Reviews from

in the past

que lindjoooooo
what a beauty

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Muy buenas las banananadas, los monos son graciosos y las ratas no.

I would friendzone the fuck out of this game if it was a real person. It's nice and all but I like it's hotter sequel better

Extremely fun, beautiful game, and yet it was difficult, what's not to love

Difícil demais esse jogo de merda, gostei

This is a 5 star, I just need a better score for the real goat: dkc2.

I've loved Donkey Kong Country Returns since I was a kid and I really enjoyed finally playing through the original. The platforming is a lot of fun and the soundtrack is fantastic. The graphics also look great for the time. It is frustrating how the camera struggles to keep up with you and enemies can easily come in from off screen and kill you. The hitboxes are also wonky and the bosses are lame.

This games so damn fun man, great to play on the plane.

This game is really silly and fun and also David Wise is a fucking genius btw

Me demandez pas pourquoi, j'ai jamais eu l'envie de le 100% mdr.

Ca viendra un jour peut être

30th Anniversary Log / Review

I had a quick play today, I love how fast paced and responsive Donkey Kong Country is, it's meant for a CRT display with blending perfect for the pixelised Silicon Graphics which I'm personally in favour of.

The ice levels are slippery and sorta suck, don't bother with 101%. I probably last beat it when I got a SNES in 2013 and probably another tmie since, this was a childhood mainstay I'd borrow from family friends when they moved onto the PS2. Maybe I'll try out the rest of the series in the coming years?

Even though I didn't try it out until 2023, this game and its sequel already rival SMW and Yoshi's Island for me. From tight platforming, to unforgettable atmosphere, this game is oozing with charm and joy.

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Nintendo never taught this could be some of the best SNES Games, Amazing graphics, Funny characters, and Wonderfull musics. Also the prank in the final boss fight is an idea that i want to see again.

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