Reviews from

in the past

I wake up -> be silly -> shitfaced -> EX Drunken Fist -> eepy -> rinse and repeat. And he gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! From RGG studios comes a game that doesn't really excel in any ways compared to previous titles. It's a good game, but I have to judge it as it is. Perhaps Yagami being overshadowed by the other protagonists plays a role, but he has a cool jacket to back him up. He looks so much like a japanese doppelganger of one of my uncles at his age, only he can take better selfies. His office is lucky it's so small, otherwise the game would have surely included a fight in it at some point.

Kaito really hits that 😮😮😮 when I'm about to get a hole in the cranium, while a japanophile just goes "fuck it we ball" every altercation I get into. I think I know who the true bro is. I'm glad Kaito's my friend, though. If he were to hit me, one of JUDGMENT's new addition would bite me in the arse: mortal wounds. It is like if rubbing salt in the wound was taken literally, you have to walk in shame as your heart is broken in shards. Don't rough up your local detective like this, you punks! Men like him have two sides, tiger and crane. Crane isn't really anything noteworthy, however Tiger lets you trigger the Tiger Drop, and honestly that would have been the biggest missed opportunity so I'm glad you can learn it. Consume druid liquid and launch nukes for more information (this kind of breaks the game)

Since the game throws you into a street fight every 5 seconds, making the case that it's not actually a Yakuza game is hard. Nope, abstaining from using lethal weapons in the street does not make you a saint. Nobody in the Tojo clan has squabbled and flown away from law enforcement as much as yours truly. Literal drones đŸ€Ł but then, if they literally are drones, what about those little things I'm flying around and practically never used in the game? All in his mind? Better hit that trailing minigame again. Our audience will never feel like the heroic detective if they don't get that devious ahh stalking once in a while. I'm carrying an entire outfit in each of my pockets, begging to be put to use. Sir I'm on my knees let me wear that suit

You know, while I'm interrogating someone beaten half to death, I didn't expect the most beautiful girl in the game (Amane) to send a message asking me out on a date. I went tiger mode on bro and switched to crane for the ladies. Maybe. It doesn't work like that though. Neither animal thrives alone, in any case. Which is why Yagami, after two decades of living in Kamurocho, finally decides to make friends. You'll never hear that siren with the power of friendship. That's probably how Yagami got rid of every Kamurocho citizen after Kiryu left, or maybe they left because Kiryu left. Are we living in the Truman show? Give dat man a Tru

wasn't exactly happy with my review of judgment so im redoing it. got a lot to say about this one

this is a really strange game to me, before playing it and i heard about was praise for the game, how great the story is and how much of a good game it is, some even said its better than the mainline games, naturally when i heard that i was pretty intrigued, playing as a detective trying to solve a big mystery while having the beat em up gameplay that rgg is known for sounds great!

after finishing all mainline games at the time, i finally started playing judgment to see what all the hype has been about. after dropping the game twice i finally finished and it... sure was something.

i think the story starts out really strong with the mystery and does a really good job showing you the new cast of characters and setting up the mystery that gets you interested all through the game. to me the problem is after the beginning chapters, the pacing is all over the place honestly, i'll get more into later it but there was times where i was just not interested by whats going on or felt like things were dragging and there was times where i was really interested to see what was going on in the story but i had to stop because the game forces sub stories into the story that just drags it on and makes me lose all interest i had, it happens so much with this game that it actually started bothering me so i dropped it, eventually i came back to it again this time on my xbox since i had switched platforms and i wasn't using my ps anymore and then another aspect of the game was really bothering me(that i'll get into later) was the detective parts of the game, mainly the trailing missions, these parts of the game are honestly the worst, they arent fun to do and makes the game a slop to get through since they are really slow and they EVEN appear on side cases too.. WHY. that and "mortal wounds" were so annoying to me i dropped the game a 2nd time there because at that point i couldn't be bothered, the third time i actually sat down and finished the game in a week or so, and while i do think the game gets better and way more interesting at the 2nd half of the game. the final 3 chapters are seriously some of the best parts of the game, that and the final boss are really good, it's just a shame because i think the game could have been so much better but for a good chunck of the game i just either couldn't care about what was happening or when i did care they would just force you to do a sub story, and dont get me wrong i love doing side content in RGG games, its just that when i want to see where the story is going i don't like to waste my time trying to do some fetch quest or trailing mission for some random guy so can then tell me important info so i can move on. yagami i also found to be a pretty boring protagonist, he's not bad by any means, i just found him bland and boring, which is weird to me because i really liked the rest of his crew, kaito is an amazing character, higashi and Sugiura are really good too so its really weird to me that yagami himself is really not that interesting but the rest of the cast are.

