Reviews from

in the past

great game. awful pc version. fuck you naughty dog, y'all win, I give up.

На разок под пиво пойдет

Hard to ever look away from this game, a true masterpiece of its time whether playing the original or the remaster. The story and characters are so well thought through and performed, with excellent writing that matches up perfectly.

This is a must play for anyone searching for any level of story or narrative in a game, and one to take great and huge inspiration from. I look forward to being able to come back and play this time and time again, and love every second of it once more.

ambiance is nice but a bit repetitive some times overall very good

Still is a masterpiece and everyone knows it.

This is the closest to perfection I've ever experienced in a game

First time playing the game and I'm obsessed! It's not your regular story game it has alot more combat and strategy along with puzzles and the story is incredible. it really expressed the feeling the characters have and how events effect them through out the game. Highly recommend trying even if you have played the original on PS3 its a massive enhancement.

overrated, shit boring gameplay, good story

The first time I played the last of us I didn’t really get it so I wasn’t a huge fan. I also played it on way too high of a difficulty and sucked at the combat so that really soured my experience. But coming back to it with better graphics really enhanced the experience. But on the other hand after watching the show so many times there were a lot of moments I didn’t like as much in the game. It’s funny because typically you see a moment from the adaptations and say “that’s not as good as the game” but it’s the other way around this time. A lot of it has to do with it having more time for story moments in the show and being able to execute it in different ways but I still found myself underwhelmed sometimes. Even so, still a fantastic game

My goodness. This. It's just beautiful. I'm writing this as I finished this game, it's just "neat". With the flaws it has (which i barely care about in any way), it is still a good story to see. Just try it out yourself.

oh and also the music is the best too fr fr

Enredo bom com um final incrível que demostra todos os sentimentos do Joel.

the most optimal way to enjoy this game was to watch your favorite let's player's entire playthrough in 2013. other than that you kinda get the point of it now

Best weapon upgrading animations I have ever seen.

Also, Joel pls stop killing the last of us dude, you know you can incapacitate people right?

Quase nota máxima, a história é excelente, personagens bons, gráficos atuais ficaram excelentes e tudo mais, porém, a gameplay envelheceu mal e deixou a desejar.

There is no denying the impact this game had (for better or for worse). These performances still are so powerful today and the improved graphics make it a truly cinematic experience. (Naughty Dog please release something else)

From the very beginning, this game feels like a journey. The introduction of characters and the world draws you in, making you invested in their stories. You simply want to know more, and that's precisely how the game keeps you hooked. It encourages you to listen to every dialogue, pay attention to all the characters introduced, and read every artifact you find. The story is simply incredible—one of the best I've ever seen in a video game. It's filled with moments that will keep you thinking about it for days.
The biggest selling point of this game is undoubtedly the story. There were moments where I could genuinely feel the pain, struggle, and victories that the characters experienced. The dynamic and character development between Joel and Ellie is beautifully portrayed, making you wish it could last forever. There were moments that made me cry and I had to take breaks to process the emotions.
On the technical side, the game's length is just perfect. Any longer, and it would have felt like it was dragging; any shorter, and I would have been left unsatisfied. The ending is also perfectly timed. The background music is exceptional, among the best I've ever experienced in a video game. The sound design is impeccable—you have to play it with over-the-ear headphones to truly appreciate it. You'll know exactly where the enemies are, adding to the immersive experience.
The combat encounters are great, with mechanics that allow you to choose between stealthy or aggressive approaches based on your resources. The graphics are stunning, maintaining immersion throughout the game.
If I had to nitpick, it would be about the puzzles. While they provide a much-needed break from the intense moments, they are a bit too easy. However, this minor flaw is more than compensated by everything else, especially the story.

The game is too expensive, I know, but The Last Of Us Part I as a game is still one of the best games I've ever played.

Perfect story, perfect gameplay, but had some bugs. Now they are fixed some i thing you should play it :).

Does not need to exist at all. Terrible port on launch

Yes I was late to the party. Got myself a PS5 in 2021 and have never played the last of us. Sat down and played the PS5 version of the game and I was blown away by its story and characters. I mean who doesn’t love to see the tension and buildup of the story and the relationship between Ellie and Joel. Truly one of my favorite games of all time with some of my favorite performances from Ashley Johnson and Troy Baker.

Masterpiece, but the game crashed so many times that it made me want to become a Clicker

a beautiful remake? remaster? idk but either way the game looks so pretty