Reviews from

in the past

A charming game with a great aesthetic and witty, efficient writing. The dodgeball "combat" is creatively iterated upon, but I ultimately found it a bit too swingy to be satisfying: either I would steamroll the enemy or end up stunlocked and aggravated. Also, forcing the player to return to the infirmary to heal up their team is just tedious. It reeks of "Pokemon did it so we should too" without giving any thought to WHY that mechanism exists in Pokemon. On top of that almost all progress is in the form of fetch quests, so you spend most of the game just running around.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 2/10

Dodgeball Academia shows you what school would be like if it was cool and valued the game of dodgeball a bit too much.

Played this through PS Plus Extra and it was a real treat! Very simple, easy game with endearing characters. Nice game that would probably be your best friend.

Los partidos de dodgeball son muy divertidos y van añadiendo complejidad y mecánicas nuevas para mantenerse fresco, pero es que hay DEMASIADAS peleas. Los devs tenían miedo de que su juego durase menos y meten peleas hasta la saciedad para alargarlo artificialmente, además de que no hay viaje rápido y estás dando vueltas de un extremo a otro del instituto como un capullo.

El juego está muy bien, pero se hace pesado y eso que no dura más de cinco horas. Tiene mérito.

Se baseia bastante no mario tennis antigao. O jogo é legalzinho, consegue entreter, nao tem personagens insuportaveis. Mas enjoa rapido, infelizmente. E nao tenho interesse de continuar jogando.

todos os personagens desse jogo tem carisma e a arte eh belissima, meu jogo brasileiro favorito

O jogo é muito bom, principalmente por ser um jogo brasileiro. Sua história é boa de mais, jogabilidade um pouco estranha, mas você se acostuma ao longo dos episódios. As referências de memes br são boas, e possui ótimas variedades de personagens, e boas missões secundarias.

Sua platina é ridiculamente fácil, visto que você pode utilizar o modo de acessibilidade, deixando seu personagem INTANKAVEL (invencivel)

Really fun game, but the ending seemed to drag a little.

This game is goofy and silly, and has a lot of heart to it. The story is a bit basic but the cast is full of loveable dorks, that I had a grin on my face the entire time I was playing it. The map is a bit small, and the fights very repetitive, but its one of those games that you don't really mind it.

If you're a fan of Paper Mario or Mario RPG, I can definitely see you enjoying this fun little game!

Jogo brasileiro muito bom. Tem diversas homenagens à cultura anime/mangá com escrita sempre engraçada e charmosa. A arte é maravilhosa e engraçada, e toda a história é divertida. Os personagens são divertidos e surpreendentemente bem montados, considerando a quantidade. O maior problema provavelmente é os jogos de queimada em si, que tem pouca profundidade e acabam cansando, apesar de serem divertidos e terem bom nível de dificuldade até próximo do fim. Acredito que poderia melhorar apenas no tamanho de cada capítulo de jogo, que poderiam ser mais curtos.

Una maravilla divertidísima que hace a la perfección lo que debería de hacer Camelot con los Mario Tenis y Golf. Personajes entrañables, trama sencillita y muy buen sistema de juego. ¿Para qué más? Recomendadísimo

I liked it a lot! Very charming, great character designs. Fun spin on an RPG.

Some very small nitpicks, I kinda wish there was more visual variety in the locations, and it can be a drag traveling back and forth across the school sometimes.

But hey, it was fun! Good sense of humor, too. And a nice challenge, I wasn’t able to just steamroll my way through until around the very end of the game.

Would play again!

Dodgeball Academia es un juego de balón prisionero con montones de personajes carismáticos, un combate más exigente de lo que aparenta y un rollo "Inazuma" que te alegra las horas.
Un pedazo de descubrimiento, y aunque me ha hecho sudar tinta tenía buenos compis al lado 😏

A quirky RPG set in a school and you use dodgeball for combat, pretty fun game.

Bicho que jogo sensacional e criativo kkkkkk. Jogo de queimada pô, o criador tinha que ser BR, lamento que quem jogar esse jogo em outras línguas não vao entender as piadas e as girias, dei risada pra cacete. Única coisa que peca é do meio pro final ficar bem repetitivo, mas não afeta tanto assim na experiência.

Que joga brasileiro legal. Não dava nada mas que jogo bem feito.
A legenda e a historia é muito boa. Rachei

a jogabilidade também é excelente.


Çok bilinmeyen, kafa dağıtmalık, tahmin edebileceğiniz üzere yakantop temalı bağımsız yapım. Oynanır.

Game brasileiro muito engraçado e divertido

This game is a simple sports RPG, and knows that's what it is. It doesn't try to do anything fancy or over the top. I got all the achievements for this game a couple years ago and it took like 10-12 hours, there really isn't a lot to it. I do wish the story was a bit longer and multiplayer sounded like it would be fun but there wasn't a big enough following for this game to make it worthwhile. A good 'switch-off' game to just have a chilled night of gaming.

Unapologetically colourful with hyper stylised cartoonish characters and bright fun UI that looks like a modern GBA game.

The game is essentially an enclosed JRPG that uses dodgeball as its combat system - it works for a short while but as it goes on it feels more like a quirky, if fairly limited action combat, rather than a sports RPG. Which is what I expected going in..

The game feels padded - the map is small and sends you backtracking a lot while dotting your way with a lot of pokemon like challengers.

You can't use items during combat but outside of combat you usually have an access to a "pokecenter". You do get a lot of health items and you're encouraged to use them by the very nice taste system (characters have different preferences and items affect them accordingly).
I don't see why the game don't auto heal you between battles? It does for the first chapter and then drops it and it doesn't add much.

The Sports game are fairly superficial and it's not the Mario Tennis spiritual successor I hoped it would be but it has enough merits of its own to at least give it a try.

jogo de brasileiro é mo legal

A unique take on an RPG with a lot of charm and witty dialogue. You could feel the developer's passion, and the game definitely wore it's influences on it's sleeve. Elements of the gameplay, dialogue, and even music were strongly reminiscent of Pokemon for me. I mean, this is the only other game I can think of where walking past a prospective opponent causes them to stop you with an "!" exclamation point above their head and challenge you to a battle.

While I enjoyed the setting, I did feel that it started to get a bit repetitive traversing the same environment back and forth completing each chapter. The battles also started to feel a little bit stale towards the end of the game, and I started to actively avoid the opponents marked on the map.

Dodgeball Academia é como um jRPG simples, curtinho, com uma dinâmica de combate divertida (misturando ação e esporte) e repleto de carisma e simpatia. Quando suas mecânicas começam a cansar, ele termina e deixa uma marquinha gostosa na memória.

A new and fun take on an RPG. Make more games like this.

Ideia interessante e gameplay divertido. A história e o combate se tornam massantes no fim.

Really wanted to love this more than I did. It’s insanely charming, but the story is a bit of a borefest and the gameplay, while fun, gets old quickly. I do hope the team gives this another shot and makes a sequel because I genuinely love the idea of sport-based RPGs.

You will dodge the ball but you can't dodge the love for this game

Love unique concepts for games and dodgeball rpg is for sure something I've never seen. Very cool stuff.