Reviews from

in the past

A fun but hard adventure with very annoying vertical levels there a reason why they did not comeback till 4

A charming, ambitious, creative marvel of platforming, dripping with personality & passionate developer philosophy.

If you wanna play Crash 1 with worse hitboxes and without any of the PS1 charme and atmosphere you can play this i guess...

for some reason whenever I think about crash I hear the diddy kong racing theme in my head

This remake is hard. But once you get good at it, it feels so good.

Out of all of the games in the N-Sane Trilogy, this one left me with the most amount of battle scars, and it's not even close

What is it with Crash characters skipping leg day?

Crash Bandicoot era otra de mis sagas pendientes y me voy con un sabor agridulce.
Quizás es culpa mía por buscar nuevamente la infancia en un juego que no me puede causar nostalgia porque no lo jugué. O quizás es culpa del juego por su irregular e impreciso plataformeo durante muchas fases del juego o sus inexplicables hitboxes.
Voy a tener pesadillas con el nivel del puente.