Reviews from

in the past

I will clarify this now this was the Pokemon game I grew up with so I will have nostalgia bias towards it.

I love this game so much back when it came out and now still today. The balancing feels a little off I will say with most trainers having 3-4 Pokemon even the Elite Four and final rival battle so it was pretty easy.

The story was a little weak up until after the 7th badge where something started happening (the Pokeball Factory, Ice Cavern and Power Plant still felt week but that's because the admins and Team Flare members were mostly nameless nobodies.) with Team Flare and Lysandre did more than just talk about the perfect world. That being said the finale of this arc and the game overall is beautiful especially the credits.

Gameplay wise we recieve the first proper gimmick in the form of mega evolution. Now this is probably one of my favourites because of the new forms but man is it criminally underused. It fits perfectly with the story discussing the bonds we share with the pokemon but we only go against mega evolved Pokemon 3 times in the main story which is a bit of a shame. I didn't really utilize it my self because my on my team only Pidgeot and Lucario could use it and they didn't get much use.

The environment of this game is pretty being a take on France and being the first mainline 3D pokemon game they captured the feeling of normal Pokemon in 3D well. My favourite city is probably Ambrette Town because of the ocean view and the verticality they made use of with the different sections of the town. It's impossible to talk about nice environments without bringing up the Pokemon Leauge. Has to be one of the best looking in the series probably only behind Black and White.

The new Pokemon in this game which there wasn't many are some of my favourites. You have pokemon like Greninja and Goodra being added in this generation but you do still get some uglier ones as per usual.

I have to say this may be one of my favourite Pokemon games of all time. I may have to make a ranking list because I give most of these 5 stars because I think most of the mainline games deserve 5 stars. But this one really does deserve to be towards the top.

Infravalorada, los juegos que entre mas juegas, mejores se vuelven. Siguen teniendo muchos defectos. Pero es probablemente de los juegos mas lindos de todo Pokémon, La región no es tan pasajera para estandares de Pokémon, y las rutas y ciudades se ven muy bonitos. El diseño de personajes chibis en el overworld es el peak del diseño artistico de Pokémon, así debieron quedarse, abajo los sprites completos. La unica cagada si es lo de la dificultad; la megaevolución, la mejor mecanica de todas, y la peor implementada: te la regalan al 3 gimnasio nada mas, rotisima, y nadie mas la usa, solo Lysson, y Dianta, que encima no es lo suficientemente dificil. No soy fan de la dificultad, pero aquí si desbalancearon mucho (de los mejores para hacer Locke). Las megas de Y son mejores que las de X.

if the game had any difficulty or challenge it'd be so much better

I don't remember every looking forward to a new Pokemon game, as I did for this one. Seeing the trailers with the fully realized overworld in 3D made me beyond excited; the beautiful models and the attacks just spring to life in ways I only hoped it would one day.
I find the new additions to the line-up to be very exciting and creative (Tyrantrum, Aegislash) and the Mega Evolutions made the (meta)game feel extremely vibrant. Very nice idea to bring new life to old Pokemon. Finally, the continued support of Pokemon Bank with the added capability of being able to transfer all your pokes to the newest games was absolutely worth it, being able to see them in the new 3D environments as well!

I love french people, I wish they were real

this is a really fun game even if the transition to 3D was difficult, i love the new pokemon, mega evolution is fun, and also im french so im biased sourry. dont really like how much it depends on gen 1 callbacks when it really easily couldve been its own thing. the begining of the wasted potential era.

A less than graceful start into 3D pokemon. While this game isn't complete garbage, it somewhat started mainline pokemon's downhill journey

Game is the definition of mediocre but you get a mega lucario for free so it gets some points

My guilty pleasure of the main series. I hear the criticisms and they're all valid and everything, but I still love this game/gen to death. One of my favorite regions rendered in gorgeous 3DS graphics. Lots of great new Pokemon, including a starter based on one of my favorite animals (Fennekin, that is). I enjoyed the gimmicks like mega evo and super training or whatever that's called. It's also the first one I completed the national dex in, so it's got a special place in my heart for that, too.

No tengo palabras para describir el mierdon de juego que es, no solo facil que se lo pasa mi primo de 4 meses si no que la historia es simple como una hoja en blanco

saved from being half a star because I like the skates

meu guilty pleasure, tenho muita nostalgia. primeiro jogo de pokemon q joguei no 3ds. reconheço q nao é tao bom qnt eu imagino

yep this game exists

GooeyScale: 70/100

One of the weaker entries in the series but playable. Just a shame that so much was left untouched, it didn't really reach its full potential.

The only Pokemon game you truly care about is the one you played first, under the age of 15

I had fun with mega evos, and on it's time, was a veer hyped entry

El segundo mejor, después del blanco y negro, aunque la gente lo deteste. Introdujo los gráficos 3D, introdujo las megaevoluciones que fue algo top, introdujo el tipo hada que fue genial, la estética francesa? chulísima. La historia del team villano? curradísima y triste. Los pokemon de esta generación tienen diseños preciosos, aunque los legendarios no son los mejores. Este juego merece un 10, pero le voy a dar un 8 porque me da la puta gana.

The transition to 3D was not kind to this series. If it were not for mega evolutions I don't think people would even remember these games existed. As a kid I typically got both pokemon games each year, mostly for Christmas to be fair but this was one of the dew generations where I skipped out on getting the other. There are some cool new pokemon in this game but its just not the same man.

the name yveltal is so forced

may not be perfect but I still loved this game as a kid

I love gen 6 with all my heart, I just wish this game had post-game content

probably should be 3 stars but I played this game as a kid and it shaped my love for large ensemble casts. I hope future pokemon games do what this game did (while developing the side characters better)