. Every time I come back to this game, I use warps which make the game way quicker and more enjoyable.

O primeiro jogo que eu joguei na vida foi New Super Mario Bros (ou Mario Kart DS, não tenho certeza) e por causa daquele jogo eu estou aqui hoje jogando videogames todos os dias e escrevendo essa entrada no meu backloggd.

Poder jogar o jogo que criou a minha primeira experiência com videogames foi muito divertido. Obviamente eu já conhecia Super Mario (o jogo) e obviamente sabia que ia ser bom e divertido, mas percebi que ainda sim subestimava o potencial e a capacidade da equipe, do jogo e da plataforma.

O jogo é bom, muito bom, mas acabou sendo superado em muitos aspectos por todos os jogos da linha principal 2d que o sucederam. Ainda sim, seus desafios são divertidos de visitar e poucas vezes senti que a dificuldade era injusta.

O jogo sabe que é desafiador para iniciantes e por isso coloca as warp rooms (2, 3, 4 e 5) em lugares que recompensam jogadores que mesmo não sendo muito habilidosos se atrevem a explorar o jogo.

Meu principal problema são alguns elementos do game design que foram mudados em jogos seguintes: Levar dano com a Flor de Fogo te faz virar o Mario pequeno, pegar uma Flor de Fogo com o Mario pequeno te torna o Mario grande e a localização das últimas 3 warp rooms.