Reviews from

in the past

The Original Idler which nailed the premise in a way it's mimics never managed to compare to. with a depth that some might call monotonous but others would find addicting.


tive hiperfoco nisso daqui por umas 2 semanas
é diferente dos outros idles, nesse tem coisa pra fazer

La razón por la que me da vergüenza que la gente mire mi cuenta de steam

This game both makes me want to eat a cookie and also makes me want to never again look at cookies, think about cookies, or break reality in pursuit of cookies.

only a fraction of the hours I have on the google version

My cookie-fueled empire grows stronger with each passing second.

Te quiero mucho, cámara de condicionamiento.

Joguei muito no navegador mais antigamente, na steam dei uma brincada mas não to muito na vibe dos Idles

A numbers game without the fluff. It's fun checking every once in a while. Active play is arthritis inducing though.

por favor me ajuda a sair dessa vida...

o jogo é simples mas é muito bom, viciante

This made people ill i think but I have nothing to actally back that claim.

i buy a grandma to get more cookies to buy more grandmas to buy more cookies to buy

surprisingly substantive for a mostly mindless game. relies way too much on active play though for an actual number idler (golden cookies)

Esse é pica e eu joguei bastante quando era pivete


got me thru school fr

GooeyScale: 50/100