Reviews from

in the past

em alguns momentos cobra um nível de intuição desumano, eu teria passado o resto da vida andando esse mapa antes de pensar que dava pra arrastar o monumento do galinho, por exemplo.

mas eu adoro desafios intuitivos! costumo me aborrecer com tutoriais condescendentes e/ou ser interrompida o tempo todo pra seguir instruções muito precisas.

a people pleaser em mim se divertiu muito andando pra lá e pra cá pra satisfazer os desejos dos moradores.

The original Link's Awakening was already one of the best 2D Zelda games, but the updated controls and great art direction really put it over the edge.

While I think this game is pretty alright across the board in terms of gameplay, with some hiccups in overall dungeon design that annoyed me by the end, it's entirely bolstered by its unique and pretty dark premise. Is it "heroic" to end this world, even if its a dream? Are you the hero here? While Link's Awakening is for all intents and purposes a pretty standard 2D Zelda fare with a relatively small world to explore, knowing that you're striving to eventually bring it to an end is a really interesting concept. Just a good Zelda!

The original game was already an incredibly charming experience so the new diorama aesthetic made this great game even better

Really great puzzles and gameplay on this classic topdown adventure game and the updated graphics look really good.

✔ Perfecto si nunca jugaste un Zelda clásico/2D.
ⓘ Mejoras de calidad de vida abundantes.
╳ Notorios bajones de FPS inexcusables.

Slaps. Cute and cozy to look at and play. Bosses were maybe a little too easy and sometimes the objective was a little too easy to lose track of without the telephone booth.

I picked a good time to play through this, huh? Echoes of Wisdom looks lovely.

And lovely Link's Awakening is. I wasn't sure how much I'd find myself attaching to Koholint Island and its inhabitants, since I was playing through this for the first time in adulthood (as opposed to much of the love I have for my favorite entries being rooted in part in nostalgia), but by the time I had to wake the Wind Fish, I didn't want to. The place within the dream was simple, but just too charming, how could I dare forsake it!

Still not my favorite 2D Zelda mechanically though. For a modern remake, it sure preserves the way the original game plays--warts and all, right down to moments where figuring something out took a liiittle too long, even by old Zelda standards. Expanding the field of view from Game Boy screen size makes Link feel slower, and exploration of the island opens up at a weirdly slow pace and with strange specificity to the chunks of access.

I did appreciate how classic it felt though. Anytime I'm reminded of Zelda 1 is a cheat code straight to my heart. Dungeon layouts being arranged in animal shapes sure ain't done anymore (except if you count Divine Beasts, I guess?)

All in all, this game might crack top 10 Zelda games for me, though I'm not sure about its exact placement. It's good though. Play it.

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Shows how easily incredible 2D zelda games can be with a few modern adjustments, mainly, interactive maps and no loading zones between squares in the map. It's exactly those 2 things that hold the previous games back to me, because the separation of zones in the overworld makes it so much harder for players to remember and familiarize themselves with the map. The possibility of putting stamps on the map to remember which spots you have to come back to makes it siginificantly more straightforward than ever before. I was heavily surprised to see how easy (and also the fact that it's obligatory) the trade quest is in this game compared to the ones in the Oracle games. Honestly everything about it works so well that I feel that if Link to the Past, the Oracle games and even maybe Minish Cap were given remakes, with those two specific add-ons, they would shoot way up the list for me and I think a lot of people.

It makes the world so wonderful and breezy to navigate through with so many memorable characters and moments sparkled into it and I could write for hours about all the minuscule details I love about the world so much. Sale the Crocodile who loves canned food, his brother the painter in the Animal Village, the Moonfish, the little Imp who allows you to hold more bombs, arrows and magic powder but thinks he's cursing you to have carry more junk, the ghost who is panicking because they're lost and ask you to take them to their house and of course, the wonderful Marin whose scenes where she tries to confess her love to Link really broke my heart. It seems so obviously simple and cliche to make a "it was all a dream" ending, but I'm impressed at how beautiful they manage to make it. Especially as you grow closer to the end and the nature of the island, grows increasingly obvious, so the end manages to so softly break your heart. Hasn't happened in a while, but I fell in love with the game so much that I finished and almost 100%'d it in 3 days, which is very rare for me and just speaks to how wonderful it was. As much as I'd love to have a new Zelda game every couple years, this remake is so good that I'd love it if they'd remake all the earlier 2d games with this team.

Ridiculously great.

A lovely re visit one of my fave 2D Zelda's a short but sweet adventure with a great storyline running through. Only Dampe's dungeon maker halts progress to 100% but other than that a fantastic Zelda once again.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (2019)

Played on Nintendo Switch

My only history with Zelda ever was playing Wind Waker at a friends house on his gamecube for about 20 minutes maybe 15ish years ago. Other than that maybe an hour of Breath of the Wild, before I kinda just got distracted with other games at the time. So my connection with the franchise is pretty much slim to none lol. Been cleaning off the backlog and remembering that I got this from my brother a couple years ago, I figured if I was gonna give Zelda a shot, it would make sense to start with a “traditional” one.

