Reviews from

in the past

A great and fun metroidvania. Great characters, fun mechanics, banging music; overall just a fun time.

This game is awesome. It's one thing for a game to make you love the series, and another for a game that makes love the whole genre. Shantae is very underrated. Pixel Shantae is in my opinion, peak Shantae. I love the linear open world, all the characters are so fun and I am very well invested in the world and all it has to offer.

Um metroidvania com gráficos, musicas e controles perfeitos, ele pega tudo de bom do seu antecessor e eleva ao quadrado. Recomendo para qualquer um que tá afim de um plataforma com mulheres desenhadas de forma que faria sua família e amigos ter vergonha de você.

If I had a nickel for every time a sequel to an established franchise dropped it's original formula/concept in favour of pirate shenanigans, and ended up being all the better for it, becoming the fan favourite that even the series' detractors enjoyed, I'd have 2 nickels; which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

A good retro game that is bound to keep you happy. It's a lot of fun and is a fantastic Metroidvania game.

loved all the characters, very fun game

An absolute upgrade in every way over Risky's Revenge, Pirate's Curse oozes charm with even funnier characters along with a beautiful art style and super satisfying gameplay.

This kinda makes me wanna skip beating the first two games in favour of this. My god how peak it is.

"Ooooh soy un masturbador crónico, me encantan las tetas y los dibujos erótico, oooooooooh nine eleven" -Fans de Shantae, posiblemente