Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo que até hoje impressiona pela sua criatividade e inovações, algumas bossfights funcionam quase como um quebra-cabeça, que é muito bem feito, o fato do jogo utilizar elementos externos a ele, também é algo que poucas vezes eu vi ser tão bem utilizado. Além disso, a maioria dos personagens são iconicos e carismasticos, você fica ansioso pra cada novo chefe e personagem que enfrenta e a história corre muito bem. Assim que eu terminei a primeira vez, já quis zerar novamente, e o jogo possuí um fator replay que é muito fluido e divertido, fazendo as jogatinas posteriores ainda melhores.

Didn't get around to properly playing this game until I deep dove into the series when the Legacy collection came out leading up to MGSV. I was amazed at how well it holds up, and how incredibly modern (or postmodern) it feels despite being from the early days of 3D Games. The camera angles in particular feel so much more cinematic than most all games at the time. The voice acting is still quite good too, and it's incredibly emotional despite the character models being blocky polygons who just bobble their heads when they talk. Gameplay is solid, I love stealthing around, and the boss fights each feel novel (especially Sniper Wolf's and Vulcan Raven's). A bit too much backtracking near the end, but it doesn't take too long. It is funny how many setpieces this game borrows from its immediate predecessor Metal Gear 2, but they certainly feel fresh in 3D. Great game

When talking about games in my backlog, this one was on the top of my list for far too long. Metal Gear Solid is quite possibly the most "video game" a game should be.

This game is nothing short of genre defining and timeless. Stealth meets action meets a twisted cinematic story. You could very easily boil down the message to "War Is Bad". It's not very deceptive about that. Its themes are much more tied to tackling rapid technological expansion , individualism, and the shoulders of guilt we carry.

When I say Metal Gear is a "video game" I mean it's meta in every way possible. There are so many timeless moments that genuinely captivated me. The entire Psycho Mantis sequence, for example, was revolutionary for 1998. Reading your memory card, having to physically change your controller port, and many more mechanics that blend the game with real life. It's a multimedia experiment disguised as a video game.

Despite its age, there are few issues. Some of the enemy AI can be janky, and there's some unnecessary backtracking, but it all feels full of ideas. I can't believe it took me this long to commit, but now I'm diving into the deep end.

...I don't think I'm having fun playing this game. It hasn't aged well at all.
Input delay, odd menu/weapon system, and presentation haven't exactly impressed me throughout the course of playing all the way to the sniper wolf segment.
Maybe I'll pick it back up later, but for now I have bigger fish to fry.

This review contains spoilers

I am beginning my Metal Gear marathon! I'm planning on beating all (mainline) games release up until MGS4. So MG1 & 2, MGS1, 2, PO, and 4. I already played 3. I'll also be throwing in the digital graphic novel, Twin Snakes and maybe Document of MGS2 if I can get my emulator working. I own PW and MGSV, but decided to hold off on those just for my sanity's sake. I have another marathon I'd like to do soon, and I'd like to tackle the rest of Big Boss' tale after I process the main "present" story (I know PO is a Big Boss game, but I gather that it's so unimportant in the grand scheme that it doesn't matter). But this was a very good start to this marathon. It's been on my backlog for about 2 years now. I stopped my original playthrough because I missed the thermal goggles and couldn't get passed the laser maze with just my cigarettes. Man, I wish I didn't stop though! This is a phenomenal game, one of the best aged on the PS1. An amazing story filled with such intrigue, amazing characters (Otacon is one of the most endearing characters in fiction imo and Ocelot is so cool), and really memorable moments. By the end I was so excited to hop into MGS2, I was just so gripped. Liquid is such an entertaining villain, and his whole belief that Genes define you, while not really explored suuuuper deep here, lays a good foundation for the rest of the series. I'd argue that MGS2 gets a little sidetracked in some areas regarding that, but thats a different review. But yeah, great plot. The gameplay has aged SHOCKINGLY well. It's very very smooth and was always really fun to play. EXCEPT that stair sequence near the middle it brings the whole experience down. And having to backtrack for some stuff like the sniper and Thermal Gogs is annoying, but one makes sense for moving plot along reasons. and the other isn't mandatory so whatever. But yeah good game. Play it.

Was expecting this to be that one bad entry in the series that you would have to slog through to play the actually good games (Yakuza in particular has a couple of these). But no, this game ruled. I will now scatter before you various nodes of my thoughts about Metal Gear Solid.

The first couple of hours were a slog, but after powering through the hooks of Hideo were firmly in for the whole game. I can see how the backtracking might annoy people but I liked it. Usually I would also be driven to madness by it, but here the quiet moments in between the action really helped slow down the pacing; something that was sorely needed in such a linear, rollercoaster-like game. I've been playing Final Fantasy X at the moment and, if you look at voice acting alone, it is absurd this game came out first. There are some truly terrific performances mixed in here. The ending kept going after what I thought was a really poignant note that worked better than the actual ending, but that is assuredly a nit-pick.

