Reviews from

in the past

Se você gosta de desafio e competitividade, esse jogo é pra você. Neon White é único.

+Excellent music and presentation
+Excellent game design. Each level is like a puzzle to complete with little mechanical skills required.
+Very addicting. The levels are short with an emphasis on replayability to get the best scores possible. I never got bored once.

-Characters are unlikeable, story is fine. The only blemish on an otherwise perfect game.

Super jeu indé vraiment je suis choqué que y a pas plus de personnes connaissent

Not sure what activated my ADHD more, seeing my time go slowly up the leaderboard or trying to get frame perfect inputs between card uses

awesome machine girl album with a cool free game

Would I like this as much if Machine Girl didn’t score it? Probably not.

This is like being at a fancy restaurant with really good food but everyone at your table is annoying. the meal is still really really good but there was a bunch of people talking nonsense during it

the writing as ass but ohhh golly is this game fun. please never stop making games based on doing something with cards

Also die Story ist ultra generisch und ab Kapitel 3 super langweilig aber das ist mir schnuppe denn das Gameplay ist FIRE.
Speedruns mit Freunden bocken hart und das ist auch der Selling Point bei dem Game.

Bockt wirklich sehr!

I remember my friend recommending I try this game out a while ago, always seeing him hop on to see if he could improve his times and beat the game in under an hour. Admittedly I would do the same thing but with Pizza Tower instead, so I could see the appeal. But then I actually played the game and damn is it fun. The story provides a really cool setting, but I could see the conversations being a little too...over the top for some people in terms of the writing. Either way, I had a hell of a fun time blazing my way through the levels as well as coming back for the collectibles and I recommend this one for sure.

the characters are lame but thankfully replcaing the ugly mc in the corner is a png asset studio replacement away. got bored really quick though

El año pasado terminaba de jugar SEUM: Speedrunners from hell, un juego con niveles relativamente sencillos y cortos en los que te pedía que intentaras ir más rápido cada vez.

Neon White es una evolución de ello en todos los sentidos: posiblemente uno de los mejores gameplays que ha tenido siempre un FPS, un diseño de niveles muy superior, un estilo visual muy limpio y claro y una música que no llega a hartar pese a que estés horas oyéndola. Pero lo que me parece más relevante es el incentivo tan simple pero efectivo que te da Neon White para superarte: una tabla de clasificación con tus amigos y gente de internet y un PNG que indica lo bien que lo has hecho. Solo con eso ha conseguido que gaste una insana cantidad de horas para conseguir todos los logros.

No hablaré de la historia ni nada similar ya que he jugado saltándome todos los textos desde la segunda misión, y puede que hiciera lo correcto: al fin y al cabo, algo se puede entender con solo ir viendo los niveles que sigues.

En resumen, el mejor juego sobre "speedrunear" que ha habido nunca, lo cual es algo que me encanta, y más aún si es un FPS.

Incredibly gameplay, just pure fun. The level design and enemy design is so thoughtful and intentional. It has so much content as well and you can easily get sucked into this for hours. also the music is rly fun -0.5 stars for the story

skip all the dialogue and its peak

it's crazy, they made one of the most fun games i've ever played and then slapped a horrifically cringeworthy visual novel onto it

I have so many hours in this and they all were enjoyable, the cheesy "how to draw anime" art and silly start to the story end up being endearing.


Sure the dialogue is a little cringey and cheesy at times, but idc. I laughed a few times and enjoyed the characters mostly. I was somewhat invested in the story. Plus I liked the voice cast. Steve Blum is great as always, plus ProZD being here is a plus as well. The game felt very anime. There was even a beach section so you know it's legit. Haha.

But the GAMEPLAY! This game is extremely fun. Speedrunning through levels is the most satisfying thing and the movement feels great. The card mechanic is so cool and the levels themselves are fun to traverse. I had a damn good time with this game and basically loved every second of it.

As much as I would like to platinum it on playstation, ain't no way in hell that's happening. Beat the ENTIRE GAME twice without dying? Yeah ain't no way. But I still loved playing the game and it was worth the $25.

although the writing itself is horendus the story that it tried to set up is amazing along with the game play and the feeling of you can do that level faster

good game but I don't like the music or the story

I haven't enjoyed a platformer game this much since Celest. Holy God this game was good. Definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys fast paced platforming games. The story kinda drags, but despite what other people say I enjoyed the
1 on 1 conversations.

The game of all time shoutouts to Machine Girl

this isnt a "its not my thing" bad review, this game is bad. taking 10 good ideas for singular games and shoving them into one isn't a good idea, the game is simply too unfocused and streamlined to offer any interesting ideas. I have never played a game where I have a more consistent dead expression, it tries to trick you into thinking it will be good and it isn't until the game's ending when you finally realize it has nothing original to introduce to the gaming landscape.

this game really makes you feel like a speedrunner. while the story is poor, the levels are such a blast to play. a mix of exploration and personal challenge really helps make each level feel memorable

Yeah, the dialogue is annoying, but I dunno, it's a little charming sometimes. Whatever, the dialogue was never enough to get me to hate the actual game. What an incredible, fun, and addicting game this is! The levels are so smartly designed, and everything just flows together to make an exhilarating speedrun experience.