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The atmosphere, art direction and music are phenomenal. Wasn't expecting to enjoy it with the unpolished gameplay and story, but by the end it makes you want more, and I hope the sequel delivers what Industria could really be!
Also, play it on hard difficulty, it's more enjoyable that way with it being a short game.

Esse jogo tinha tudo para ser bom, bons gráficos, premissa interessante, temática boa, mas, terminou sendo uma decepção absurda, jogo bugado, crashou todas as vezes que eu joguei, a mecânica de bateria é uma merda, nunca vi uma bateria descer tão rápido, a mira está no jogo de enfeite, porque não funciona, varias vezes você tem o inimigo na mira, atira, e a bala não pega, ela atinge alguma parte do cenário, o sistema de acumulo de munição é extremamente frustrante, de pistola você só pode carregar 12 balas na arma e mais 24 no pente, na metralhadora só pode carregar 32 balas na arma e mais 32 no pente, a shotgun só pode carregar 6 balas na arma e mais 6, o rifle só pode carregar 4 balas na arma e mais 8 no pente, qual o significado disso? toda hora você passa por munição e não pode pegar porque o seu inventario sempre está "cheio" mas sempre que ocorre um confronto com inimigos rapidinho você fica sem balas, e quando fica sem balar é outro inferno, porque o hitbox é bugado também, o ideal seria usar a picareta para dar um hit no inimigo e correr para longe dele para escapar do ataque dele, e seguir nessa sequencia, mas, quase sempre que um inimigo desfere um golpe, o golpe vai acertar você, mesmo o inimigo sendo Meele, e você estando longe dele, e para fechar com chave de merda, o final é completamente anticlimático, é aberto, incompleto, e além disso, não tem nenhum grande chefão para ser enfrentado, sendo que o jogo nem é um jogo longo, assim é muito bom fazer uma franquia de jogos, pega um jogo de 4 horas de gameplay, e divide ele em 4 jogos de 1 hora de gameplay, me senti feito de otário com essa merda.

Industria is a game heavily inspired by Half Life 2, with a feel that mixes this with elements of Bioshock and Control. So, I think it is somewhat useful to explain the game as a bit of comparison to HL2. The gameplay is quite similar but I'd say the combat has a bit more weight to it thanks to some well tuned weapons and animations. I played the game on Hardcore, which increases ammo scarcity, enemy difficulty (damage/health) and forces use of manual save points. Personally, this mode is where the game really shines and I would highly recommend this option for the best experience. The level design draws from HL's bag of tricks to put the player in intense but immersive situations - given the danger enemies presented in hardcore, seeing a fast moving enemy illuminated briefly as it rushes past in front of me was,,, pretty spooky! If you're a fan of horror, this game does better at it than HL. The main gameplay loop involves scouting out areas, killing enemies you see in short encounters, and then looting areas before moving onto the next location. Hardcore's manual save locations - which are type writers - brings on an extra 'need', and you're often pushed along by a desire to find the next elusive typing machine.

However, the game is more of a narrative driven game than you might expect. For one, your character is voiced, and primarily interacts with a local of the radio (very Alyx). The narrative is pretty short and sweet, and although I quite enjoyed the,,, somewhat abstract story, others might find it a bit too elusive to be satisfying.

In terms of negatives, I found the mechanics to be a little too old fashioned, some narrative elements broke with immersion ("you'll need to get coal and water for the train", but the train is ready to go), ammo placement was sensible but felt a bit too ideal - sniper bullets where there is likely a long range fight? Bit too on the nose? I also experienced some performance issues and crashes, although I am running the game through Proton so YMMV. Overall though, these complaints are mostly minor. It was a nice experience that didn't try to do too much. Personally, I am quite interested in the upcoming sequel - now that the devs have the tooling, world, and experience, what will they be capable of? I'm excited to see!

Interesting but too much janky, why have stealth mechanics if it doesn't work half the time? Also, my pistol bugged and I couldn't change my weapons anymore, nor do any other action.
But the voice acting is really good

Industria is a short (3 hours long) narrative-driven first-person shooter with puzzle and horror elements. It was developed by Bleakmill and released in 2021.

The game is set in Cold War-era East Berlin, where you play as Nora, a worker for the company called Atlas and after the disappearance of Walter, you set off to find him. Soon you come across a teleport machine you use to find out where Walter went, ending in a parallel dimension overtaken by machines. Your objective is to find out what happened to this place and to find Walter.
While trying to do that, you will end up fighting through many machines and solving some simple environmental puzzles (half of them are reused from the beginning of the story). The machines (AI) aren't smart and you can easily understand how to deal with each type, but what makes things just a bit complicated is the scarcity of ammo, which is hard to find and you'll soon start to make every bullet count, especially if played on Hardcore difficulty.
You have different types of weapons, but if you want to find ammo, you will have to explore the world, which even though is mostly linear, is open enough. Exploration rewards you with ammo and different notes which help you to better understand what happened in this dimension. Unfortunately, in the end, many questions that are presented throughout the story end up being unanswered leaving an unfinished story and an unsatisfied player who wanted a proper end of the story.
The atmosphere is what makes this game have horror elements. You have to use a flashlight most of the time while exploring and, well, you have to find batteries to be able to use it. You will go through surface levels, but most of the gameplay is set in gloomy parts of the town and closed buildings. In every encounter, even though the enemy AI isn't the brightest, you feel unsafe, especially after sighting the big machine before opening the city gates, near the end of the game.