I suppose I am now Kojima-pilled, praise be to the messiah.

A complete shock to the system. It has more than a few faults, but it's such a massive leap forward for the entire medium it's almost impossible to imagine what the landscape would look like without it.

what an ending

Loved the political commentary and intrigue, Liquid Snake being sympathetic in some ways yet also completely insane

Love the resolution of each character’s arc, interested in seeing where they go in 2 and 4

Otacon is the goat

Autant évacuer de suite le seul petit défaut à mes yeux : les allers-retours sur les différents niveaux. Ils sont pas si longs mais ils sont là malgré tout, surtout sur la fin. Je pourrais parler de la caméra qui est de son époque mais à vrai dire, 5-10min d'adaptation et ensuite elle ne pose plus aucun souci. Oui l'IA est d'époque mais peut-on vraiment en vouloir au jeu sur ce point?

Et j'ai beau chercher mais je ne vois rien d'autre parce que pour le reste, c'est brillant. Que ça soit dans cette capacité à rendre le jeu aussi fun en jouant aussi bien infiltration que bourrin, dans la possibilité de gérer les situations de plusieurs façons plus ou moins ludiques ou bien encore les multiples gimmicks de gameplay qui procurent une expérience particulière à l'ensemble, il se passe toujours quelque chose à l'écran qui me dit "c'est un jeu vidéo mais c'est même un peu plus que ça et je vais te faire kiffer".
Parce qu'en plus de la partie JV, il y a aussi ce lien avec le cinéma qui est toujours bien digéré. Que ça soit dans les nombreuses références tout au long de l'aventure, dans les cinématiques et ses angles de caméras ou bien encore cette superbe histoire toujours captivante, tout sonne cinéma. Ce travail aussi sur le voice acting des personnages qui apporte cette touche d'émotion bienvenue. D'ailleurs, même les phases de codec sont toujours aussi cools grâce au rendu des visages par Yoji Shinkawa, c'est du miel pour les yeux de les voir s'animer.
Et bien évidemment la bande-son. Ok il y a une histoire de plagiat dans le motif récurrent mais ca n'enlève en rien qu'elle colle parfaitement à l'action, qu'elle est marquante dans sa sonorité et puis THE BEST IS YET TO COME bordel ❤️

Bon je pensais pas écrire autant sur un jeu rétro mais faut le reconnaitre : MGS 1 est un grand grand jeu que seul l'épisode 3 dépassera pour être l'un des plus grands de tous les temps.

At first, when playing, I remember feeling "This game is fine enough but somewhat simple, I'm curious which parts the praise comes from". Then upon reaching the boss fight with Psycho Mantis, everything started making sense.

Metal Gear Solid truly did pioneer cinematic games, and then some. There are so many points of this game where the player can really feel that the developers were making as much thorough use of the fact that this is a video game as possible. Making the player check the back of the case for a character's codec number, messing with controller/rumble/TV features to cause thrilling effects, using gameplay as a vehicle to convey the severity of or immersion of a given situation, it all feels so much like a modern big budget game would.

The core stealth systems are very straightforward here and can be easily cheesed or navigated, which is my only gripe with the game. I felt engaged but sometimes certain game feel elements felt archaic or not well realized enough. The cardboard box almost entirely solves stealthy situations, with little interaction beyond "wait for the guys to pass by", and the weapon aiming does not feel fun to use. However, I would still say I had fun overall.

I was also engaged with the story. It's worth mentioning that this is, as of writing this, the only Metal Gear game I've ever completed. This is being said to illustrate that I have no frame of reference for the "bonkers deep lore" reputation this franchise has. As a standalone story, stakes are built, plot elements are properly foreshadowed and told, and characters are developed. It's a good story.

Metal Gear Solid is definitely as important as a video game as it's been built up to be, and very impressive for the time/hardware it was released. It can still feel a bit clunky or flat in places, but is still well worth checking out.

this game is ahead of its time

one tip for playing the game is always check your codec because if u dont you might miss some wholesome dialog

You played metal gear solid for the story

I played metal gear solid for the sexual tension between snake and otacon

We are not the same

A classic that still holds up today

Never forget to live

also meryl and snake are so damn adorable

"Just live."

so many people hype this game up and talk about a few of its incredible moments and then you play it and there's like, dozens of those moments constantly littered throughout. this obviously fucking rules, very happy i finally got around to this classic

I’m so glad I made the decision to go on a retro gaming journey, as it means I have now experienced classics like this!

