Reviews from

in the past

A charming game with a great aesthetic and witty, efficient writing. The dodgeball "combat" is creatively iterated upon, but I ultimately found it a bit too swingy to be satisfying: either I would steamroll the enemy or end up stunlocked and aggravated. Also, forcing the player to return to the infirmary to heal up their team is just tedious. It reeks of "Pokemon did it so we should too" without giving any thought to WHY that mechanism exists in Pokemon. On top of that almost all progress is in the form of fetch quests, so you spend most of the game just running around.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 2/10

Dodgeball Academia shows you what school would be like if it was cool and valued the game of dodgeball a bit too much.

Played this through PS Plus Extra and it was a real treat! Very simple, easy game with endearing characters. Nice game that would probably be your best friend.

Que joga brasileiro legal. NĂŁo dava nada mas que jogo bem feito.
A legenda e a historia Ă© muito boa. Rachei

a jogabilidade também é excelente.