All in all, a short experience that has good foundations for a game series, but unfortunately the story is often hard to understand, especially at the end, when many questions are left unanswered, giving you the feeling that you haven't achieved much and that this game should've been more than just a 3 hour experience.

I have a hard time rating this game, on one hand its level and sound design are amazing and makes me wish traversal of more linear games felt like the exploration in industria, but the game can be slow, I love the slow, I played BOTW hours after I beat it just walking around and hunting, but judging from reviews, people do not like this approach, especially when the combat can feel too simple, enemies are very simple with not much variety in how they or you interact, and often pathing is BUGGED, all with simple and stereotypical gun balance (you got a shotgun, sniper, pistol, and submachine only), but I dont really mind, and I dont know why, maybe because it adds to the atmosphere and exploration or because the guns are just satisfying to use, idk, but i understand if people dont like it,
also thanks devs for actually telling a video game story that uses the format of video games well, the entirety is in first person, only restricts movement when it wants to emphasize a location or character animation, and while writing is hit or miss, the VO is great and almost makes up for it, anyway, if you see this and still want to play it, you will like it, for the people who liked the slower moments in half life games

This review contains spoilers

Man I kinda wish I hadn't read any of the other reviews first cause I feel like I'm gonna just say the same things now. I got the game for free from Epic, thought it sounded kinda neat so I downloaded it, months later I actually booted it up to play. The premise is kinda fun, alternate steampunk society gets introduced to advanced electric AI, it goes evil and wrecks shit. You, your lover, and the AI are from "our" world, and then you use The Machine to go to this steampunk-ish world. And there's this whole thing where your lover spent decades there first and become (an elected) king. Uhhhh, where was I going with this? ....Right uhh, I guess the premise is cool, but lots of it feels pretty thin. Like, man I'm trying not to compare it to other games so hmmmm.... The intro sequence was cool, with climbing the big rumbling machine and stuff. Then you get into exploring this alternate world, exploring the dark sections was super creepy and fun, even if the enemies pose no real threat. I think I just realized a thing it really needed, the idea of this hivemind AI enemy thing, it has no character. It is just "evil robots oooo" Give it a personality, a real story. A lot of the stuff here feels surface level, cool ideas but no depth. They need to plunge into the pool and make it all full.

Sound design was cool, like I said, very creepy exploring all these dark areas hearing the robots stomping around or rushing you out of nowhere. The flashlight battery mechanic was annoying since no battery just meant a slightly worse light

They could've used more puzzles, and more interesting puzzles, but what they had wasn't bad.

Combat wasn't all the interesting, but it was kinda fun to snipe the robos when you first get the rifle. And again, spooky dark areas where robots rush you! Very tense, maybe they should lean into the horror more. Or maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat. Probably the latter but still!

Man maybe I shouldn't write reviews when I'm tired I barely know what I'm saying.... Game was fine, lore/story has room to be super cool but it's not there yet. Gunplay exists. Spooky darkness. Very short, felt like a long demo. Prolly won't play the sequel unless I get it for free too. Part of me hates being negative here cause I know it's hard being an indie dev and to even get anyone to play your games. I really wish the devs the best of luck, there's potential here but it still feels far off

tiene algunos entornos chulos (ojalá hubiera un botón para ocultar la UI) pero el combate es super tosco y el rendimiento atroz

I had some cautious optimism for Industria given the lower review scores both here and on Steam. While I was certain it would be good at best, some part of its premise and how reminiscent it seemed of games like Half-Life and Resident Evil intrigued me. However, I still found myself quite disappointed by the end product.

One of the bigger issues is the game's overreliance on obscuring the narrative. It presents a ton of questions that at first are intriguing, but quickly lose that intrigue as you discover more and more questions are left unanswered. I even went the extra mile of reading any text logs I could through documents scattered about, which gave little to no insight. I assume some of these questions will be answered in the sequel (or sequels for that matter), but I find that method to be rather cheap. You can leave some questions open for the future, but leaving this many questions makes the individual games feel unfinished.

The combat is also fine at best, serving its purpose but even on Hardcore being barebones. It boils down to shooting anything that moves with whatever weapon has ammo, though the overabundance of ammo means you just use whatever feels right. Enemies also boil down to running straight at you before either swinging or exploding. It's all very one note, and isn't supplemented by much in the way of environmental puzzles.

Speaking on that, exploration is sorely lacking. It has that classic issue where the only things you can find off the beaten path is crates with additional ammo, and those often involve using supplies to take down enemies on the way. Sure, you can find the odd page of lore, but it tends to not flesh out the world a whole lot.

Even the visuals, something I'm admittedly easy to please on, were often lacking. The environments themselves are interesting on paper, but often lack detail or are copy-pasted. I can appreciate reusing assets to save time, but in a game as short as this, it's hard to look past. I can understand it's an indie developer so I shouldn't be expecting big budget scenery design, but even from an art direction standpoint I was unimpressed in a few areas.

That all begs the question of who exactly Industria is designed for. If it's for fans of Half-Life, there's little to no exploration or environmental puzzles. If it's Resident Evil, there's way too many supplies to give you a reason to conserve ammo. If it's general FPS or narrative fans, aspects of both are too underdeveloped and given too little time to breathe.

Good ideas are buried somewhere in Industria, and you can catch glimpses of them occasionally. However, they're just that. Buried and only ever showing their face to remind you they're there. If you want to kill 2-3 hours then there are definitely worse ways to do so, but Industria stands as a stark reminder of better titles, even in the small-scale indie sector.