I really didn’t think this would be one of my 10/10 games. I was never into Metal Gear Solid at a young age. But this is just moment after moment of coolness for 7 hours straight.

I did watch fairly lengthy YouTube summaries of metal gear 1 & 2 to prepare me for this. I was instantly hooked on the story just from the briefings from the main menu that bring you up to speed with the situation. I loved every bit of the story with its multiple “what the fuck” moments. The captivating lore has made me hugely excited for the following franchise games.

Despite janky PS1 polygonal graphics, and all characters having no eyes, it is VERY cinematic. You can really see Kojima’s love of film direction.

Each character is so well done, leaving the player wanting to know more. They’re all deep, complexed souls and have a lot to say. The voice acting is perfect.

It has simple but addictive gameplay, even for today. There are so many ways to approach each section and this clearly paved the way for future action titles.

This must have been revolutionary. I only wish I played it in the late 90s to really take in its charm. But I’ll have to settle for 2024, and even now it’s a 10/10

Masterpiece. Simple as that. Landmark in gaming. Artistic, cinematic, fun, impactful, and full of style and substance, Metal Gear Solid, along with similarly transformative titles at the time, revolutionized gaming into an undeniable art-form.

uma das minhas sequências favoritas, ele adora fazer referências ao metal gear 2 que só gente que jogou o 2 vai entender o retorno do master miller, a relação master miller no solid/gray fox no 2, as escadarias com perseguição, a chave que muda de tipo dependendo da temperatura, a porradaria no final, enfim, são MUITAS coisas. O jogo é muito bom, mas ter jogado o mg1 e o mg2 fez ele ficar ainda melhor, mal posso esperar pelo mgs2....😊

I came home to my best friend and saw him playing this game. I just sat down, digged into the crisp bag on the table, and enjoyed watching a new game far from any other I had seen before.

Stealth game, puzzles and he had this Uber cool sidearm that I never forgot. Mk23 from H&K. Used by special forces like Seals. Ambidextrous, large cal and with the laser pointer looked sick.

I was forever in love with that sidearm, so much so that I bought an Airsoft version in full metal, gas-driven.
I started in an Airsoft club due to this new obsession.

I finally did get to play this at my friend's house, but I was an Amiga/PC gamer I had no idea how to use a controller. I am sure my mate had a great time watching me fail

I failed a lot but kept on. I met Psycho Mantis and blew a gasket trying to figure out why the F he was so hard to beat. I surely gave my inept controller experience the fault. He was literally reading my mind. Bugged game for sure. My mate did have compassion enough to let me in on a secret, a secret that blew my mind.

How meta was that fight. The innovativeness of Kojima to exploit the physical world combined with Psycho Mantis' ability to read my mind was genius.
I know of no other game that has done something this smart before this game or ever since. Something obscure probably exists but this was mount Everest to me.

I loved this game and it is one of the reasons I even considered buying my first console. The PS3. I was not going to let too many Metal Gear titles slip away from me.

Demorei bem mais do que deveria pra zerar isso, mas tá aí.

Metal Gear Solid é sempre considerado um jogo acima de seu tempo, eu diria que ele é um jogo só acima mesmo, já que ele provavelmente vai ser melhor e mais ousado do que a maior parte dos jogos que você for jogar hoje em dia...

No entanto, não se engane em achar que eu vou pra essa vertente de velho bom novo ruim, ou então que eu só vou falar bem. Por trás de uma história maravilhosamente escrita que trata de algo como guerra se dando a liberdade pra brincar e acima de tudo SER UM VIDEOGAME, quebrando a quarta parede de uma forma que não seja forçado, existe um jogo que , querendo ou não, é um pouco antiquado de se jogar hoje em dia, com controles um pouco limitados. Alguns poderiam falar, provavelmente com razão, que o jogo envelheceu, mss eu não gosto desse termo então eu vou só dizer que certas partes parecem que superestimam um pouco o que você é capaz de fazer com o que você tem. Usar a sniper por exemplo é um pesadelo, fazer o que....

No geral, eu senti que cada ideia nova que o jogo colocava pra cima de mim, acima de tudo nas boss fights, que são um espetáculo de criatividade, muitas coisas tendem a te irritar até que você entenda como funciona. As últimas 2-3 horas não me geraram muito prazer ao jogar, e até me irritaram um pouco, por mais que a experiência no geral se mantenha excelente pela história que vai se escalando cada vez mais. Até uns 60/70% do jogo eu estava decidido em dar 4 estrelas e meia, mas isso foi o suficiente pra tirar meia estrelinha.