gameplay wise im pretty mixed on it, judgment at the time when released had the best dragon engine combat, it really feels like they figured out how to use the engine to their advantage unlike k2 or y6 where it felt like they were still trying to figure stuff out, yagami has 2 styles that he can use and the game actually has some sick ass new heat action. both styles have a pretty good battle theme too, thumbs up for that, it's just a shame because out of the 2 styles, i barely found myself using crance style at all, in fact i checked the upgrades menu and i noticed that crane barely has any upgrades at all, tiger style got all the cool shit which made me not even use crane for like 95% of my playthrough, they also made a really weird mechanics called "mortal wounds" which i just don't get why it gets, so the way it works is certain enemies can do attacks that if you get hit, ur health meter permanently decreases and the ONLY way to fix that is to use a medkit which are very expensive to buy, you could also go to a doctor thats only 1 in location across in the sewers... so basically half way across the map. WHY. this mechanic is so fucking dumb i don't get why it exists, this means that when doing story if you get mortal wounded you basically have to hope you have a medkit or otherwise your health bar will just be smaller for no fucking reason, its so fucking dumb.
another part of the gameplay i wasn't big on is the detective side of stuff, none of them i found fun to play, these detective stuff range from lock picking, investigating areas, trailing mission (ugh) and showing evidence to people, lock picking is fine ig, investigating areas itself just comes down to looking at the right areas, press R2 and yagami going "woahhhh a clue!" and repeat, trailing mission suck as i have mentioned before and showing evidence to characters is okay i guess, you can get some funny lines if you mess up but its really not anything noteworthy. the detective stuff just feel like a gimmick more than something that was made in mind for the game "aw shit we haven't had the player lock pick a door in 5 hours lets make them do that"

activities and mini games are fun, there is like some weird VR mario party type game, and drone racing which is really fun, you also have side cases which are the sub stories of this game and they are... fine. i would say they sub stories are the weakest here, not many of them were funny or interesting, infact a lot of them were really weird, there is like a 5 chain sub story that involves dudes stealing panties away from women which is just ugh... yeah no, and there were also like 4 sub stories of some dude fake hair flying and you having to catch which is eh, surprisingly this game also has no karaoke which is so weird considering its a serious staple at this point, even ishin had karaoke man like cmon.

honestly when i finished this game i was just confused, i don't get the hype around this game at all, it's fine. just fine. story itself is decent but im not a fan of it, combat is fun but has way too many issues that bother me, the detective stuff ranges to ok to really annoying, i found yagami to be really boring and bland as a protag and forcing the player to do sub stories just go through the game is really annoying.

i don't hate this game by any means, in fact i would rather play this than any other ubisoft or other triple A open world game but as far as the yakuza series goes, this isn't one i am planning to revisit, at least not anytime soon.

melhor historia da franquia com quase a melhor gameplay da franquia yakuza e isso apenas sendo um spinoff

this is an ubisoft game in disguise

Bomb game but I hate Keihin gang so much

This will sound petty, but the camera and minimap were so bad I dropped the game. Other small irritants also made the experience miserable though.

I love when games let you date girls 20 years younger than you

Very solid spinoff.
Even if Yagami just stole his moves from people he’ll never meet.
You know the joke of RGG reusing a bunch of stuff like moves, animations, etc but that’s nothing extremely bad that would’ve made the gameplay bad.

Side missions actually giving you money and skill points is pretty good but sticking them in the middle of story missions to drag out the playtime is annoying.

Yagami’s tiger style (we’re not using crane cuz who does?) is good and gives him a unique flair compared to John Yakuza.

The story is pretty well written. It’s a little complicated sure but not to the point of forgetting what even happened compared to Y3-7. It’s one of the few RGG stories that I can actually recall what happened and why. I will say it does drag a little leading up to the second to last chapter.
There were some great character arcs but some of the motivations for the villains are kinda paper thin. It’s better that “I’m evil and I hate everyone and I want power” sure but it’s not very good justification for their ambitions and philosophy.

