Reviews from

in the past

The lost step-child of the fixed camera Resident Evil games that somehow got even MORE into anime and ended up creating its own silly, perfect personality as a result

Say it with me everyone!


Cheesy in all the right ways. The castle was cool exploring. Cool start to a great series.

While it suffers from it's age, DMC1 is still my favorite in the series, from it's atmosphere to it's witty one liners, Dante sets himself up to be that one friend we all need.

maybe it would get the remaining half a star if the first nelo angelo fight didnt make me want to kill myself

Very good start to the series. The cheesiness really adds to the experience.

(Re-played it on HD Collection!)
Still a good game. Yeah in some aspects it has aged badly and it has it's own stupid parts, espeacially the swimming parts in some of the missions. But despite all that, Devil May Cry 1 is still a solid start amazing series and totally recommented.

Mission 22 can suck a dick tho.

Foi um bom começo mas hj em dia é meio ruinzinho

Devil May Cry is a marvel to play. It feels like a Resident Evil game, but 10x crazier, as slow combat and limited resources move over to the side for juggle combos and unlimited ammo. It still has that Resident Evil map design, with backtracking and switch hunting, which is why DMC is still a charming game to go back to.