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Full price demo. Thank you qBitTorrent!

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Imagine if the tanker section of MGS2 (and some extra gimmicks) were separated and sold for a cheaper price. That's what MGSV: Ground Zeroes is, serving as a tech demo/prologue for Phantom Pain. Its actually not that bad but man I wish it was just in V proper and not this weird move from Kojima/Konami.

Because of how similar this and PP are in terms of gameplay I'll mainly discuss what Ground Zeroes does unique. The map is one of the best Kojima has made, being not only pretty big but having a ton of entrance points which makes the replay value superb. it's story is also one of the darkest in franchise history, with moments like the destruction of Mother Base and the ending being some of the standouts (the optional Chico tapes also include the darkest moments of the entire franchise). Mission varitety is also a strong suit, with such things like the Kojima rescue or console exclusive (MGS1 recreation and Raiden vs Snatchers) being a ton of fun.

All that being said I can't in good faith call Ground Zeroes a good game because ITS JUST A DEMO. The actual content is really short if you're not going for the replay value and the story content is so barebones. I don't hate the episodic idea but at the same time this absolutely needed more than just one main mission and a bunch of filler (that is required to unlock the later Chico tapes). At the very least it does do a great job of making me excited to finish the story with Phantom Pain but as it stands Ground Zeroes is just alright at best and a scam at worst.


A very good demo that looks and plays great for what was ultimately squandered on an open world game.

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart

Офигенный приквел к Phantom Pain, с отличным геймплеем, красивыми катсценами, и интригующим сюжетом с крутым и неожиданным финалом.

am fully VR trained up boys, now lustful & ready for Revenge like a true zer0! Kojima must pay...

Seeing as Metal Gear is one of my favourite series, I was determined to make an event out of the first time I played Ground Zeroes. I sat down with a plate of strawberries, joking to my friends that, knowing the series' infamously long cutscenes, I would probably have finished them before the first cutscene was over. As you can see, I make very funny and original jokes, which is why I have lots of friends and am DEFINITELY not lonely.

These were famous last words. Not only was the intro over before I had eaten my strawberries, but so was the fucking game. Ground Zeroes is incredibly short, and savvy readers already know the only story-related mission can be completed within an hour.

I'll give it this: from a technical point of view, Ground Zeroes is a marvel. The first time I played it was on a laptop that didn't even have a GPU, and it still ran like a dream. The graphics are phenomenal, bringing the nigh-photorealism we take for granted today. I remember the exact moment in the first cutscene that I realized that there hadn't been a single camera cut, and I was mindblown. This gritty, guerilla-cam directing style became a staple of Hideo Kojima games from this point onwards. The climax is one of my favourite cutscenes in any video game.

And the gameplay is superb. Ground Zeroes provides a stellar stealth action sandbox that, while not quite up to The Phantom Pain's level of 'if you can think it, you can do it,' was an excellent taster of what was to come. There are many ways to achieve your goals, and the developers thought of everything: cutscenes change to accommodate the smallest detail. Despite the low score, rest assured that this game plays very well.

That said, it's terrible value for the money. Ground Zeroes launched for the price of $40, and even today, is being sold for $20 - $10 if you buy it as a bundle with Phantom Pain. Every one of these prices is a scam. Make no mistake, this is a demo. The story can be cleared within 45 minutes, the side ops (all using the same base) lack proper stories, and score chases/collectibles aren't a suitable incentive for the casual player.

It would have made sense if Ground Zeroes had been released as a free demo, or included in The Phantom Pain as a prologue chapter. There are a few players who claim to have hundreds of hours in it, but the only explanation I can think of is that they left their PC on all night. Even if you sieve this game for every morsel of material, it adds up to a few hours at best. Unless you're a completionist, you won't get your money's worth buying this game at full price. And here's the thing: you don't have to impose these conditions while purchasing other games. It's usually bad form to judge a game's value by its length, but here it's justified.

The long and short of it is, Konami found a way to fuck it up once again. It's a shame that a game with such high production value was handled by a company whose unofficial motto is: "Where there's a will, there's a slot machine."


A good demo for what you will experience with The Phantom Pain, I cant imagine being a MGS fan in 2014 though and having this drop and having it be an hour and a half plus bonus content for 30 bucks. Maybe I'll return one day to 100% it since I like doing that with good games.

A decent introduction to the vibe and play of MGS5, well-made and fun, but I cannot forgive this game for the "bomb in a girl's pussy" story conceit.

Um jogo apresentação legalzinho, adoro a jogabilidade e sistema de furtividade dos Metal Gear. Mas só por aí. Não tem muito valor.

A game in which Metal Gear's signature isometric stealth puzzle boxes are abandoned in favor of total player freedom and synchronous control; a game in which Kojima's explicit condemnation of America's foreign policy leads you to shoot your way through colonial encampments in not-Guantanamo; a game in which military fetishism, high-fidelity 3D models, and handheld documentary-style compositions allow for comically exploitative levels of violence against women in ways this series had never and will never attempt again; a game in which you can rescue Hideo Kojima himself from captivity (accompanied by a title card for his specific prescription of Ray-Bans); a game that is not entirely a game, but a fraction of a game meant to elicit shock-jock coverage and feigned surprise from news outlets as both its content and pricing were designed to coax people into outrage. Maybe the most fascinating title released in the ninth generation, and certainly a title I have spent too much time playing given its prideful, vainglorious repugnance.

Making all of Paz's audio logs from Peace Walker available to listen to in addition to new cassette tapes recorded for this game that detail and elucidate her mindset, tensions, and ultimate conflict of self going into Ground Zeroes, only for her to be treated like a slab of meat other characters get to carve and slice and sling around is the cruelest, uncharacteristic swing that Kojima has ever taken.