Um parêntese interessante que eu queria dar aqui é a qualidade de áudio, pra um jogo de PS1. Jogos dessa era costumavam ter aquelas dublagem abafadas, até mesmo difíceis de se entender, mas o Kojima/Konami/Sei lá quem meteram 2 discos pra ter uma qualidade muito acima pra época, superando até mesmo a maioria dos jogos do PS2 e preservando a integridade da experiência que é quase como um cinema poligonal de tão bem dirigido.

Meu primeiro contato com a franquia foi extremamente positivo, e inclusive chegou hoje aqui em casa a Legacy Collection de PS3 (tive que emular o primeiro porque o MGS1 da coleção é por código), pra eu continuar me aventurando nela, no que o arrombado do Alonso disse que são as melhores versões dos jogos. Não será a última review de Metal Gear que vocês lerão.

This review contains spoilers

Absolutely beautiful story and themes of war and life

Gameplay made it a little hard to get through but it was worth it

Kind of wish this was the game that was getting remade instead of snake eater but oh well

Is it dated? Yes. Is it still really cool? Also yes. Everybody in this game has a cool name and the sometimes over the top cut scenes and story were a great ride. Gameplay clicked sometime after the cyber ninja fight and I started to really have an amazing time.

The amount of innovation and clever fourth wall breaks built into the gameplay were amazing. The Psycho Mantis confrontation, using the vibration of the controller on your arm, and more.

My biggest complaints, knowing that this game came out in 1998, are first, that there was no reticle for the turret gun in that last escape part. Definitely something that would have been possible for them to do and would’ve saved me some aggravation. Second, the amount of backtracking you have to do in the game gets pretty tedious. And third, really any open gunfight portion, especially the staircase ascension, because the gunplay in the game is extremely basic and those sections could have been reduced/toned down. Having to anticipate the offscreen enemies ahead of me while also being ready to whip around and get the ones chasing me was really janky and frustrating.

"You mustn't allow yourself to be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes."

There's a reason that quote is as iconic as it is. Around what is still one of the greatest stealth video games of all time lies a campy, ridiculous, still relevant and geniuenly incredible story. There's been a lot of discussion recently about how games have aged, how older ones aren't worth going back to. Yeah no. There are very few games I would recommend to absolutely everyone, but MGS is most definitely one of them

Final chase sucks tho. Nothing's perfect

My (disordered) playthrough of the Metal Gear Solid series has continued, with the first 3D installment of the series! I really enjoyed playing this game, and was thoroughly impress with the fact that this game originally ran on the PS1. It's interesting seeing this early characterization, even through the rudimentary cutscenes. I do think playing this after MGS2 was a mistake, because of how I had to deal with how basic/lacking some of the controls in this game felt compared to it.

I really do love the Metal Gear series lmao

Beat this for the third time since first playing it last year, and it's still a very fun game with some hilarious moments, extremely polished gameplay and maps, and some very out-of-place philosophic waxing from characters in the middle of an intense mission. There seem to be so many secrets and little things that happen in the game that I'll never find, I always pass on calling people on the codec in different situations but whenever I do they have something to say. It feels like they thought of everything and I can't believe the game fit on to two discs back in the day.

i love how their mouths dont move so their heads just kinda bobble like littlest pet shops

Es un poco jodido ponerse a hablar de un juego de 1998 con la visión de 2024, sobre todo cuando la experiencia va cargadita de feels y encima estos pueden jugar en tu contra. Pero ahí va Metal Gear Solid, de la Master Collection Vol.1, que ha sido el decimoséptimo jueguito pasado en lo que va de año 📦❗

Para empezar diré que me ha sorprendido cómo un juego que tiene tanto tiempo aguanta tan bien el paso del tiempo. Obvio que tiene algunas mecánicas ortopédicas (me quería cotar los huevos en los momentos de acción), pero en conjunto es increíble. Más mérito todavía pensando el año en que salió.

Pero hay cosas que han envejecido de manera regulera. Sobre todo la manera de narrar algunas escenas o algunos diálogos que dan puta risa. Pero bueno, hay que entender los años que tiene y el contexto en el que salió. De hecho el propio juego te hace un aviso al respecto al iniciarlo, cosa lógica.

Pero a grandes rasgos lo he gozado como el primer día. Es increíble la cantidad de ideas BUENÍSIMAS que tiene el juego para sacarle todo el partido a una PS1 incluso a pesar de las claras limitaciones técnicas del momento. Puto Kojima, lo quierodio.

Ahora a por MGS2, del cual me acuerdo de: NADA 👀

Not as huge a step forward as I thought after playing the MSX Metal Gear, but graphically impressive for its time and the refinements to the stealth are great. That said, it doesn’t actually matter that much because this game is basically just a boss rush, the sequences between bosses are much shorter than I remembered. Still a fun espionage story and some classic characters that managed to be cool or cooler through subsequent games.