Reviews from

in the past

only a fraction of the hours I have on the google version

This game both makes me want to eat a cookie and also makes me want to never again look at cookies, think about cookies, or break reality in pursuit of cookies.

La razón por la que me da vergüenza que la gente mire mi cuenta de steam

tive hiperfoco nisso daqui por umas 2 semanas
é diferente dos outros idles, nesse tem coisa pra fazer


The Original Idler which nailed the premise in a way it's mimics never managed to compare to. with a depth that some might call monotonous but others would find addicting.

this game is just deranged, i love it

Okay, hear me out on this, buuuuut... this game kind of fucking kicks ass? As the many upgrades make the game itself more complex, so too does the lore surrounding your empire. In the beginning, you've just got some cursors, some grandmas, some farms, maybe a few mines. By the end game, you have genetic fucking clones of yourself making cookies. God damn floating giant brains in space who are so intelligent that they conjure cookies into existence with a thought. You go to parallel universes, steal their shit, and use it to make cookies. It's complete and utter madness. And yet, its not just a funny "hehe haha isn't this so whacky?" game. There is some genuine criticism of capitalism here. See, there isn't actually any reason to bake the cookies. Seriously. You bake cookies to get cookies to get upgrades that helps you make even more cookies faster. There is no outstanding goal outside of just more, more, more, more, more, more. You're filling a cup that will never be full. You want to see the number go higher and higher but there isn't really any point in it doing so. And yet... it feels so good. It just feels good to see that number go up. And since we get to sit back in our chairs and pull the strings of this ridiculous little cookie obsessed universe, we are completely disconnected from the consequences of our number going up. Unless, of course, you choose to pay attention. The news will often give flavor text that is relevant to your actions. This can range from "everyone loves your cookies!" to "a cookie mine collapsed and killed 17 people". Even an apocalyptic event where your grandmas become eldritch abominations is simply a new mechanic for earning cookies. Its kind of spooky at first, but then it just becomes another normal part of the gameplay loop. Again, when you are disconnected from the consequences of your actions due to your position of priviledge and power, you have no reason to care about people. I'm not sure what else to say, but I'm going to quote one bit of flavor text for one of the many, many, MANY upgrades in the game:

"You started this whole cookie venture on the simple kitchen counters of your own home. Your industrial and research facilities, sadly, have long since outgrown the confines of the little house, but you always knew it was still in there, buried somewhere. With a targeted portal, you could, conceivably, pay it a little visit for old times' sake..."

This made people ill i think but I have nothing to actally back that claim.

o jogo é simples mas é muito bom, viciante

por favor me ajuda a sair dessa vida...

A numbers game without the fluff. It's fun checking every once in a while. Active play is arthritis inducing though.

Joguei muito no navegador mais antigamente, na steam dei uma brincada mas não to muito na vibe dos Idles

O jogo principal clicker/idle, todo mundo começa de um lugar e esse aqui deveria ser o começo de todo mundo, é perfeito para passar o tempo e tentar platinar, eu joguei umas 3 vezes em computadores diferentes, platinando 2 das vezes em updates muito antigos, agora eu tenho ele na Steam e estou com 561/637 de conquistas.

Your electricity bill goes brrrrr

this game is the best game ever for about 2 hours before you get extremely bored and forget it exists

I don't know which one of this is the original web version, but I'm referring to that one. I had to go to therapy to stop clicking the damn cookie. It was fucked up. It's so addictive to me that I don't want to see another idle/clicker game in my life, the PTSD is way too strong.