Yagami himself is a good main character and the story builds him up to fit the conflict.

The things I really don’t like are:
mortal wounds; that’s stupid why even make this a mechanic? Just to burn a crap ton of money to buy med kits?
Tailing missions. Yes because I want to be walking behind someone then bolt away behind a wall because they decide to randomly walk into an alley, turn around, walk back down the same street they went down and circle all around city.
The dreaded text from Kim that spawns a crap ton of enemies on the map until you beat 2-4 bosses scattered across the city.

Other than that: it’s good. 4 YAGAMIIIIS out of 5

The game Rgg finally figured out how to make dragon engine combat fun. The new cast of characters are amazing and the mystery plot is incredibly interesting and well written.

The game also introduces English dubs to the series after a long hiatus and it's a very high quality dub if your into that.

The main story for this is amazing probably top 3 in the series tbh, I was super into it through the whole thing and the characters in this are really complex and understandable in their actions especially so for the villain cast, however outside of that there a few things that hold it down especially when it comes to the side cases which are locked behind smaller ones called "friendships" and how many you've unlocked, this is honestly just a hassle at the start of the game to unlock all these friendships which mostly aren't too interesting but then there are some which are just super annoying like the Ebisu pawn, QR code and unsurprisingly, the mahjong one (don't worry you can get it more easily by using an item that costs the same amount of Skill Points as the final health upgrade!), the actual side cases are really good tho however while I do get what they were going for, side cases should completely be separate from the friendship. The minigames in this aren't that great either tbh along with a massive lack of a money making feature even tho there's an investment app. The upgrade system is probably one of the better ones, it's a lot better than soul orbs or 6 and K2's however near the end of the game you start to lack a lot of places to earn the upgrade points. Speaking of, once you get a few of the skills the combat starts to become really good with a lot of moves you can pull of such as jumping off walls, jumping over enemies or jumping off of cars to hit enemies. Overall, amazing game and story that's brought down by poorly handled side content.

Narratively this is by far the best rgg game.
Despite some really annoying problems with the gameplay and flow of this game, its still my favorite rgg game overall so far.

A wonderful (and much needed) breath of fresh air from the franchise.

The new cast are all incredibly likeable. The gameplay is vastly improved from Y6 as the Dragon Engine feels a lot more polished and there are all new techniques you can pull off with Yagami that helps his combat stand out and the new detective features, while not the most fleshed out, do it's job good enough.

Don't really have much to complain about here besides the first chapter being a bit too long. Just a fantastic game all around.

Amei demais, no começo achei o combate meio lento, mas depois me acostumei com os estilos do Yagami e ficou gostoso demais após desbloquear alguns upgrades. Ótimo jogo, ótima trilha sonora e um enredo muito bom.

AAAAbsolutly incredible and the best yakuza game but no zombie Majima

Bunca Yakuza oyunundan sonra gariptir ki bu oyun ferahlayıcı hissettiriyor. Herkesin Ɵikayetçi olduğu tailing görevleri dÄ±ĆŸÄ±nda bir sıkıntısı yok. Oldukça eğlenceli bir oyun.

yagami would be on a payroll when he decides to start an investigation on riot games

Did all substories and friend quests and beat Amon.

This is peak RGG. Debatably, the best story in the franchise. The first game to make Dragon Engine combat super fun, and adds a ton of cool stuff. The whole cast is superb, and utilized well. Soundtrack is so full of bangers, even for RGG standards. Side content is great. Only bad part is that Keihin gang can be annoying, and probs a few too mandatory substories in the plot. Also, the tracking missions suck.

The story is magnificent; the combat and boss fights are okay, but the tailing missions and investigation mod prevent it from being a masterpiece.

Judgment is special to me. Probably the best story RGG has written. Every character is so likeable and their interactions feel very genuine. Combine this with the fun gameplay alongside a gripping plot and it's such a good experience. Can't recommend it enough.

Phenomenal gameplay with a story to match, if you are a fan of yakuza whatsoever you owe it to yourself to check this game out.

i really love the detective story in this, the character is loveable, but there some main quest that feels like a “forced side-quest”