Reviews from

in the past

This review should act as a personal praise of LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and as a simultanious critique of the LEGO Videogame Series as a whole outside of this.

This game is a lucky cult classic. What was intended to be a silly Star Wars game meant for little babies turned out to be possibly the best ever example of a "mindless" videogame. Seriously, almost everything about this game that really shouldn't work just manages to be genius. The artstyle should look really ugly, as there are a lot of bad textures and clashing designs between character and environment, and yet it manages to feel so uniquely and abstractly beautiful. The level design itself (when not in a vehicle level) is almost never in tune with your standard design, which is a great thing in this context. There are literally only four buttons, as well as basically just two main forms of gameplay, and yet I along with most people would have it no other way, whether its mindlessly jumpslashing infinitely spawning enemies, or solving the most basic push block puzzles ever. I have seen a lot of people argue that there is no fun to be had with this gameplay, which is a fair assessment, but when do you ever really play a game that you can call mindless? It's such innocent fun due to exactly that, you literally do not have to put an ounce of thought into this game, and for atleast this example alone, it's a breath of fresh air. I haven't even gotten into what is possibly the best part. This game has a PERFECT subtly comedic parody of the stories of the prequel and original Star Wars trilogies. From the mumbling, to the immaculately made animations, to some of the best silent humor I have ever witnessed, this game, with all of its flawed elements, remains nearly a perfect game, all by accident. It literally works all because it doesn't really play like a real videogame... everything it does is just so alien to good game design. It's the perfect messterpiece!

What is not perfect, is literally everything else this series has shit out. Every game that follows this one up goes for the EXACT. SAME. FORMAT. I am not even joking, they all copy what this game does beat-for-beat, the only major difference ever being the chosen IP to parody. Sure, they occasionally try to add a couple new elements, but they always either massively fail (the addition of voice acting in the later games that ruin the funny mumble-dialogue) or just arent enough to capture any more fun (occasional slight improvement to puzzles throughout the series). Now all of a sudden, the cool abstract designs of the environments and level design have been replaced by the most standard, straight forward and linear level rooms ever, and the parodies will only get worse and worse as each game goes on, some of them even choosing to drop the humor just to be a dull re-telling of the original story in a significantly less memorable and less important medium. What you are left with is the same two lasting gameplay elements that are now nearly untolerable and stand out like a huge sore thumb because they peaked in this one game at this one moment when every other detail was enough to distract you from them (as well as enhance the general vibe of the game). This in no world should be the standard for more than one game, let alone two-dozen of them. The two games that follow this one, LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures and LEGO Batman: The Videogame, are both decent games that are enjoyable if you REALLY like what The Complete Saga does and you would like more of a similar thing. Beyond these three games, the series is pretty much just slop. I think LEGO The Lord of the Rings is alright, along with LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, and a couple games before that have some good moments, but they are just not worth playing really, let alone the sewage that is every game beyond these moments.

I just think it's crazy how you can peak this highly, just to go on to not know how to make anything else good, so you copy this formula for another two dozen games. It kinda sucks to be honest. Imagine having to play all of these in a row. I would be enjoying myself until literally the fourth game where everything would go bad and I would be stuck playing another twenty boring, drawn out, unfunny parodies.

its so good. the vibe is good too

Era muito mais foda quando eu era criança

Juegazo de mi infancia, me han encantado los juegos de lego y recuerdo haber jugado mucho este juego en mi playstation 2. Ahora que lo re jugué, puedo decir que ha envejecido de una forma decente, no del todo perfecta pero es muy jugable y disfrutable, es muy divertido el desbloquear los personajes y re jugar los niveles para poder conseguir los minikits, ame revivir cada momento de las pelis y mi infancia en su version lego, cabe destacar que lo jugué con mando e incluso llegue a jugarlo con amigos por medio del remote play de steam y fue increíble.

Historia: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Jugabilidad: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Apartado técnico: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Apartado artístico: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Multijugador: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (Cuenta con multijugador local).
Innovación: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (En su época lo fue bastante)
Duración: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

CS is the original ideal kids "weed game". Just an unbelievable amount of content for the time: expansive character roster, tons of collectibles, secret levels, co-op only puzzles, drop in drop out co-op for the entire game, etc. Still holds up today.

Um dos melhores jogos da época de Playstation2, já zerei trocentas vezes!

loved playing it on my mom's ipad

The bulk of this game is really fun, if simple, but has a lot of fun ways to casually maximize gameplay depending on the order you do things or what basic exploits you use. Baby's first speed run game! But on the other hand there's a lot of more tedious gameplay in some of the later levels and the final requirements for 100% are just straight up not fun. on this most recent replay (and possibly the only time I've ever fully 100%ed?) I did most of the game in the span of a couple weeks of casual play back in November/December but Only finished the last Super Story and Blue Cannister Challenges in JUNE. In spite of all that I've replayed the base game of this countless times which counts for something. It's fun, but not like, amazing amazing.

Another part of my childhood, along with the Star Wars books I got from a bookstore, might be the reason why 90% of my aesthetic choices online relate to aliens.

God why am I not a fucking Twi'lek god fucking damnit.

Playing this with my friends as a kid is a core memory that formed my personality. I am pretty sure many people can relate. Getting angry with the camera, going after mini kits, playing with our favorite characters, laughing with the cutscene jokes. We even made songs that we would sing during the gameplay. This game was so fun and it has so much personality.

I miss this game and the time in my life when I could just sit and play this with my friends.

Man just good memories and shit melded into agame like I cant even remember most of my memories of this game since I played it at the ripe old age of 4-5 but like trust me i played it hella after but like I still don't remember anything like specific or funny sadly just like every mission and shit like that but still I have no negative anything towards this game just straight vibes chill vibes/10

Almost immaculate if not for the super stories. Who thought that was a good idea