The game has a really cute art style that is so wholesome feeling. The Toylike graphics compliment the little mini adventure that this game is, with all the quirky characters on the island. The gameplay is simple but so effective and fun, and immediately showed me why people love these games so much. The satisfaction you get after completing a dungeon or solving a puzzle is really great. Combined with the simple, but yet effective soundtrack, it only makes the experience better.

The game does have some flaws, as I ran through many frame drops in the overworld as well as some dungeons. Strange, because I never really see frame drops in first party Nintendo games. Some of the puzzles were kind of ridiculous with some of the solutions too, especially in the last 2 dungeons. I really have no idea how they expected people to figure out some of these.

Really Solid experience for my first real Zelda, and I definitely see the vision now. I think I want to try one of the older 3D ones first before BOTW, just don’t know with one yet. Really cool game and if you like short little games with puzzles, this is a dope buy.

oh my god this game was so hard!!! It was really fun and cute but very hard!! I’m glad I finally got to play it, it was challenging but in a good way and I don't feel that way about many games.

cute. no shot this is the same franchise as majoras mask

Although I had fun playing this game, due to the fact of it being a remake, it still carries around much of the baggage of the original. Easily the most annoying parts for me were the very convoluted progression, especially regarding all the trading, and some dungeon puzzles. With a bit of external help from the internet / a bit of frustration tolerance it was more than possible.

The bosses range from neat to boring. Most of them are easy as hell and forgettable, while others are just annoying and don't feel rewarding in any way.

Now, I want to talk about the things I actually liked about this game. The remade graphics were cute as hell and the art style grew on me every minute I played this game. The story has a surprising amount of charm to it. Don't get me wrong, it's really simplistic, but the way it's told leaves just enough space for your imagination to go wild, which enhances the feeling of doing everything in this world by a tenfold. The Music also slaps, disregarding one or two of the dungeon tracks (The Face Dungeon Theme bangs while playing).

To summarize, Link's Awakening is a fun time and doesn't overstay it's welcome. If you're willing to accept some "Gameboy-Era-BS" you could easily fall in love with this tiny little adventure on Koholint Island.

I got the itch to play this after watching the trailer for the new one coming out.
I got this game on launch, beat the first two dungeons then dropped it.
I was able to bang this game out in like 4 days this time around and it was a really fun time. I've missed this style of Zelda game coming off Botw and Totk so I'm really glad they're sticking with the base architecture for Echoes of Wisdom.
I can't remember what the general opinion of the art style was on launch but I still think this game looks really pretty, sometimes the models look just like toys or clay models I want to eat every last one of them, ESPECIALLY the slimes.

El remake destruye completamente el apartado estilístico y artístico del original, restándole profundidad a la historia y a su rico e interesante subtexto. Más allá de eso sigue siendo uno de los mejores juegos de Zelda, solo que esta es la peor versión para experimentarlo.

first Zelda game I've ever beaten

and it was awesome.

And I didn't even have to use a guide until the near-end of the game.

i hope valorant players also come to an awakening that they're playing a shitty fucking game

oh oops they do they just dont want to admit it

Although the art style, and combat was pretty great, there were too many flaws for me to keep playing. I made it about halfway through the game but eventually just felt like I was doing the same thing over and over. Go get the feather to get the ribbon to get the key etc. There wasn't much of a feeling of progression and the dungeons weren't super interesting. I didn't feel like I was saving the world or anything. The nail in the coffin was horrible performance on the switch. The game blurred the top and bottom of the screen and there was bad lag whenever entering a new area.

Lo disfruté bastante. El switch tuvo unos cuantos problemas con las áreas más pesadas, y le costaba procesar el juego. Pero en general me encantó el estilo del juego. Nunca lo jugué en su versión original, ni el DX, y me pareció bastante entretenido. Es bonito volver a este estilo de Zelda después de Breath of the Wild.

When I beat The Minish Cap a few years ago, I thought it would be the peak of 2D Zelda in my eyes. That was because I hadn't played Link's Awakening yet and didn't know that it was this good. The emotional stakes of the story mixed with the beautiful graphics (That I freaked out seeing in the new Echoes of Wisdom trailer as I had just started playing this game days prior to seeing that), great music, and fun dungeons make this a phenomenal experience!

demorei muito pra começar a jogar porque o estilo de arte não me atrai muito mas quando comecei não quis mais largar! muito divertido e mesmo o plot sendo simples é muito lindinho e confortável. marin você sempre estará nos meus pensamentos

Not as good as other topdown zeldas imo but I forgot why

A really good remake of the game. If you liked original the legend of zelda, this will definitely be right up your alley. Music is good, gameplay is good, nothing wrong to say about the game really.

I. LOVE. this. artstyle. Its perfect for 2D zelda

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is really good remake of a game released first on gameboy in 1993. I enjoyed playing game but framerate wasnt the best. Game looks amazing and have good bosses designs and battles

lindo lindo! No inicio achei que o jogo seria extremamente simples e curto, mas apesar do mapa pequeno, você fica indo e voltando nos lugares o tempo inteiro, descobrindo segredos e detalhes que estavam na sua cara o tempo inteiro, é bondimais!